The 80 best phrases about revolutions
Revolutions have been essential part of our history, because they have allowed us to achieve great achievements such as rights, equalities and advances that have made the world what it is now. In a way, breaking the oppressive chains of society is what people need in order to progress.
For this reason, we have compiled the best phrases about the revolution so that you can see how progress is born from the decisions of an enraged people.
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Great quotes about the revolution
Social changes generate great characters who, with their struggles, continue to inspire us.
1. The greatest force in the revolution is hope. (André Malraux)
The great revolutions have been successful out of hope for a better future.
2. Better to die fighting for freedom than to be a prisoner every day of your life. (Bob Marley)
If we are conformists we can never know what we are really capable of.
3. Revolutions occur in dead ends. (Bertolt Brecht)
A coup of rebellion happens when people have no alternative.
4. Man is born free, and yet he lives everywhere in chains. (Jean-Jacques Rousseau)
Each one has their own chains that slow down his progress.
5. He who serves a revolution works the sea. (Simon Bolivar)
Revolutions have generally brought great benefits to the world.
6. The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is rotten. You have to make it fall. (Che Guevara)
These movements don't come out of nowhere. It is the fiery people who make them possible.
7. Freedom is not negotiable. (Jose Marti)
Freedom should not be a benefit, but a right of each person.
8. What is needed is a definition where you tell the whole movement, synthetically, that we are revolutionaries in the exact meaning: national liberation and social revolution. (John William Cooke)
Every goal of a revolution is the same: to achieve freedom and equality.
9. We cannot have a revolution that does not involve and liberate women. (John Lennon)
They are all part of the revolutions equally, there are no distinctions or discriminations.
10. A revolution is an idea taken by bayonets. (Napoleon Bonaparte)
Revolutions always have a hint of violence with them.
11. When the government violates the rights of the people, insurrection is the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties. (Marquis de La Fayette)
The only response to oppression is the overthrow of whoever imposes it.
12. Laws were made for men, and not men for laws. (John Locke)
Laws must protect people and no one should alter their primary purpose.
13. The woman is worth more than gold, what happens is that they do not know it, it is how the people are subjected because they do not decide to act and claim their freedom. (Alex Pimentel)
When a woman knows her true potential there is no one who can stop her.
14. Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. (John F. Kennedy)
When a people is not heard, then it will be time to see them act.
15. Art and culture form another front of struggle; writers and artists are its soldiers. (Leon Trotsky)
The culture also represents great insurgent movements, speaking in a way that everyone can distinguish it without fear of being oppressed.
16. There are only three ways out of the economic prison of civilized countries, two of them illusory and the real third: the brothel and the church, the debauchery of the body and the debauchery of the soul; the third is the social revolution. (Mikhail Bakunin)
Social revolutions have served to set back a lost nation in its own misadventures.
17. There cannot be a total revolution but a permanent revolution. Like love, it is the fundamental enjoyment of life. (Max Ernst)
It is not about acting in the face of a single event, but setting an example so that future generations do not go through the same thing.
18. When the dictatorship is a fact, the revolution becomes a right. (Victor Hugo)
Insurgencies are the product of dictatorships.
19. There is no revolution without counterrevolution. (Alberto Lleras Camargo)
Everything is a circle to see what is the correct way in which a nation should be managed.
20. I do not agree with what you say, but I will defend with my life your right to express it. (Voltaire)
We do not need to always agree with someone else's opinion, but we must respect it instead of keeping it silent.
21. His true home for women is society, politics, and revolution. They make women inferior, not that she was born that way. (Alex Pimentel)
Why should a woman not participate in the political issues that also affect her?
22. You can kill a revolutionary but you can never kill the revolution. (Fred Hampton)
The revolution is a collective feeling.
23. We will have to repent in this generation, not so much for the evil deeds of wicked people, but for the astonishing silence of good people. (Martin Luther King)
When good people are silent, repression is free and the fear of fighting against it arises.
24. In educational reform is the basis not only of social revolution but also of progress; That is why we should spend much more time reflecting on its necessary characteristics. (Eduardo Punset)
Education must give everyone wings to think and criticize the world around them. Only then can a better place be secured.
25. Let no citizen remain in power and this will be the last revolution. (Porfirio Diaz)
When someone wishes to remain in power forever, we can see that his intentions are not to favor the people, but himself.
26. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees. (Emiliano Zapata)
Never let yourself be humiliated by anyone.
27. Revolutions begin with the word and end with the sword. (Jean Paul Marat)
Unfortunately, violence is sometimes necessary for a revolution to succeed.
28. A free man is one who, having strength and talent to do something, finds no obstacles to his will. (Thomas Hobbes)
We should all be able to have this kind of freedom.
29. The revolution is the cancer of corruption, it has the unquestionable power to destroy its body full of tyrants. (Brayan Chaparro)
When people act to defend their rights, the corrupt fear for their lives.
30. The greatest and most powerful revolutions often begin very quietly, hidden in the shadows. (Richelle Mead)
The great social movements have their origin in those who have been rejected or unjustifiably judged.
31. In times of crisis only imagination is more important than knowledge. (Albert Einstein)
Revolutions need great ingenuity.
32. Those who are unable to defend old positions will never be able to conquer the new ones. (Leon Trotsky)
To ensure an ideal future it is necessary to know history.
33. Those who are inclined to compromise can never make a revolution. (Kemal Ataturk)
Only those who find repression beneficial are those who will not agree to a change.
34. The authors of revolutions cannot suffer that others make them after them. (Anatole France)
Every revolution is thought with an eternal purpose, although this is not always the case.
35. Utopia is on the horizon. I walk two steps, she takes two steps away and the horizon runs ten steps further. So, for what does the utophy works? For that, it serves to walk. (Eduardo Galeano)
Utopia is that which is built daily in a society committed to growth.
36. It is not just about giving the peasant a rifle, it is also about finding him the job that he is going to do, the place where he is going to operate. (Carlos Fonseca)
Revolutions should not be just promises or propaganda, but generate corresponding actions for a better future.
37. The only way to support a revolution is to make your own. (Abbie Hoffman)
When we find something to fight, there is no way to take it back.
38. Those who deny freedom to others do not deserve it themselves. (Abraham Lincoln)
Why should freedom be a benefit for a single social group and not for all?
39. By conquering our freedoms we have conquered a new weapon; that weapon is the vote. (Francisco Madero)
Democracy is demonstrated through equal voting.
40. The more conservative the ideas, the more revolutionary the speeches. (Norbert Wiener)
The more a group tries to impose its doctrines, the more discontent it will have with its people.
41. Revolutions are not made by trifles, but they are born by trifles (Aristotle)
Revolutions are the result of small dissatisfied people that grow and accumulate until they explode.
42. You don't change things by fighting the existing reality. You change something by building a new model that makes the existing model obsolete. (Buckminster Fuller)
The only way to make a movement permanent is for it to bring a proposal that is impossible to reject.
43. Not only to govern, but also to rise up requires strict laws. A fixed, habitual ideal is a condition for all kinds of revolutions. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
Any type of injustice or repression is reason enough to generate a revolution.
44. I maintain that whoever breaks a law because his conscience considers it unjust, and voluntarily accepts a prison sentence, to In order to raise social conscience against this injustice, it actually displays a superior respect for the right. (Martin Luther King)
True heroes are those capable of sacrificing their freedom to prove their point.
45. Nobody establishes a dictatorship to safeguard a revolution, but the revolution is made to establish a dictatorship. (George Orwell)
Many people take advantage of the spirit of change to take power.
46. A reform is a correction of abuses, a revolution is a transfer of power. (Edward G. Bulwer-Lytton)
You have to be careful with those who lead the revolutions because their intentions may not be better.
47. It is easier to disintegrate an atom than a prejudice. (Albert Einstein)
Prejudices cause disagreement and justified resentment.
48. A revolution is a natural phenomenon governed by physical laws different from the rules that govern the development of society in normal times. (Friedrich Engels)
Insurgencies have their own rules.
49. When the people rebel we do not know how they can return to calm, and when they are calm we do not understand how revolutions can occur. (Jean De La Bruyère)
The strength of the people must always be taken into account.
50. But when you want to honestly fight a danger and fight for the revolution, you have to tie the dots well. (José Díaz Ramos)
You cannot create a revolution other than to solve the existing problem.
51. Sometimes you have to pick up a gun to lower a gun. (Malcolm X)
Sometimes violence does not generate more violence.
52. Revolution, by its nature, produces government; anarchy produces nothing but more anarchy. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)
Anarchy and revolution are very different things.
53. A man who takes freedom from another is a prisoner of hatred, he is locked behind the bars of prejudice and narrow-mindedness. (Nelson Mandela)
Those who prefer to oppress others are unhappy people.
54. The victory of the revolution will be the dictatorship of the proletariat and the peasantry. (Lenin)
Revolutions are to empower the people.
55. Every revolution seems impossible at the beginning and after its occurrence, it was inevitable. (Bill Ayers)
Not because something seems impossible, it necessarily is.
56. We lost, we could not make revolution. But we had, we have, we will be right to try. And we will win every time a young person knows that not everything is bought or sold and they feel like wanting to change the world. (Envar El Kadri)
Not all revolutions are great struggles, but teachings of what is important in the world.
57. Examples correct much better than reprimands. (Voltaire)
The best way to show what is best is by leading by example.
58. It revolutionizes the conscience, that the others will be given as a consequence of that one. (Abel Pérez Rojas)
It all starts with a different thought.
59. Revolutions have never lightened the weight of tyrannies, they have only shifted their shoulders. (George Bernand Shaw)
There will always be tyrants who want to impose themselves.
60. Societies in decline are of no use to visionaries. (Anaïs Nin)
Fight for something worth fighting for.
61. A revolution is the triumph of the ambitious below over the fearful above. (Santiago Rusiñol i Prats)
Only the few who benefit are those who gain strength during insurgencies.
62. We will not be granted external freedom except to the exact extent that we have known, at a given moment, to develop our internal freedom. (Gandhi)
The only way to be at peace with our surroundings is to be at peace with ourselves.
63. Revolution is when people come together to defeat a lie; Religion is when they come together to defeat the truth. (Alfredo de Hoces)
You always have to give way to the truth.
64. The revolution never goes backwards. (William Henry Seward)
The future is where the great social movements are pointing.
65. Many times I think that we revolutionaries are like the capitalist system. We get the best they have from men and women, and then we are so calm watching their days end in abandonment and loneliness. (Emma Goldman)
Not all revolutions go against something, but rather seek to take its place.
66. Beloved freedom! And what good is it if it is not a gift that consecrates joy? (William Wordsworth)
Freedom should bring joy and tranquility.
67. The best a true revolutionary can hope for is to be said about him, when he has disappeared: he was a man. (Vicente Lombardo Toledano)
The true revolutionaries are those who, despite their success, remained what they are: people.
68. We have not gone looking for the revolution; Events have brought it to us, and they have brought it to us because it was necessary. (Francesc Pi i Margall)
All change comes from a need to do something different.
69. The most heroic language in the world is revolution. (Eugene V. Debs)
Great characters emerge from revolutions.
70. It is not suffering, but the hope for better things that incites rebellions. (Eric Hoffer)
No one acts out of fear, but out of hope for a better tomorrow.
71. Every revolution evaporates and leaves behind a trail of bureaucracy. (Franz Kafka)
There are those who claim that bureaucracies and revolutions are just a vicious cycle.
72. Scientific revolutions consist of one research program replacing another (progressively surpassing it). This methodology provides a new rational reconstruction of science. (Imre Lakatos)
Not only do the changes occur on a social level, but also on an intellectual level.
73. The French Revolution taught us the rights of man. (Thomas Sankara)
This revolution taught the world the inner strength of each citizen.
74. The worst enemy of the revolution is the bourgeois that many revolutionaries carry inside. (Mao Tse Tung)
We all have the potential to do bad and good things alike.
75. If I wanted her without a fight, I would want her a thousand times less. (Pierre-Augustin de Beaumarchais)
Great things are achieved by fighting for them.
76. The cult of the revolution is one of the expressions of modern excess. (Octavio Paz)
Not everything that is admired is the best.
77. Revelation can be more dangerous than revolution. (Vladimir Nabokov)
The truth has an undeniable weight that cannot be ignored.
78. If you want to rebel, rebel from inside the system. That is much more powerful than rebelling from the outside. (Marie Lu)
It is from the central point of evil that we can tear it down.
79. Those who spend their lives making half revolutions do nothing more than dig a grave. (Louis de Saint-Just)
Things will not get better unless they take the right action.
80. Myths have more power than reality. The revolution as myth is the definitive revolution. (Albert Camus)
Some revolutions are considered acts that do not bring good results.