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The 80 best phrases of tranquility and tranquility

Why is it so important to aspire to a life of tranquility and tranquility? It is proven that having a state of emotional tranquility, that is, as far as possible from the stress, it is ideal to have an excellent state of health and, therefore, achieve a lifestyle beneficial. Stress makes us develop psychosomatic illnesses that affect us physically, emotionally and mentally, from generating extreme fatigue to heart problems.

In addition, another great benefit of tranquility and tranquility is that we can reach a state full of happiness, which makes us see the world in a more positive and optimistic way, which helps, in turn, to take better advantage of opportunities.

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Great phrases about tranquility and tranquility

Thinking about these benefits, we bring the best phrases about tranquility and peace as great goals for life.

1. No one can hurt me without my permission. (Mahatma Gandhi)

The only power people have over us is what we give them.

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2. The persecution, even of the best things, must be calm and quiet (Marco Tulio Cicero)

Peace of mind makes us analyze things from an optimal perspective.

3. Perfect tranquility consists in the good order of the mind, in your own kingdom. (Marcus Aurelius)

To achieve peace it is necessary to maintain a calm mind.

4. A calm mind brings inner strength and self-confidence, which is why it is very important for good health. (Dalai Lama)

A phrase that explains, by itself, the importance of practicing tranquility.

5. Old age leads to an indifferent tranquility that ensures inner and outer peace. (Anatole France)

They say that with old age we achieve an almost perfect state of calm.

6. Man is concerned not so much with real problems as with his imagined anxieties about real problems. (Epictetus)

The things that cause us most uneasiness are those we imagine.

7. When I need peace, tranquility, tranquility, when many snacks and many parties have tired me, I come to see my old woman, and next to her I regain strength. (Carlos Gardel)

The ideal partner is the one with whom you can feel calm.

8. A well-known thing is that waiting is not pleasant, but the one who hurries the most is not the one who advances the furthest, that doing certain things requires time and calm. (Charles Perrault)

It is not the same to have patience to achieve a goal than to give way to procrastination.

9. It all consists of that: playful changes; in vain we look for something behind that gives us greater calm, a planned conception or a higher-ranking objective, because behind there is nothing. (Milan Füst)

It is necessary to adapt to changes in order to free ourselves from stress and worries.

10. Look for nothing but peace. Try to calm your mind. Everything else will come of its own accord. (Baba Hari Dass)

We can calmly look for the best solutions.

11. Loneliness is the house of peace (TF Hodge)

It is by being alone that we manage to enter a state of stillness and awareness.

12. Only the development of compassion and understanding of others can bring us the tranquility and happiness that we all seek. (Dalai Lama)

Manifest and receive positive feelings fill us with peace and happiness.

13. How often do we talk just to fill the quiet space? How many times do we lose our breath talking nonsense? (Colleen Patrick-Goudreau)

There are people who find it exasperating or terrifying to be in such calm.

14. You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather. (Pema Chödrön)

A verse that evokes the greatest calm.

15. There is no tranquility without a good conscience. (Seneca)

It is impossible to remain in peace if you have a heavy conscience.

16. Old age has a great sense of peace and freedom. Once the passions have abandoned their prey, one is free, not from one master, but from many. (Plato)

Another phrase that tells us about the inevitable calm that comes with old age.

17. Patience is not the ability to wait. Patience is being calm no matter what happens, constantly taking steps to convert it in positive growth opportunities and have the faith to believe that it will all work out in the end while you wait. (Roy T. Bennett)

Achieving a state of calm allows us to evaluate difficult situations and find better resolutions.

18. What is characteristic of today's life is not insecurity and cruelty, but restlessness and poverty. (George Orwell)

The negative side of being calm is being in a negative situation.

19. When problems are reduced within you, problems are reduced around you. (Amit Kalantri)

In order to find an effective solution, it is first necessary to calm the turmoil in the mind.

20. Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but churning like hell underneath (Michael Caine)

Just because you stay calm does not imply that you are dispassionate.

21. It is not wealth or splendor, but tranquility and occupation that gives you happiness. (Thomas Jefferson)

Have you ever felt happy in chaos or do you do it in stillness?

22. Anyone can hold the wheel when the sea is calm. (Publilio Siro)

Sometimes it takes a bit of fussing around to put our skills to the test.

23. In the interval between two desires, calm reigns. It is the moment of freedom from all thoughts, love or hate. (Swami Sivananda)

When we put uncertainty aside, we are enveloped by a serene and appreciated sense of stillness.

24. We have to believe that there are places where there is tranquility and where nature regains its ability to speak. (Nanette L. Avery)

Even calm is necessary for life to flourish again.

25. I have sought peace everywhere, and I have only found him sitting in a secluded corner, with a book in his hands. (Thomas of Kempis)

Calm is in doing that which disconnects us from the rest of the world.

26. Take things slow, because if you start taking them seriously, they come to an end. (Jack Kerouac)

It is necessary to maintain patience when we seek to fulfill a goal.

27. The cinema has to produce calm. (Azorín)

Entertainment manages to take us to a state of carefree.

28. The best fighter is never angry. (Lao Tse)

To be a winner you have to avoid falling into anger.

29. Those who get sick of the calm do not know the storm (Dorothy Parker)

This phrase tells us about the danger of staying in our comfort zone and avoiding experiencing new things.

30. After the storm, comes the calm. (Matthew Henry)

Always, after a conflict, peace comes.

31. As a lifelong martial artist, I am trained to remain calm in the midst of adversity and danger. (Steven Seagal)

It is the things that challenge us that make us find calm.

32. There are some things you learn best in calm, and some in stormy weather. (Willa Cather)

There is nothing more true than this phrase. Learning is everywhere.

33. There is only one form of peace of mind and happiness, and that is not taking external things as your own. (Epictetus)

When we stop seeing challenges as a personal attack or wanting impossible things, we can be at peace with ourselves.

34. Leave what makes you doubt its legality and go to what does not make you doubt. For the truth really is tranquility, peace and inner peace; And the lie, doubt. (Muhammad)

The things that constantly make you doubt are the ones you should completely stay away from.

35. Life is like a voyage across the sea: there are days of calm and days of squalls; the important thing is to be a good captain of our ship. (Jacinto Benavente)

Peace of mind and difficulties are always present in life.

36. These people are so silent and sullen that one has the impression of being faced with a hidden enigma that it is better not to try to find out anything about. (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)

Never disturb the peace of another person.

37. Make your heart a zone of peace. (Jack Kornfield)

Both the mind and the heart need to be unflappable places.

38. The miseries of all men are derived from not being able to sit quietly in a room being alone (Blaise Pascal)

There is nothing sadder than a person who cannot be comfortable being alone with himself.

39. Only from an internal calm, man was able to discover and form calm environments. (Stephen Gardiner)

The only way to achieve peace on the outside is to be so on the inside.

40. The calmer a man becomes, the greater his success, his influences, his power. Peace of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. (James Allen)

Success and inner tranquility go hand in hand.

41. The key to everything is patience: you get the chicken by incubating the egg, not breaking it open.

Things are achieved by being patient in order to observe the results.

42. I like trains. I like the rhythm and I like the freedom of being suspended between two places. All anxiety under control: for now I know where I'm going. (Anna Funder)

Another way to find peace of mind is by knowing how to deal with anxiety.

43. Who told you that I was always laughing, never crying, as if it were spring? I am not that much. (Nicolás Guillén)

It is impossible to remain calm all the time, but it is necessary not to get carried away by strong emotions.

44. Love has a thousand ways of making us happy, but it has many more ways of robbing us of peace. (John Dryden)

Love has a lot of peace and chaos, in similar amounts.

45. There is a lot of beauty, a lot of truth and love around us, but very rarely do we take things calm enough to appreciate them, to realize it. (Brian Weiss)

To appreciate the beauty of what is around us it is necessary to remain peaceful.

46. Peace is its own reward. (Mahatma Gandhi)

There is no greater prize than being at peace.

47. I meditate, so I know how to find a quiet place to be calm and peaceful (Roseanne Barr)

Many people find a lot of tranquility through meditation.

48. Peace comes from within. Don't look for it outside. (Siddhārtha Gautama)

Internal peace is reflected on the outside.

49. You are the calm under the waves in the blue of my oblivion. (Fiona Apple)

A beautiful poetic fragment inspired by calm.

50. When you take the time to quiet your mind and not allow anything to interfere with your peace, there is stillness in time. You feel suspended in an ocean of tranquility, and all truth seems to come from this place of inner understanding. (John Assaraf)

Being in a state of calm not only allows us to better understand various situations, but also to find our moment of reflection.

51. I breathe calm, I exhale stress. (Anonymous)

By seeking stillness we can get rid of stress.

52. Talent is educated in calm and character in tempest. (Johann Wolfgang Goethe)

There are skills that are best developed in the face of stillness and others in the face of challenges.

53. Calm is the cradle of power. (Josiah Gilbert Holland)

To be successful you have to learn to be patient.

54. No person can find a calmer place than his soul. (Anonymous)

The soul is the refuge that we must always seek.

55. Tranquility and silence are two things that are priceless. (Anonymous)

Sometimes we want to give anything for a moment of peace.

56. The happy man is not the man who laughs, but the one whose soul, full of joy and confidence, overcomes and is superior to events. (Seneca)

Do you think calm has something to do with happiness?

57. Stay calm in every situation because peace equals power. (Joyce Meyer)

Again we are reminded that to get to the top it is necessary to remain calm.

58. She sometimes she is the silent watcher who sees the most. Kathryn (L. Nelson)

It is from calm that we can see things that we cannot otherwise.

59. Calm is the lake of the mind, gratitude is the lake of the heart. (Anonymous)

A calm mind is unflappable.

60. When adversity hits you, that's when you have to be the calmest. Take a step back, stay strong, stay grounded, and move on. (LL Cool J)

The way to overcome adversity successfully is to stay calm.

61. The ideal of calm exists in a sitting cat. (Jules Renard)

A metaphor for what calm looks like.

62. A calm lake is more meaningful to me than any great city in the world. (Munia Khan)

There are people who prefer to stay away from the bustle of the city.

63. A samurai must remain calm at all times, even in the face of danger. (Chris Bradford)

It is in the face of the most negative circumstances that we must remain quiet.

64. The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's hard to see. When he's calm, everything clears up. (Prasad Mahes)

This phrase reflects the importance of keeping our mind calm.

65. Peace cannot be kept by force; it can only be achieved by understanding. (Albert Einstein)

Peace is not something that is imposed, but something that flows.

66. The virtue is in being calm and strong; with the inner fire everything burns. (Ruben Dario)

Use calm as fuel to burn bad feelings.

67. If there is no inner peace, people cannot give it to you. The husband cannot give it to you. Your children cannot give it to you. You have to give it to yourself. (Linda Evans)

No one else can give you the peace that should exist within you.

68. Silence is a lie that screams to the light (Shannon L. At)

There are stillness that are a sentence.

69. Remain calm, serene, always in command of yourself. You will then find how easy it is to get along. (Paramahansa Yogananda)

The greatest achievement is to control our emotions.

70. The only order in the universe is just a cycle from calm to chaos and vice versa. (Toba Beta)

Order is achieved by knowing how to act in the midst of calm and restlessness.

71. There is a calm in a life lived in gratitude, a quiet joy. (Ralph H. Blum)

Gratitude and calm also go hand in hand.

72. It is wonderful to live in a house where peace, order, tranquility, duty, a good conscience, forgiveness and love reign. (Hermann Hesse)

A home should be a space where peace reigns and where we can feel safe.

73. What is done in haste is never done well; always act calmly and calmly. (Saint Francis de Sales)

Things that are done in a hurry and anxiety do not usually bring good results.

74. The true strength of a man is in calm. (Leo Tolstoy)

The force comes from within, from what we can project to reality.

75. Serenity is the fruit of wisdom. (Domenico Cieri Estrada)

Wisdom brings with it the achievement of a peaceful being.

76. Calm and confidence are as far from vanity as the desire for a decent life is far from greed. (Channing Pollock)

Calm and greed cannot coexist.

77. Confidence has to give us peace. Good faith is not enough, it must be shown, because men always see and rarely think. (Simon Bolivar)

When we can trust ourselves, another person or a situation, we can walk calmly through the world.

78. There is peace in the present when one is aware of how to handle what works for them and what drains them with a calm mind. (Sachin Kumar Puli)

Knowing how to analyze situations and see what is most convenient can bring us peace.

79. Because there is no better friend like a brother in calm or stormy weather; To encourage you on the tedious path, to find yourself if you go astray, to get up if you stagger, to strengthen yourself while you are standing (Christina Rossetti)

Surround yourself with people who can cheer you up, but also give you a moment of calm in the mess.

80. Our life depends on the type of thoughts we feed. If our thoughts are peaceful, calm and kind, then so will our life be. (Thaddeus of Vitovnica)

Self-ease has a lot to do with the way we think. If we are positive, peace is almost guaranteed.

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