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The 15 types of women according to their personality and character

Personality is a psychological structure that encompasses a series of thoughts and behavioral patterns and very concrete relational. Each of us has his own. Character is a similar concept, but it has a more cultural (or learning) component.

In this article we will know the 15 types of women according to their personality and character: we will analyze their characteristics, as well as strengths and weaknesses. There are more types, but here we have collected the most representative and frequent.

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15 types of women (according to their personality and character)

While personality is a grouping of characteristics that arises from genetic, environmental and relational relationships (and their interaction), character has a more cultural etiology (it is acquired through learning). The combination of these two elements gives rise to different types of personality and character.

Logically, a woman can present more than one type of personality and character, although generally only one predominates. On the other hand, that it belongs to one type or another does not necessarily imply that all its "Requirements" or defining characteristics, since personality, after all, is not something "white or black".

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Without further ado, we are going to know the 15 types of women according to their personality and character and other characteristics.

1. Analytical women

The first of the types of women according to their personality and character that we are going to define are analytical women. They are thoughtful women, who analyze reality carefully; They look at details, draw conclusions from them (and after thoughtful reflection), and think long before they act.

In addition, they are generally able to manage emotions very adequately, using logic and reason and not letting emotions influence their decision-making too much.

2. Impulsive women

A bit like antagonistic of the opposite kind, we find impulsive women. This type of women has a marked impulsivity trait; thus, it is easier for them to get carried away by emotion when acting (it is more difficult for them to “keep a cool head). Thus, the use of reason and meditation (reflection) are further removed from their daily practice.

The positive part of these types of women is that they act from the heart; The downside is that they can make mistakes more often, due to their impulsiveness.

3. Passionate women

The next of the types of women according to their personality and character is the passionate woman. This type of woman feels passion for many things, and she so she expresses it openly. They are in love people, with a lot of enthusiasm for things, enthusiastic and quite extroverted (although they do not have to).

His personality type is rather overwhelming; also, they show a lot of energy to make plans, and they have many ideas (they are creative).

4. Spiritual women

Another typology of personality and character is the one whose defining feature is spirituality.. These types of women are thoughtful and profound women. They act and decide a lot by intuition. Their values ​​are usually sincerity and faith; they focus more on the inside than the outside, and they tend to enjoy solitude a lot.

5. Creative women

Another of the types of women according to their personality and character is the creative woman. These women are characterized by their great creativity and originality when creating, thinking and acting. In addition, they have great facility to attend to more than one stimulus at the same time (divided attention). On the other hand, they are observant women, who pay attention to details and who also have great sensitivity.

6. Reserved women

The reserved women are rather shy or introverted (although not always); are characterized, furthermore, because they don't like to explain their affairs to just anyone. That is why they do it in a timely manner and to highly trusted people.

In this sense, they are discreet. In addition, they find it difficult to express what they feel in public; many times they prefer to "keep" their feelings to themselves and express them alone.

7. Self-centered women

This typology according to personality and character is characterized by a marked egocentricity. Self-centeredness it carries with it the constant need to be the center of attention, and to talk about oneself. Thus, self-centered women are very outgoing but not very frank; they like to be the center of attention, but for that very reason the people around them don't always like them.

8. Confident women

Confident women tend to stand out for having a strong and very defined personality. They are not easily influenced by the opinions of others; In this sense, they tend to vehemently maintain their postures (which can lead them to be a bit rigid or inflexible).

However, on a positive side, they are very persistent women who also do not need the approval of others to do what they want.

9. Insecure women

As an antagonistic typology to the previous one, we find these. Insecure women are, then, the opposite; they are more shy, and it is difficult for them to defend their own opinion. Many times they need approval from others for their actions or decisions. They can be dependent and more vulnerable.

10. Sensitive women

Very similar to passionate women, although not in everything, we find another type of woman according to her personality and character: the sensitive type. Sensitive women are observant and empathetic; are able to appreciate the details, and to quickly empathize with people.

They get excited easily and may have a special gift when creating: for example poems, art (for example painting, drawing ...), etc.

11. Obsessive women

Obsessive women tend to have marked routines and rituals; they want to have everything under control, and therefore they act and plan well in advance. Any unforeseen event can cause them discomfort or discomfort.

On the other hand, they are likely to worry excessively about small day-to-day mishaps. They turn things around a lot, sometimes getting into “looping” thinking dynamics. They are usually perfectionists and very orderly.

12. Extroverted women

Outgoing women easily express what they feel, need, and want. They don't have a hard time talking to new people, and they like to make new friends. They are open and talkative with others. They can have a point of impulsiveness and a marked energy.

13. Apathetic women

This typology of personality and character is characterized by a high degree of apathy. Apathy implies demotivation when it comes to doing things. That is, they are women with little initiative, who get tired of things quickly and who find it difficult to act.

They have few ideas and interests. They can show difficulties when it comes to relating to others, and are usually rather closed or introverted, passive and lazy.

14. Loyal women

Loyal women often follow the rules vehemently. They are sincere and brave women. Their loyalty makes people trust them a lot. On the other hand, they also “demand” from others the sincerity that they offer. They are honest and honest people, who express what they feel in a transparent way.

15. Peaceful women

The last of the types of women according to their personality and character that we propose is the peaceful type. These types of women try to avoid conflicts and seek dialogue and cooperation. That is why they are good mediators, serene and calm women. In addition, they tend to have high empathy.

Bibliographic references

  • Avia, M.D. (nineteen ninety five). Personality: cognitive and social aspects. Madrid: Pyramid.

  • Bermúdez, J. (2003). Psychology of personality. Theory and research (vol. I and II). Madrid: UNED.

  • Izquierdo, A. (2002). Temperament, character, personality. An approach to the concept and interaction of it. Complutense Journal of Education, 13 (2), 617-643.

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