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The 11 best places in India to travel

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Many travelers have been attracted to the idea of ​​visiting India. This country has a unique historical, cultural and landscape richness. Homeland of the practice of yoga, many Westerners have made a pilgrimage to the Asian country, but India has much more to offer its visitors.

In this article we are going to review the best destinations, that is, the best places in India to visit. From the Himalayan mountains in Darjeeling to the wonderful white sand beaches of Goa. It really is a country to be amazed by.

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The 11 best destinations in India and their places to visit

The diversity that a visitor can find within India is truly overwhelming.. Cities with a frenetic pace, noisy and with a great density of population, or practically virgin landscapes, full of peace and in full contact with nature.

Without a doubt, anyone who wants to visit this Asian giant has a choice. Surely among all these best places in India below you can find the one that meets all your preferences.

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1. Goa

Goa is a well known paradise in India. This former Portuguese colony is a favorite destination for travelers, and there are many vendors and places to eat. It has a magnificent coastline, with palm trees on one side and white sand and blue sea on the other. Its beautiful beaches have a calm atmosphere like nowhere else in India. In Goa one can relax on a good vacation and eat good fresh seafood.

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2. Agra & Taj Mahal

The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the worldIt is a large mausoleum in the city of Agra, near the Yamuna River. Emperor Shah Jahan had them built in honor of his third Mumtaz Mahal, who he considered his favorite wife. The white marble dome is world famous, and the entire walled complex has elements of different architectures (Islamic, Persian, Indian and Turkish).

3. Jaipur

Jaipsur is the capital of the state of Rajahstan. It represents a city full of chaotic magic and colors. It is full of bazaars that sell "saris", jewelry,... everything. It is a very noisy city, full of traffic but also of wonderful palaces and great fortifications such as the majestic Amber Fort. A prominent place to visit in India.

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4. Jaisalmer

Jaisalmer is known as "The Golden City". It is located on top of a yellowish-looking rock, and at the top stands the Jaisalmer Fort majestically. Inside are many priceless temples and sculpted buildings. Outside the city it is common to see camel safaris for those who want to experience the magic of the desert.

5. Delhi

From the 6th century BC. C. Delhi has been the capital of several kingdoms and empires. It has been captured, looted, and rebuilt several times, particularly during the medieval period. This makes Delhi a fascinating city full of museums, with modern Delhi actually being a group of several cities spread throughout the metropolitan region. A place in India for those who like history.

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6. Mumbai

Mumbai is the financial, commercial and leisure capital of India. It is the most populous city in the country with an estimated population of 13 million inhabitants. It is located on the west coast of India and has a beautiful natural harbor. Mumbai is home to three UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The Grottoes of Elephanta, Chhatrapati Shivaji railway station and a collection of Victorian buildings and art deco.

7. Varanasi

Varanasi is one of the holiest areas in India. This is a pilgrimage city where people come to worship and bathe in the holy river Ganges. Hindus believe that the waters of the Ganges cleanse from sin, and many Varanasi people incinerate their loved ones in this river. It is believed to offer liberation and they see it as the cycle of life and death.

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8. Ajanta and Ellora

The great monumental complex of Ajanta and the Ellora caves were declared a World Heritage Site by Unesco. Contains man-made grottoes from the 2nd century BC. C, made exclusively for Buddhist, Hindu and Jain worship. These are monuments prior to the arrival of Islam in India.

9. Darjeeling

Darjeeling is located in the Himalayas, at an elevation of 2,042 kilometers above sea level. It is a popular destination in India where its tea industry stands out, its views of Kangchenjunga (the third highest mountain in the world), and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, a World Heritage Site of the UNESCO. A curiosity is that Nepali is the native language of this area.

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10. Kerala

Kerala is a very popular destination, with beautiful beaches such as Varkala or Kovalam. In addition, it has nine hundred kilometers of interconnected rivers, lakes, canals and lagoons. It is a true landscape full of coconut trees and picturesque villages. A place in India indicated for those who like nature, water and going by boat.

11. Karnataka

This southern Indian state reflects very well the different realities of India. The hundreds of temples and fortifications of cities as old as Hampi collide with the great technological explosion that has occurred in India is led by Bengaluru. This is the capital of information technology (IT) and probably the fastest growing city in India.

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Bibliographic references

  • Blasi, A. Benanav, M. Brown, et al. (2017). Lonely Planet India (Travel Guide). Melbourne: Lonely Planet.

  • Gupta, S.P., and Krishna L. (1974). Tourism, museums, and monuments in India. Delhi: Oriental Publishers.

  • Vinayak, B. and Krupali, K. (2014). Rediscovering the Hindu Temple: The Sacred Architecture and Urbanism of India. Cambridge Scholars.

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