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8 easy-to-cook and very healthy chicken recipes

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Chicken meat is an excellent option to prepare healthy dishes. It is high in protein and very low in fat. For this reason, it is a highly recommended ingredient for the whole family's diet.

But sometimes we run out of ideas on how to prepare chicken, and we end up making the same old dishes. For that very reason, we present 8 delicious recipes with chicken that are easy to prepare and very healthy.

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Prepare chicken dishes in less than 30 minutes

The flavor of chicken meat can be combined with various ingredients. It is very versatile, so it can be prepared both simply and in a very elaborate way without sacrificing its taste or nutritional value.

In addition, it is common for children to prepare recipes with chicken, so it is important to find a variety so that the little ones in the house do not get bored of eating it. In these 8 easy-to-cook chicken recipes, you will find several alternatives to achieve it.

1. Creamy chicken with mustard

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This mustard cream chicken recipe is great for the whole family. For this preparation you need 3 tablespoons of mustard, 1 cup of cream, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 chicken breasts cut in half, onion, garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

The first thing to do is cook the breasts. For this you have to submerge the chicken pieces in enough water, add a piece of onion, a clove of garlic and salt to taste. You have to wait until the chicken is fully cooked and set aside. On the other hand, with a balloon whisk, you have to beat the mustard, cream, olive oil, salt and pepper until they are mixed.

To finish, we serve the breast pieces and bathe them in the cream and mustard mixture. It can be served with a garnish of steamed vegetables.

2. Tandori chicken with couscous

This tandori chicken recipe is very easy to prepare. Requires 4 chicken breasts, ⅔ cup of yogurt, grated onion, 2 tablespoons of curry, paprika, 1 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, 1 bell pepper and 1 carrot cut into cubes, olive oil, 1 cup of couscous, 2 cups of broth chicken.

The first step is to combine the yogurt, onion, garlic, curry, paprika, and cayenne pepper in a bowl. You have to marinate the chicken in this mixture. On the other hand, you have to fry the carrot together with the paprika in oil and combine them with the couscous. After marinating, you have to cook the chicken and then pour it into the couscous and let it rest.

To serve, we grill the couscous and cover it with the couscous mixture. It is ideal to accompany with fried asparagus.

3. Orange chicken

This orange chicken dish can be ideal for a special dinner. You will need 2 diced breasts, 1 tablespoon of cornstarch, 1 tablespoon of rice flour, 6 tablespoons of flour, ⅓ of cup of mineral water, 1 cup of natural orange juice, 2 tablespoons of sugar, white vinegar, soy sauce, sweet and sour sauce.

Add salt and pepper to the chicken cubes, cover with flour and set aside. Mix the rest of the flour with the cornstarch and the mineral water, cover the chicken cubes again in this mixture. On the other hand, mix the orange juice with sugar, vinegar, sweet and sour sauce and soy. Dip the chicken cubes after frying in this last mixture.

Perfectly incorporate the chicken and serve. This dish can be accompanied with a mashed potato, a cup of white rice or with celery and a dressing.

4. Tostadas de tinga

Tinga tostadas are a typical Mexican dish that is very quick to prepare. 1 chicken breast, onion cut into strips, 3 chipotle peppers, garlic, 5 tomatoes, lettuce, cream cheese, avocado, salt and oil. Refried beans can be added to the recipe to spread on toast, or it can be with cream.

The chicken breast is cooked and when it is ready, it is shredded. Blend the tomato with the chipotle, salt to taste, a clove of garlic and the chicken broth left over from cooking. It moves away. Meanwhile, in a frying pan, cook the onions until they are soft. Then the tomato mixture is added and then the shredded chicken is added.

When the ingredients are incorporated, it can be added to a toast that can be spread with beans and cream. It is accompanied with cheese and avocado.

5. Chicken with sauteed vegetables

This recipe for chicken with sautéed vegetables is very healthy. You will need 4 chicken breast fillets, 1 carrot, 1 large potato, parsley, onion, white wine, chicken broth, red and green pepper. All the vegetables are cut into cubes or strips according to taste and the chicken fillets are also cut.

Vegetables are cooked to soften. Later they are fried in a pan adding salt to taste. Add the chicken broth and white wine, then add the chicken cubes and add salt again to taste. Let cook for about 20 minutes until the chicken has cooked and the liquid has reduced.

Let stand and serve. The vegetables should be on top of the chicken as a sauce. This dish is ideal to accompany white rice.

6. Greek chicken

Greek chicken is an inexpensive, quick and very healthy recipe. 4 pieces of leg with thigh are needed. Butter, 100 grams of chopped ham, spinach, cream cheese, ground coriander seeds, 1 teaspoon of nutmeg, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, salt and pepper to taste and crushed garlic.

You have to start by melting a little butter and placing the spinach on top, leave it for about 10 minutes. Make a mixture of the spinach with the ham, the coriander seeds, the cream cheese, the nutmeg and salt and pepper. This mixture gets in the middle of the skin of the chicken and the meat. They are arranged on a tray and baked for 30 minutes at 180º.

Once the chicken is cooked it is removed from the oven and served. It is an ideal main dish for a formal dinner, which is also very economical.

7. Chicken stew

A chicken stew is a delicious and easy dish to make. It requires a whole chicken cut into parts, 3 tomatoes, 3 potatoes, 3 carrots, mushrooms, half a bell pepper, onion, celery leaves, salt, pepper, oregano and oil. The first thing to do is to seal the cut chicken without skin in a pot adding oil, onion and salt with a little oregano.

The tomatoes, carrots, pepper, onion, mushrooms and celery leaves are blended until a sauce with pieces of vegetables is left. When the chicken is completely browned, add this vegetable sauce and a little salt. Once it boils, lower the heat and cook for 10 more minutes. At the end the potatoes are added in large pieces.

Once the potatoes are completely cooked, it can be removed from the heat, checking that it is well salted. A piece is served with a little potatoes. Other vegetables can be added to the taste of each diner.

8. Pasta with chicken fajitas

Pasta and chicken are a perfect combination. For this recipe, 200 grams of pasta (penne, cannelloni, ravioli, macaroni) are required, vegetables such as pumpkin, tomato and peppers, lettuce and 400 grams of chicken breast fajitas. Vinegar, butter, olive oil, salt and pepper to taste.

The pasta is cooked as usual. The correct way is to boil salted water and when it boils, add the pasta, leaving it over low heat until it is al dente. The vegetables of your choice are fried in butter. The chicken fajitas are also fried in butter. The lettuce is cut into small leaves.

It is served by combining the pasta with a portion of vegetables and chicken fajitas, garnished with lettuce. Olive oil is added and it can also be accompanied with sunflower seeds.

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