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How to dye your hair at home (step by step to do it alone)

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Who said that to change your look and dye your hair we must necessarily go to the hairdresser so that someone does it for us. If your budget does not give you, or the time is not enough to go to have it done, dye your hair at home yourself it's the solution.

Sometimes it seems more complicated than it is, and unless you want a super elaborate balayage, you can dye your hair yourself and get that change of look you want so much. We teach you how to dye your hair at home step by step then.

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What is needed to dye hair at home

Dyeing your hair at home is very simple as long as you follow the steps that we teach you here and have all the elements that you are going to use. To do it you need:

  • Color hair dye and the brand that you like the most. There are quantities to choose from!
  • Old t-shirt that you don't care if it remains stained
  • Old towel that you don't have much esteem for either, in case you have to throw it away later
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  • Latex gloves, so you don't get the dye on your hands (although they usually come in the box)
  • Plastic shower cap
  • Bowl or bowl to mix the dye (usually comes in the box)
  • Brush to spread the hair dye (usually comes in the box)
  • Vaseline
  • Hair comb

How to dye your hair at home step by step

Now that you have bought the dye of the color you want to achieve that spectacular change of look, you can follow this guide on how to dye your hair at home step by step. Pay attention:

1. Before starting

It is better that your hair is not very clean, so make sure you have washed your hair at least 1 or 2 days before the big day of the transformation and the application of the dye; in this way the natural oils of the hair will help the color to penetrate much better.

2. Wear the right clothes

In the list of items we gave you, we have asked you for an old T-shirt and towel. This is the time to use them. Choose a place in the house where you have space free to move your arms and in which there is no risk of ruining something important by a splash. Put on your old shirt and have the towel ready to wrap around your shoulders just before you start.

3. Prepare your hair to apply the dye

It is better that you brush and detangle your hair in its entirety before you apply the dye, as you will have to separate strands and sections that can complicate the process if your hair is full of knots. It is important that you do not skip this point in our guide on how to dye your hair at home step by step, as some tangles could spoil the final result.

4. Protects the skin of the face

We are very close to starting to apply the dye, but before it is better that with petroleum jelly you protect the skin of your face of possible irritations. Simply take a little bit with your fingers and spread it over the face, around the edge of the hairline, on the neck and behind the ears. Even if you get a little dye, thanks to the petroleum jelly, it will be much easier to remove it without irritating your skin.

5. Make the mix

The next step to dye your hair at home is to make the mixture that will give your hair that color that you like so much. From this point you must use the gloves at all times.

Look first at the instructions that come in the box, because each brand has its own specifications; but in general, in the dye box you will find two cans. One is the developer and the other the dye, which must be mixed together in the bowl with the help of the brush and in the quantities indicated by the instructions on the box.

6. Apply the dye

Now, the expected time has come for this guide on how to dye your hair at home step by step, that of applying the dye to your hair. Separate the hair with the help of a comb or the brush in the middle and start applying the dye to the roots. Keep in mind that if you want to cover some gray hair, it is better that you start with the sections in which these are found and move on to the rest.

When you're done with the root, wait around 15-20 minutes. Then yes, finish applying the dye strand by strand with the help of the brush, until all your hair is covered by the dye.

7. Pick up and cover hair

Now that all the dye is on, gather your hair and cover it with the bathing cap, so that you are more calm about not staining anything while letting the dye act so that it penetrates more into the hair and it is a better color.

8. Removes blemishes from the face

While you wait for the dye to work, removes possible splatter stains that have fallen on your face with the help of a damp towel or cloth. If you have put Vaseline it will be very easy.

9. Wash your hair and show off your new look

We have reached the end of this guide on how to dye your hair at home, with the moment of truth. When the time indicated in the dye instructions has passed, remove the hat and throw it away. Then start washing your hair with cold water until you see that no more dye comes out of the water.

Then wash your hair as you normally do and then apply the softener that comes with the hair dye. If the dye you bought doesn't come with softener, then use an existing hair mask or a good amount of conditioner. Let it air dry and don't wash your hair again for at least 24 hours. And ready. To show off that new look!

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