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Apple: 13 benefits and healthy properties of this fruit

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The forbidden fruit of Adam and Eve has turned out to be one of the most complete for our body, which is also recommended to eat daily. We are talking about the apple.

Not in vain this traditional fruit has always been present in our homes, since they are apples red apples, green apples, yellow apples or other of their varieties, there are many properties nutritional and the benefits that apple is good for health, from preventing diseases to filling us with its delicious flavor.

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Apple properties

When we say that the apple is the most complete fruit It is because it has multiple nutritional properties contained in it, which make the apple good for health. Starting with its 85% water content, carbohydrates in the form of fructose (which energize the body in a healthy way and without many calories), fiber, protein and fat.

But that's not all, well the properties of the apple include a large amount of vitamins

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of group B, C and E, although their amounts vary depending on the type of apple we eat. As for minerals, potassium is the protagonist, but it is not the only mineral. The apple also contains sulfur, boron, zinc, fluorine, manganese, selenium, and iodine.

Finally, the apple is rich in flavonoids like quercetin, which have antioxidant powers, tannins and fatty acids, such as malic acid and tartaric acid. The combination of all these nutritional properties makes apples a perfect fruit for the body and your health. Discover its healthy benefits.

The apple is one of the healthiest fruits that we can consume on a daily basis.
The apple is one of the healthiest fruits that we can consume on a daily basis. Fountain:Unsplash

Apple benefits

Not in vain there is a popular aphorism that, translated from English, says "an apple a day keeps the doctor at a distance." The apple, fruit of the apple tree, gives us a number of benefits from the first bite, providing a large amount of nutrients that keep the main functions of the body up to date and prevent diseases in their wake. We tell you all the benefits of the apple.

1. For oral health

From the first bite we give the apple, we are already obtaining its benefits, because when chewing it strengthens the gums, fight bad breath Y prevents bacteria that form cavities.

In addition, it works as the perfect natural toothpaste, since the fibers of the apple help clean the teeth and remove the remains of food that remain on them. If you are eating out, have an apple for dessert and don't worry about the visible state of your teeth.

2. Feeling full

A green apple contains about 50 calories and a good amount of pectin in your skin, a fiber that helps to give us a feeling of satiety and avoid the anxiety that we can have between meals, especially when we are thinking about pastries and sweets.

Among the main benefits of the apple is being satiating, reducing anxiety and providing very few calories, which makes it one of the most recommended fruits in weight loss plans weight.

3. Reduce the cholesterol

The pectin contained in apples is also ideal for lowering cholesterol that we acquire with our diet, because it drags it before our body absorbs it. If we eat it on an empty stomach, we can also obtain this benefit from the apple, helping to reduce the cholesterol in the bile.

4. Helps burn fat

Pectin, one of the properties of the apple, is once again the protagonist thanks to its helps to burn fat faster and support us in weight loss plans. This does not mean that at the end of apples you will lose weight instantly, but it is a very important support if you are looking to lose body fat.

5. Hydrates the body

An apple is 85% water, that vital liquid for our body to function well. One way to stay well hydrated is by consuming foods with high water content, and in this case the apples are of great help.

6. For intestinal transit

Its high fiber content makes one of the benefits of the apple is fight constipation and regulate intestinal transit, because the fiber pushes the waste from the intestine and eliminates it.

  • Related article: "10 foods rich in fiber (to fight constipation)

7. Apple for memory

When we eat apples we are contributing vitamins B1 and B6, which help strengthen memory and decrease mental fatigue. In addition, the phosphorus, potassium and sodium in apples are essential minerals for nerve conduction.

8. Strengthens defenses

Vitamin C is our ally when it comes to increasing and strengthening our defenses, helping to avoid diseases and viruses such as the flu and colds. Well, one of the properties of the apple is its high content of vitamin C.

9. It also strengthens our hair and nails

The benefits of the apple also include our hair and nails, since its high in iron and vitamin B5 they make them grow strong and stimulate their regeneration.

10. Facing hemorrhages

Thanks to the large amount of vitamin C that enters our body when we eat apples on a regular basis, blood vessel walls are strengthened, preventing spontaneous bleeding in the gums and teeth. It also helps us in the healing processes by stimulating the formation of collagen in the skin.

11. For the growth of children

If we want to give our children a food that helps them in their growth process, this is the apple, since the calcium and phosphorus it contains are essential for the formation of mineral salts in bone.

But not only that, other properties of the apple also intervene such as vitamin C, which helps the formation of the matrix substance of the bone, and the B vitamins, which build muscles.

12. Against acne

Another benefit of the apple is that it helps us fight acne. This is due to its high water content, which keeps the skin hydrated, added to its lack of content of refined fats and sugars, which are what stimulate the production of acne

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13. For muscle capacity

The apple is very beneficial if you exercise a lot and are constantly working your muscles, as its high content of B vitamins make it ideal for athletes. Vitamin B1 prevents muscle fatigue, vitamin B2 helps them to obtain energy and vitamin B6 acts on the proteins that are part of muscle mass.
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