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50 phrases about karma (to reflect on life)

For Eastern philosophies such as Hinduism and Buddhism there is a transcendent energy present in each of the acts, thoughts, emotions that we have during our life: this is karma.

Karma acts as the law of cause and effect, where each of our actions has a positive or negative effect on our lives, depending on whether that act has been positive or negative.

That is why karma invites us to live fully aware of our thoughts, feelings and actions so that we do our experiences from what makes us feel better about ourselves and free from charges of conscience.

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50 phrases about karma to ponder

That is why We have put together these 50 phrases about karma, so that they stimulate you to think and act positively on this law of cause and effect present in our lives.

1. Sin makes its own hell and goodness makes its own heaven.

This sentence about karma teaches us that our bad actions have bad consequences and vice versa with our good deeds.

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2. Every time something bad happens, there is something wrong with you.

Karma also teaches us to look beyond what is happening itself, so that we understand where it comes from and can act to change it.

3. Karma, when well understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests.

Another way to work karma, is seeing it as the consequence of our conscience, which ultimately dictates on all our actions and thoughts.

4. Strange things conspire when one tries to cheat fate.

Those weird things are karma, according to Rick Riordan.

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5. Karma is experience, experience creates memory, memory creates imagination and desire, and desire creates karma again.

Deepak Chopra teaches us the dynamics in which karma moves.

6. I have no reason to hate someone; I believe in good karma and spreading good energy.

This phrase from Vanilla Ice invites us to always think about creating positive karma.

7. History repeats itself until we learn the lessons necessary to change our path.

Keep in mind this phrase about karma every time you find yourself in situations that seem like patterns and are repeated in the same way, because there is a lesson to be learned.

8. I wish that whatever you want for me, you receive it in triplicate for you.

An excellent phrase about karma that we can use as a mantra to work on awareness of our karma.

9. The law of karma says that no matter what context I am in, they are not my parents, nor my teacher not the postman, but only I who have put myself in this state due to my actions past. Instead of trapping me in a fatalistic trap this gives me freedom. As only I have reached my present condition, I myself, by working hard and exerting myself fervently, can reach the supreme state that is nirvana.

Eknath Easwaran explains how Karma instead of binding us gives us freedom of action on absolutely everything we do and where we direct our lives or not. We forge everything ourselves.

10. Like gravity, karma is so basic that we are often unaware of it.

Sakyong Mipham makes us realize that even in the smallest situations in life karma is acting so subtly at times that we don't even realize it.

11. As a Buddhist, you feel like you have control over the situation and that you can change your karma.

Marcia Wallace makes this reflection on the free will that we have when it comes to doing good karma or not, because it depends entirely on us.

12. Whoever acts evil should be wished luck... sooner or later they will need it.

Because according to karma, life is there or the next will bring the consequence of their bad actions, but not us.

13. Always tell the truth, so you don't have to remember what you said.

Our words and thoughts also generate positive or negative karma.

14. Following the Universal Path means practicing selflessness and extending virtue to the world, unconditionally. In this way, one not only removes the heavy pollution accumulated throughout the various lives, but also can seek the possibility of reestablishing one's original divine nature and becoming an integral being of the multi universe.

This description of karma is made by the Taoist philosopher Lao Tzu on how we can change karma and become beings of divine nature.

15. Karma, when well understood, is just the mechanics through which consciousness manifests itself.

Deepak Chopra too he compared karma to the manifestation of our consciousness.

16. You and I have been provided with two hands, two legs, and a brain. Some people were not born with them for some reason. Karma is working for another life.

This phrase about karma by Glenn Hoddle refers to the Buddhist and Hindu belief about reincarnation and past life karma.

17. There is a wonderful mythical law of nature whereby the three things we crave most in life - happiness, freedom and peace - are always achieved by giving them to someone else.

Peyton Conway March explains the action of fundamental karma: when we give to others unconditionally, we receive ourselves.

18. What you refuse to accept will continue to happen to you.

If we do not accept, we are not aware of what is stopping us, so we cannot change it and consequently, karma continues to present itself.

19. Cultivate your craft. Water it daily, pour a little care and love into it, and watch it grow. Remember that a plant does not sprout immediately. Be patient and know that in life you will reap what you sow.

J.B. McGee makes a comparison between karma and plants so that we understand the importance of cultivating our actions and waiting patiently for their results. Patience is a virtue that we often need.

20. I believe in karma. If the sowing is good, the harvest is good. When positive things are done, they come back with a good return.

Yannick Noah also talks about the way we "sow" our karma.

21. What we have done, its result, comes to us whether it is today, tomorrow, a hundred years later or a hundred lives later, whenever it is. And that is our karma. That is why that philosophy is in every religion: killing is sin. Killing is a sin in all religion.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi teaches us that, in the end, you believe in whatever religion you believe, Karma as the consequence of actions, exists for everyone.

22. Remember that we all have superpowers because we are capable of changing our karma.

No one else can watch over our karma than ourselves.

23. Every time you pass judgment or criticism, you are sending something that will come back to you.

Many times we act against others without much contemplation. The truth is that this will also have its effect on us: karma.

24. Once you've lived a bit, you'll find that whatever you send into the world comes back to you in one form or another. It may be today, tomorrow or years later from now but it is going to happen; usually when you least expect it, usually in a form that is quite different from the original. Those coincidental moments that change your life seem random at the time but I don't think they are. At least that's how it worked in my life. And I know I'm not the only one

Sometimes other people's testimonials help us better understand the concepts. This is how Slash, guitarist for the band Guns n Roses explains karma and tells of his experience with it.

25. The way people treat you is their karma; how you treat them is yours.

Wayne Dyer does not teach with this phrase that we should not be confused with the actions of others, because at the end of the day, it is our action that adds to our own karma and not that of the other.

26. To go from mortal to Buddha, you have to put an end to karma, nurture your consciousness, and accept what life brings.

Bodhidharma explains to us that at some point we can end the cycle of karma; the more conscious and pure our actions are, the faster we will get there.

27. You will never understand the damage you did to another person until they do the same to you, this is what karma is for.

Unfortunately, sometimes we also need these kinds of lessons that karma gives us.

28. No one escapes from himself.

We are our own conscience.

29. Karma is not an inviolable motor of cosmic punishment. Rather, it is a neutral sequence of acts, results, and consequences.

Vera Nazarian defines in simpler words the law of cause and effect that is karma.

30. Whether or not we believe in the survival of consciousness after death, reincarnation and karma, they have a very serious implication for our behavior.

Stanislav Grof believes that believing that karma exists has a direct impact on the way we behave.

31. Karma moves in two directions. If we act virtuously, the seed we plant will result in our happiness. If we act in a non-virtuous way, we will suffer results.

Phrase about karma by Sakyong Miphan.

32. We met for a reason, either you are a blessing or you are a lesson.

Because also the people who appear in our life are a consequence of karma.

33. I don't know if it's karma or that WhatsApp chain that didn't send 30 more people 5 years ago.

A phrase about karma so that we also take it with humor.

34. If your actions boomerang back to you instantly, would you still act the same way? Doing others an act that you would rather not do to yourself reveals a powerful inner conflict.

Sometimes it is easier for us to look outside and act outside, but when we think about it, things change. A good way to become aware of karma is by first looking inside, according to this quote from Alexandra Katehakis.

35. As it has planted, it gathers; this is the field of karma.

Sri Guru Granth Sahib gives us a simple phrase about karma.

36. Karma said: you will love who does not love you for not having loved who loved you.

And a phrase about karma and its consequences in love.

37. Do not expect from my heart what yours did not give.

Sometimes we hope to receive what we have not been able to give, so karma does not work.

38. Karma is like credit cards, enjoy now, pay later.

Very good metaphor to understand how karma works.

39. Even chance meetings are the result of karma… Things in life are doomed by our previous lives. That even in the smallest events there is no coincidence.

Haruki Murakami, the famous Japanese writer, gives us this phrase about karma in one of his acclaimed novels.

40. My actions are my only belongings. I cannot escape the consequences of my actions. My actions are the ground on which I stand.

Other phrase that we can use as a mantra to keep us aware of karma.

41. Sooner or later love or karma comes to us. But sometimes they arrive in the same package.

The truth is that karma acts in unexpected ways.

42. You can't screw everything up and hope nothing happens.

Another phrase that keeps us alert about the consequence of our actions.

43. Karma is like when in Mario Bros you die with the same shell that you cast.

Another of the metaphors on this list to understand karma and laugh a little at it.

44. Every action in our lives touches some chord that will vibrate in eternity.

Edwin Hubbel Chapin does this beautiful reflection on karma, making a metaphor with music.

45. We awaken in others the same mental attitude that we have with them.

This is how karma works, everything we see outside we have inside and vice versa.

46. They were eternal lovers, seeking each other and meeting again and again was their karma.

A beautiful phrase about karma in relation to love.

47. When you love and serve others, life loves you and serves you.

Another phrase about positive karma to use as a mantra.

48. Do not judge each day by the harvest you harvest, but by the seeds you plant.

Robert Louis Stevenson teaches us to care more about what we are harvesting than about what we harvest each day, only then can we bear good fruit.

49. If you send kindness from yourself to others, or if you share what makes you happy within yourself, everything will come back to you ten thousand times over. In the realm of love there is no competition; there is no possession or control. The more love is given, the more love you will have.

John O’Donohue invites us to always act from love. When it is love that guides us, karma is always positive.

50. Sooner or later, we will have our turn to be in the position in which we once had another person.

When you face a person, think how you would feel in their position and then act according to the law of karma.

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