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The 15 best tricks to save and not waste

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If we want to have better control over our money, you have to exercise the habit of saving. Most of us understand the importance of not wasting money and of finding ways to cut costs so that we can save.

However, saving seems to be very difficult and when we intend to achieve it, we do not find a way to start. What can we do? We show you 15 effective tricks to save and not waste.

Follow these 15 tips to save and have more money

To save and make better use of our money, we require perseverance and discipline. But everything is easier if you have a plan or a guide, this way you can organize yourself better and achieve your goal of saving.

Just a few simple ideas for you to apply in your day-to-day and you realize that it is always possible to spend less, allowing you to invest the money that is left over to grow your savings. That's why we give you 15 tips to save money.

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1. Search offers

An effective way to save is get in the habit of looking for deals

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. This requires a bit of energy and attention to keep an eye out for nearby stores and trade centers. If you have a purchase planned, wait a bit until you “catch” an offer.

Of course, with the offers you have to be careful. It is not about buying everything that has a reduced price, but to analyze what things are useful to us for the moment or later. You also have to be careful that the offer is real and not just an advertising strategy.

2. Use free services

Currently we have at our disposal many free services. Either because companies launch promotions to publicize products or services, or because currently on the internet there are many free alternatives to paid products.

For example, you can make use of free software, request free consultations on a web portal, or enroll in a new product test program. While it is about putting effort into looking for these alternatives, the payoff is being able to save a little more money.

3. Shopping list

When you go to the supermarket, make a shopping list. The products you need for the house, as well as the food for the week, the fortnight or the month, should be reflected somewhere before going out to buy.

In this way, you will be very clear about what you are going to buy and you will not be distracted by other things. The same when buying clothes, school supplies or preparations for a party. Plan and write down what you need and stick to that.

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4. Discount coupons

In many countries companies or establishments offer discount coupons. The best thing is that you take advantage of them without a hint of shame. In this way you can get free or discounted products, as well as go out to eat with your family and save with coupons in the establishments that accept them.

Yes indeed, do not forget to save the money you have saved with the coupons. Even if they are very small amounts, it is a good habit to keep a piggy bank in your home, where you can save the extra money that you did not spend thanks to coupons.

5. Compare prices

If you want to save, you should take the time to compare prices. If you are going to buy some furniture, a vehicle, a property, or simpler things like a computer, a phone or even purchases of the month, it is always useful to take the time to compare prices.

East is one of the best tricks to save. You will notice that stores offer different prices for the same product, even in some cases they give you an extra gift that can also be useful. So take it easy and compare.

How to save

6. Please repair before buying again

Normally repairing something is cheaper than buying something new. It seems that today's society is a society based around consumption and waste. Given the apparent ease of buying something that we need to replace, we have lost the habit of repairing what we already have.

Repairing your belongings will help you a lot to save and not waste. Furniture, appliances, and clothing they are objects that can usually be repaired, thus giving them the opportunity to be used again, without having to spend extra money. Plus, it's better for the environment.

7. Recycle Before Disposal

Recycling is a habit that, if we cultivate, benefits us a lot. The objects that we throw away, we can well use them for another purpose and with this save a lot of money by not having to go out to buy.

Glass coffee or water bottles can serve as spice racks or vases. With caps and pet bottles, as well as from cardboard, lots of toys are made for all ages. The number of uses that can be given to something that was initially garbage, thanks to recycling, is surprising.

8. Exchange

Exchange or bartering is a great way to save. We all have objects at home that we no longer use, but surely someone else might need or give it a proper use. In this case, making an exchange is a great idea.

Before you put things in the trash or give them away, ask your acquaintances, friends, neighbors, family and Contacts from your social networks, if someone needs it and if they have something in return that may interest you. You will be surprised how many things they can offer you and that they will save you a lot of money.

9. Sell ​​to buy

Before purchasing something new, sell something that you no longer use. Although at first glance it may seem that you have nothing that you do not use, surely reviewing the things in your house you will find that there are objects, clothes or utensils that you no longer use.

A great trick to save and not waste is that every time you go to buy or acquire something, you have the purpose of selling something, even if it is small. In this way you avoid unnecessary accumulation and get some money to cushion the cost of the purchase.

10. Do not buy for emotion

This is one of the trickiest tricks to pull off. But if you do, you will have total control over your finances, and the savings will be even greater. If you go out to the supermarket to buy hungry, you will end up buying more. If you are going to buy clothes while depressed, you will buy more. Our emotions guide our financial habits.

The goal is to be aware of not making an escape from shopping or palliative of your problems or emotions. Find other healthier ways to manage your emotions, and don't binge shop while angry, depressed, hungry, frustrated, or euphoric. It is easy to regret it.

11. Eat at home

Eating out increases your monthly spending a lot. Of course, it is nice to go out and have a relaxed moment, without having to worry about preparing everything and after washing dishes, but these occasions should be infrequent if what you want is save money.

The cost of preparing something at home is vastly less than that of eating out, whether for a single person or a family. It's not about you never eating out again, but you must reduce it to the maximum and you will realize immediately how your expenses are reduced considerably.

12. Packaged services

Currently companies offer their services in packages. Y normally these packages do offer a real discount. Analyze if at home you could optimize your spending by contracting several things with a single company.

In the same way, when acquiring services or a product, analyze if there is a better price in the package. For example, vacations, auto services, some household products, and phone services typically offer discounted packages.

13. Shared transportation

Organizing the use of transport will help you optimize and reduce spending. A big issue that concerns us all is ecology and caring for the environment. The excessive and in many cases unnecessary use of private transport, has a lot of responsibility in the damage to our planet.

In addition to this, it generates an expense that could be eliminated. If your family has more than two cars, it is better to plan routes and coordinate with everyone to reduce to a single car and with that the cost of fuel. Another great option is to share a car with a neighbor or coworker.

14. Extra money

When for some reason we get extra money, we have to save it. If you have been given a raise, if you did some extra work and they paid you for it. Maybe you won a raffle or prize, you sold something unexpectedly: save that money.

We tend to use the extra money to celebrate, buy something we wanted (but could put off) or just "get rid of it." Do not do it, any extra or leftover money, save it, you will see how much money you can get together.

15. Plan special event purchases

A common situation is that in special events we spend more than necessary. Y this is for lack of planning. For example, throughout the year you can shop for Christmas gifts, because at the height of the festive season, products tend to be more expensive.

If at the beginning of the year you plan birthdays and end-of-the-year giftsYou will have 365 days to take advantage of offers, compare prices, or simply buy things at a fair price. This planning does not take too long, although it does require discipline and perseverance.
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