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Couples Therapy in Ronda: the 9 most valued centers

The psychotherapy center Psychologists PsicoAbreu Ronda It is one of the most prestigious in the area, and belongs to the network of psychological assistance centers PsicoAbreu, born in Malaga capital and currently has a presence in cities throughout the Province.

This is one of the best options in terms of couples therapy, and its team of professionals have extensive experience in interventions to help couples with problems such as jealousy, lack of confidence, coexistence problems, boredom and apathy, frequent arguments, infidelity crises, etc.

With regard to individual therapy, among the specialties of the psychologists who work at the PsicoAbreu center we find the treatment of anxiety disorders, depression, personality disorders, expression problems emotions, impulse control disorders, and in general any problem that may interfere with the well-being of the patient.

Emma Guerrero Queen She is an expert in psychotherapy in the field of the couple, sex therapy and also in sex education and gender education.

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Throughout her career working in different centers, both public and private, she has acquired knowledge and training in couples therapy and everything that surrounds this area of ​​affective and expression of love.

Among the treatments and problems addressed in the consultation of Emma Guerrero Reina, we can highlight the dysfunctions sexual such as premature ejaculation or vaginismus, love grief and separations, crises of trust in the partner, etc.

Some of the specialties that we can find in the center of Angela Garcia Salas They are the treatment of panic attacks, problems of coexistence and communication between couples, depression, stress and anxiety in any of the members of the couple.

In couples therapy sessions, she works so that both lifestyle habits and beliefs and ways of thinking of patients are transformed into a version of themselves that helps reinforce the relationship loving.

In the José Rivero Center we work with a humanistic therapy approach, based on integrating all aspects of the person's life and all the factors that intervene in her well-being to manage to treat everything that may generate anguish or frustration in the patient.

The treatment offered at the José Rivero center is aimed at children, adolescents and adults as well as couples and families. In the realm of couples therapy, she emphasizes the need to express emotions openly in order for the relationship to flow.

Maria Auxiliadora Ruiz In the center she offers treatment for all those couple problems that may arise in coexistence or throughout the relationship.

Some of the problems addressed by Maria Auxiliadora Ruiz Morillo are: jealousy, depression, self-esteem issues, and trouble managing anger.

The psychologist's center Alejandro Marin He also has an important background in couples therapy, although he also cares for patients of all ages for individual therapy sessions.

Both his career working in different private and public centers and his constant training in different branches of psychology, support his therapeutic practice.

The center of Maria Raquel Torres Nunez it also offers treatment of relationship problems.

Through cognitive-behavioral therapy, he is able to offer solutions to a wide variety of problems, among which communication stands out. in the deficient partner, jealousy, the constant search for loneliness, emotional dependence and the treatment of separation anxiety.

In the center of it, Patricia Fernandez Moreno offers couples therapy, family therapy, and perinatal psychology.

In addition to that, we can find professional attention to any relationship problem, as well as before alterations such as life dissatisfaction, psychological trauma in adults, couple crises, depression or the duel.

Victoria E. Dominguez Dominguez she is specialized in psychological care for couples, adults, youth and children. She has the experience and training to deal with a wide variety of problems related to arguments, the lack of pleasant moments together, etc.

Among the disorders and individual problems addressed at its center are depression, stress and accumulated anxiety, psychosomatic disorders, post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias and low self-esteem.

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