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11 CHARACTERISTICS of the Madero government in MEXICO

Government of Madero: characteristics

One of the main events in Mexican history was the Madero's presidency, being a time closely linked to the concept of the Mexican revolution that was taking place at that time and whose evolution was key to the growth of Mexico towards a new democracy. To talk about this very important period for the Mexican nation in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the main characteristics of the Madero government.

Before talking about the main characteristics of the Madero government, we must talk about the background to understand how this politician came to power and understand the mexican situation at the time.

Before Madero came to power, and since 1876 Mexico, had been led by a dictatorship directed by Porfirio Diaz. His rule was maintained for more than 30 years, being re-elected from time to time in clearly rigged elections.

In the last years of his life, Porfirio said he was tired of his position, thus initiating a series of movements about who should take his position. The favorite of the people to succeed him was Madero, but due to a series of issues, Porfirio decided to run for election again and

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locked up Madero so he couldn't introduce himself.

Shortly after, Madero managed to get out of jail and went into exile to the United States, from where he asked the population to rise up against the dictatorship of Porfirio. Madero's words began the Maderista revolution and, not long after, Porfirio left office to Madero, who had the full support of the people, but he had the hard work of changing Mexican society and its growing inequality.

Madero government: characteristics - Background to the Madero government

Image: Slideshare

The Madero government occurred between the years 1911 and 1913, being a short period of time in which Madero tried to change the Mexican nation. At the same time, he fought against the elites who did not want changes that would help the people and against the agrarian revolutionaries who They considered that Madero no longer had them and saw little of the improvements achieved by the new president for those who worked in the countryside.

To understand the changes that Madero was trying to achieve in Mexico, we must talk about the main characteristics of his government, understanding the reasons for his short period of government. The main characteristics of the Madero government were the following:

  1. The freedom of expression how persecuted she had been during Porfirio's time.
  2. The uprisings Both the elites and the revolutionaries caused political and social instability to be a custom during the Madero government.
  3. They were looking for a great agrarian reformBut it was neither as big as the agrarian revolutionaries demanded nor did it satisfy the elites who wanted to maintain their power.
  4. They wanted to create a workers association more moderate than the anarchist, which further enraged the revolutionaries who had supported the Madero government.
  5. He changed the political office system to seek to reduce the enormous corruption that exists in Mexican society.
  6. He changed the foundations of the Mexican system to seek a democracy strong that could be independent and not depend on other states.
  7. The changes were moderate to try to please everyone, ultimately causing everyone to be against him.
  8. His management was based on improve the life of the common people, being the one who was in the worst situation in Mexican society.
  9. Seeking to save those who had faced Porfirio released political prisoners and abolished the death penalty.
  10. He created school and workshops for improve education and reduce the remarkable literacy of the Mexican population of the time.
  11. The working day was reduced and he legislated on the labor of women and children.

To finish this summary of the characteristics of the Madero government, we must talk about the last days of the administration de Madero and the reasons that led him to leave office and the Mexicans to seek a change in the face of the reformism of Log.

Madero's main problem was that in his process of achieving change, but maintaining a certain affinity with the elites, he made himself an enemy of the upper and lower classes at the same time. So when trying to befriend everyone, he only had enmity.

One of the reasons for this was that after the victory against Porfirio in the Maderista revolution He left the troops who had protected Porfirio as an army as an army, and not the revolutionary soldiers, causing that, from the point of view of the soldiers, the new president had put them aside.

This together with the farmers They considered that Madero was not complying with everything promised in the agrarian aid, he made Emiliano Zapata and other farmers staged a coup in the so-called Plan of Ayala.

Even with this, it was not the peasants and Zapata who ended the Madero government, but rather it was the military those who, taking advantage of the existing tension, launched a coup, assassinating Madero and ending it with his government.

The changes made by Madero, and that we have mentioned, did not take too long to finish, thus causing a return to Mexican corruption and a situation far from democracy.

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