Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists in Ciudad General Escobedo

The psychologist Mariana Gutierrez Flores She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León and has extensive experience attending all kinds of consultations both in the clinical and labor fields.

His intervention is offered online, integrates various therapies adapted to the needs particular to each client and is based on finding the origin and reason for the person's discomfort attended.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, trauma, family conflicts, addictions and problems labor.

The Psychologist and Psychotherapist Julian Zambrano offers a quality therapeutic care service aimed at adolescents, adults and couples who request it.

His services are offered online and are based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used for its good results, with which he attends cases of anxiety and depression, codependency, emotional problems, low self-esteem, stress, trauma and disorders of the personality.

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Julián Zambrano has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, he has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy Cognitive-behavioral, a Diploma in Scheme-Focused Psychotherapy, another in Couples Therapy and a Diploma in Brief Psychotherapy and Emergency.

The online psychotherapy center Emotional Astronaut has a team of therapists specialized in attending to any type of consultation or problem in adolescents, youth, adults and also couples.

The interventions of this center are based at all times on the needs and specificities of each client, as well as on the integrated application of various highly effective therapies.

Brief Therapy, the cognitive-behavioral approach or Humanist Therapy are some of the orientations applied by professionals in this center to attend to emotional or behavioral problems, anxiety, depression, stress or deficits in the management of go to.

The psychologist Sonia Gutierrez Throughout her career, she has specialized in serving young people, adults and seniors, online and with all possible comforts and guarantees.

Graduated in Physiological Psychology from the Universidad Anáhuac del Norte, this professional is a specialist in Neurofeedback and Biofeedback, two highly effective therapies with which the client learns to regulate their bodily functions and take control of their organism.

Among her most notable intervention specialties are cases of ADHD, stress, insomnia, problems derived from pregnancy, childbirth or maternity and the disorders of the old age.

The psychologist Nelly Yarit Gomez Lara she has a Bachelor of Clinical Psychology from Montemorelos University, she has a Master of Brief Psychotherapy Systemic Focused on Solutions, a Diploma in Thanatology and a Certification in the Art of Coaching Professional.

This Psychotherapist, an expert in Emotional Coaching, attends to adults, parents, families, companies and educational centers, all both online and in person.

Among her intervention specialties, the grieving processes, anguish, anxiety and depression, work stress and post-traumatic stress stand out.

The psychologist Adriana B. Cobio Nagao She is another of the most prominent therapists in Ciudad General Escobedo and her services are offered both in person and online to children, adolescents and adults.

Graduated in Behavioral Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, this professional has a Master of Science in Health Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León.

In your consultation you will find a psychologist specialized in attending school difficulties, language problems, trauma, codependency, learning disorders, anxiety, depression, and emotional problems all kind.

The psychologist Mireya Tamez Valdez He graduated in Psychology from the Andrés Bello University, has a Master's Degree in Education Based on Competitions from the Universidad del Valle de México and has a specialty in Programming Neurolinguistics.

This professional applies Brief, Systemic, Family or Hypnosis therapies in an integrated way Clinic among other effective guidelines, depending on the particular needs of each person attended.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online to people of all ages, as well as families and couples who may have problems with codependency, addictions, grief processes, anxiety, depression or conduct disorders food.

The Clinical Psychologist Juan Camarillo She has a Master's Degree in Adult Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Asociación Regiomontana de Psychoanalysis and in her consultation she attends adolescents and adults both in person and by video call.

Throughout her career, this psychologist has worked in various health centers and some of her intervention specialties more notable are the grieving processes, anxiety, phobias, depression, bullying and conduct disorders food.

The Psychologist and Coach Maria Anabell Briones Medellin She also serves adults, families and couples online, applying various effective therapies such as Family Therapy, the brief approach or Ericksonian Hypnosis.

Graduated in Psychology from the UANL, this professional has a Master's Degree in Family Therapy, a specialty in Psychiatry and another as an Expert in Psychology and Translation.

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