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The 80 best phrases about maturity

For all cultures today, reaching maturity means a full stop in the life of any person, That is why over time many thinkers have decided to pronounce on what it meant for them to reach this state of consciousness.

Some people take many years to mature and others instead manage to reach this level of wisdom much earlier to come of age, a fact that undoubtedly in the course of history has amazed and confused more than one person.

Famous phrases and reflections on maturity

If you would like to know more about maturity and want to know what some well-known international thinkers thought about it, this article will undoubtedly interest you.

Next we are going to show you a short selection with the best phrases and reflections ever said about maturity, along with a small description of each of them in which we will show you our own point of view on each particular appointment.

1. Maturity is achieved when a person puts off immediate pleasures for long-term values. (Joshua L. Liebman)

Our highest personal goals will almost always demand great effort from us over a long period of time, that is For this reason, over the years many people tend to discover that without patience nothing can really be achieved. relevant.

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2. Worrying about people, things, or life is an act of maturity. (Tracy McMillan)

When we begin to care about everything around us, that is when as individuals we begin to mature.

3. I live in that loneliness that is painful in youth, but delicious in mature years. (Albert Einstein)

Being alone does not have to be anything negative for a person, since maturity tends to teach us that it is much better to be alone than in bad company.

4. Maturity is a high price to pay for growth. (Tom Stoppard)

Maturity often represents the loss of innocence, during this process of change many of we lose one of our greatest virtues in order to achieve a very personal quality different.

5. We grow when we can laugh at ourselves. (Ethel Barrymore)

We all sometimes commit acts that we regret over time, learning to laugh at these situations is something that will make us much more mature in the future.

6. To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to create yourself without ceasing. (Henri Bergson)

Over the years we all discover that maturing is nothing more than acknowledging our own mistakes and acting accordingly.

7. Maturity is knowing when to be immature. (Randall Hall)

Some personal situations that can sometimes seem complicated, we will discover that in reality they were not so complicated when we reached our maturity.

8. Forty is the ripe old age of youth; the fifties the youth of middle age. (Victor Hugo)

As we can see, Victor Hugo always managed to see things in a positive way. Age can only be a number if we do not let it affect us negatively on a mental level.

9. Maturing is accepting that to grow you need to feel pain.

Everything is learned in this life and human beings where we learn the most is in the most complicated moments.

10. What makes Superman a hero is not that he has power, but that he has the wisdom and maturity to use power wisely. (Christopher Reeve)

As they say, great power comes with great responsibility. It is very common for many superhero adventures to base their plot on a very particular search for maturity.

11. Maturity begins to manifest itself when we feel that our concern is greater for others than for ourselves. (Albert Einstein)

Caring for others denotes of ourselves a great knowledge of society and our position within it, a very important understanding capacity that some people never manage to reach own.

12. A sign of maturity is the ability to be comfortable with people who are not like us. (Virgil A. Kraft)

Accepting others with their qualities and defects is undoubtedly a very intelligent act that only the most mature people can perform.

13. There are truths in which you have to grow. (H.G. Wells)

Getting to accept certain acts is something that will always demand great maturity on our part.

14. Maturity is the age when one is no longer fooled by oneself. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

When we reach a certain moment in life we ​​learn to be more pragmatic, that is why the Maturity also tends to cause many people to temporarily abandon some of their dreams of life. childhood.

15. Maturity cannot be defined by age.

The fact of having a certain age should never be considered as an indispensable factor in order to be a mature and experienced person.

16. There is no other path to maturity than to learn to bear the blows of life. (William Shakespeare)

It is very common that the more difficult times we go through, the more mature people over time we manage to become.

17. Mature age is one in which you are still young, but with much more effort. (Jean-Louis Barrault)

Once we become mature people, it is very likely that many of us will change our behavior to a great extent. This is something that usually happens to the vast majority of people.

18. Maturity is taking responsibility for being free and fighting for those who are not.

Fighting for the common good is something that will always demand of us, a great maturity on a mental level and in most cases probably also a great physical effort.

19. A successful life is a teenage dream fulfilled in middle age. (Alfred de Vigny)

We all want to become successful people over time, although as we will discover, many of our personal dreams may actually just be a person's own idealizations immature.

20. Seriousness is not a sign of maturity. Maturity is knowing how to laugh at life, but taking it seriously only when necessary.

Certainly a mature person does not have to look like someone withered or too serious, because when We are really mature, many of us learn to enjoy even the smallest things in life. offers.

21. The greatest distinguishing feature between the child and the mature is that the child acts without thinking that he can harm others.

An infantile being still retains much of his innocence, on the other hand, an immature person is someone who simply does not understand that his actions can cause real harm.

22. You are never too old to be younger. (Mae West)

As long as we manage to keep our spirit young, we don't have to feel like someone too old.

23. Youth ends when selfishness does; maturity begins when we live for others. (Hermann Hesse)

There are many people who, when they reach maturity, discover that their negative and positive acts can influence the lives of third parties.

24. Does any man mature or just come of age? (Stephen King)

There is a belief that women mature much faster than men, something that most likely comes from their personal experiences rather than their age.

25. A man must be able to listen and bear the worst that can be said about him. (Saul Bellow)

Knowing how to receive a criticism is undoubtedly a very clear sign of maturity. We must take into consideration that only by knowing what our defects are can we correct them in the future.

26. It must be wonderful to be seventeen, and to know everything. (Arthur C. Clarke)

It is very common for young people to think they are smarter than they really are, an idea that over time will most likely change in them.

27. No one smart knows what they want until they are in their twenties or thirties. (Michael Crichton)

Youth is a stage of life in which nobody is very clear about their objectives, luckily when We leave that period behind, many of us discover what are those personal goals that most they are passionate.

28. Sensuality comes as maturity. (Andie MacDowell)

As time goes by, many of us will learn to value some aspects of others, which most likely did not interest us before.

29. Few people of integrity can go a long way. (Bill Kauth)

Higher goals will almost always demand extra effort and maturity from us of course, over time we will discover that it is no exception.

30. Sometimes you will achieve success on the road to maturity, at least temporarily. (Ricky Williams)

Professional success can come very prematurely and in many cases, this is usually a very important factor for some people to reach a certain degree of maturity.

31. Sometimes maturity is more absurd than youth and very often it is more unfair than youth. (Tomas A. Edison)

All stages of life have both positive and negative aspects, that is why when we reach maturity we continue to have defects as individuals.

32. In the end, mental maturity is what brings out the best in you. (Lindsey Ivonn)

When we become mature people, it is when we usually let others see the best possible version of ourselves.

33. A man is in his youth when he believes he is a man, not realizing that his actions must prove it. (Mary Renault)

Age does not automatically make us mature, personal experiences instead have the power to make us mature at a very rapid rate.

34. You have to be able to recognize your truths in broad daylight before you can find them in the dark. (Kelli Jae Baeli)

Accepting our own defects is of course a very clear sign of maturity.

35. Progress must never be impeded by the need to pamper adults who respond to the world like children. (Kelli Jae Baeli)

If we allow society to fall into the hands of immature leaders, sooner or later we will all suffer the consequences.

36. When you grow up you will discover that some people in this world never make it past the caveman stage. (Hendrik Willem van Loon)

Not all of us have the innate ability to mature in our lifetime. As time goes by, it is very common to see how some people fail to mature and continue trying to persevere in their personal mistakes.

37. Maturity comes with experience, not age. (Ziat K. Abdelnour)

The experiences are much more important for maturity than the years of life, which is why in young people some are usually much more mature than others.

38. It takes quite a bit of grace and maturity just to forgive, but when you do it opens up a whole space for healing. (Elizabeth George)

Forgiveness is a feeling that is very difficult to achieve because only by being really very mature people, will we really be able to feel it in ourselves.

39. Fifty languages ​​are used by people who do not have the maturity or intelligence to express themselves in better words. (Nouman Ali Khan)

Knowing how to adapt our language to our interlocutor is something that will allow us to understand ourselves with him in a much more fluid way.

40. Adults can wait. (Ann Landers)

Over time it is very normal that we all learn, that those things that will give us the most pleasure we will never achieve overnight.

41. Immaturity is the inability to use intelligence without the guidance of others. (Immanuel Kant)

Relying on third parties is undoubtedly a very clear sign of immaturity because all of us we are, in fact, fully capable of fending for ourselves in almost any kind of situation.

42. We are the children of our parents and we become the parents of our children. (Merrit Malloy)

Life always has the same stages for all of us and in the blink of an eye, we tend to see how many of us turn from children to parents.

43. A large part of maturity is gaining the confidence and competence to make your own decisions. (Susan Maushart)

Making our own decisions is something that can lead us to make mistakes and that is why many immature people avoid at all costs having to direct their own lives themselves.

44. Adult men don't need leaders. (Edward Abbey)

As we all discover one day, when we are mature enough, the opinions of others are no longer relevant to us.

45. Age is not a guarantee of maturity. (Lawana Blackwell)

The passage of time does not have to bring maturity to a person, as some individuals fail to mature throughout their lives.

46. Never regret the loss of innocence, as it always brings the great gain of wisdom. (Erica Goros)

Although the lack of innocence can make us perhaps somewhat more unhappy people, it is also something that will allow us to understand life in a more accurate way.

47. Everyone grows up but not everyone becomes mature. (Kemi Sogunle)

Maturing is the result of constant mental work, the simple passage of time will not make us mature if we do not stop to understand everything that is happening to us.

48. Information can be painful when you are not ready to have it. (Richard Walter)

Some realities can be very difficult to digest if we do not have the appropriate level of maturity, That is why having the help of a psychologist during childhood can be an aspect to take into account.

49. Maturity means seeing things differently, but accepting that they don't matter. There are no technological shortcuts. (Ted Chiang)

All stages of life have positive aspects, although to discover them, we must first mature.

50. Compassion for our parents is the true sign of maturity. (Anais Nin)

At the time we all tend to realize that our parents have been one of the most important pillars of our life, reaching this state of mind is a very clear sign of maturity.

51. We do not mature with age. We mature with the falls we face in life. (Avijeet Das)

Bad experiences can be a very important plus when it comes to ripening, if we look at it many times, it is the most ripe fruits that have also received the most blows.

52. Growing up is tough business, and it's a business of the heart. (Rob Reimer)

Life can bring us some really complicated experiences and if we get through them successfully emotionally, we will manage to become the best possible version of ourselves.

53. To find yourself you need a concentrated mind and a free soul. Finding what is needed is freeing the mind and concentrating the soul. (J. Earp)

Meditating is undoubtedly a very beneficial activity with which we can all greatly clarify our thoughts.

54. The true mark of maturity is when someone hurts you and you try to understand their situation instead of hurting them. (Ryron Gracie)

As we all tend to discover throughout life, empathy and maturity are two qualities that often go hand in hand.

55. Maturity requires a final adjustment between our aspirations and our limitations. (J William Fulbright)

Only a person fully aware of her own limitations can be considered a truly mature person.

56. For the immature, other people are not real. (Henry Overstreet)

Valuing all those around us is a very important first step towards maturity.

57. Maturity is generally regarded as a synonym for "adult." But I consider that maturity is defined by the ability to be both; an adult and a child. (Gina Marinello)

Only by being aware of our strengths and weaknesses can we reach maturity. Being a mature person often means being in contact with those most negative aspects that we have.

58. It is strange that the years teach us what patience is; the shorter our time, the better our ability to wait. (Elizabeth Taylor)

Life is usually long enough to teach us to be patient individuals. Those most relevant achievements that we will one day achieve, it will most likely have taken us a long time to achieve them.

59. Memory changes as a person matures. (Siri Hustvedt)

Over time we all forget those most superfluous acts that once happened to us. When we reach old age it is very likely that many of us will only keep those thoughts that make us feel happier.

60. To grow is to accept vulnerability. To be alive is to be vulnerable. (Madeleine L’Engle)

You never know what life has in store for you and yet we are all forced to learn to live with this constant uncertainty.

61. To be or not to be popular, to have company or to be alone, are not problems that concern a developed soul. (Donna Goddard)

If we know ourselves and are consistent with our thoughts, we will discover that what others may say is something that simply should not affect us.

62. Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses, and start making changes. (Roy Bennett)

Lying to ourselves is something that will never solve our problems, we must get down to work if we want to be successful in the future.

63. A person remains immature at any age as long as he thinks that he is the exception of the human race. (Harry Allen Overstreet)

The fact of thinking that we are different from others is usually a very clear indication of immaturity in most cases.

64. Maturity is reached the day we don't need to lie about anything. (Frank Yerby)

The lie is usually a short-term solution that in the long run brings us many more damages, the sooner a certain problem is tackled, it usually has a less impact on us.

65. The definition of maturity is learning to delay pleasure. (Dave Ramsey)

The longer it takes to achieve a certain achievement, it is usually enjoyed much more, that is why delaying an announced victory can be something that finally allows us to enjoy it in a much more way intense.

66. Maturity is the ability to live in peace with what we cannot change. (Ann Landers)

If a personal problem cannot be solved, the sooner we can forget about it, the sooner we will begin to live much more fully.

67. Maturity is developed by respecting others and accepting responsibility for violating that respect. (Wes Fesler)

Our personal freedoms end where those of others begin, learning to respect the rules and the rights of others is something that all people tend to do in the course of their lives.

68. Living in fear and not being afraid is the ultimate test of maturity. (Edward Weeks)

When the day comes we will all die, learning to live in a normal way knowing this existential fact is something that is achieved with the passage of time.

69. Maturity is just a short break in adolescence. (Jules Feiffer)

The emotional ups and downs that we all experience during adolescence can be quite tiring for anyone, something we all discover when we finally reach a certain level of maturity.

70. Maturity is the moment when we regain our innocence. (Marty Rubin)

Eventually we all discover that no matter how much we study or inquire, we will never achieve Knowing everything about everything, this state of mind will only be achieved by being fully people ripe.

71. A healthy attitude is contagious, but don't expect to get it from others. Be a carrier. (Tom Stoppard)

The maturity of a person can undoubtedly be clearly reflected, if we decide to slowly observe what is the attitude that this has in front of strangers.

72. Adolescence is society's careless permission to combine physical maturity with psychological irresponsibility. (Terri Apter)

Adolescence is undoubtedly a very complicated stage, a time in the life of any person where we have the physical strength of an adult still keeping the same ideas as when we were a few years older youths.

73. I went from adolescence to senility trying to outgrow maturity. (Tom Lerer)

Some people do not seem to mature throughout their lives, but despite this, this immaturity sometimes seems to endow them with a greater degree of happiness.

74. Learning to trust is one of the most difficult tasks in life. (Isaac Watts)

A quote that undoubtedly reveals a great truth to us because as they say, trust takes a lifetime to earn and only a minute to lose.

75. Youth condemns; maturity forgives. (Amy Lowell)

The act of forgiving an offense can only be carried out if the one who judges has achieved a certain degree of wisdom.

76. Part of maturity is knowing who you are. (Rob Lowe)

When we reach a certain degree of mental maturity, many of us discover which are our most positive aspects and also which are the most negative.

77. While personal maturity may mean being able to see beyond yourself, leadership maturity means considering others before you. (John C. Maxwell)

We can all have something to contribute to a certain cause and that is why every good leader must know how to obtain that most positive aspect that each of his subordinates can have in order to offer you.

78. The value of marriage is not that adults produce children, but that children produce adults. (Peter De Vries)

There are many people who, when they become parents, discover that they are no longer in the famous prime of life.

79. It is the responsibility of an old anxious being on behalf of the young. And it is the duty of the young to despise the anxiety of the old. (Philip Pullman)

Each stage of life has both negative and positive aspects and it is up to us to Ultimately, to be able to obtain the maximum learning from each of the experiences that life offers.

80. The biggest day of our lives is when we take full responsibility for our attitudes. That is the day you really grow up. (John C. Maxwell)

In order for a person to be able to take responsibility for all of his actions, he must first reach a certain degree of maturity.

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