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The best 15 Psychologists in Chimalhuacán

The Clinical Psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez Tellez She has more than 10 years of professional experience and currently she serves children, adolescents, adults and couples online.

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Norte de Barranquilla, this professional has a Diploma in Sexology She is a doctor from the same university, a Diploma in Developmental Disorders and a specialty in Legal Psychology and Forensic.

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, with which she treats autism spectrum disorders, cases of ADHD, anxiety, depression, relationship problems, sexual difficulties, divorce processes and guardianship and custody processes of children.

The Clinical Psychologist Irma Malpica throughout her career, she has specialized in serving adults of all ages through integrated application of various proven therapies tailored to your needs individuals.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Latin American University, this professional has a Master's degree in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Postgraduate Course in Bioneuroemotion and an Upper Level Training Course Practitioner.

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Her intervention is offered online and some of her most notable specialties are: addictions, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, substance abuse and the processes of divorce.

The online psychotherapy center Emotional Astronaut It is one of the most recommended in Mexico and there you will find a select team of professionals specialized in attending any type of query or problem in adolescents, youth, adults and also couples

The center's interventions are based on the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the orientations most used by the professionals around the world, however, other proven therapies are also integrated, depending on the needs of every customer.

The main areas addressed by the professionals at the Emotional Astronaut Center are emotional problems of all kinds, cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, insomnia, stress and deficits in the skills of coping.

The psychologist Vicky chaillo She has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Valley of Mexico and a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Eleia Center for Psychological Activities.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving children and adolescents, of all ages, as well as adults individually and also families and couples, by offering sessions on-line.

Her intervention is integrative in nature and some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her sessions are cases of anxiety and depression, emotional problems, low self-esteem, stress, relationship problems and infidelity.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of professional psychology and currently she attends online to adolescents, adults, seniors and couples.

Her intervention integrates various highly effective therapies, such as Brief Systemic Therapy or Humanist Therapy, orientations with which successfully treats cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, stress, addictions and cases of violence from gender.

Víctor Fernando Pérez has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, he has a She is certified in Transformational Coaching and she also masters the application of Brief Therapy Systemic

Maria Guadalupe Ibarra She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, in addition to having completed a course in social research and psychopedagogical care at the AC center.

This psychologist is specialized in intervention in crisis situations, in individual psychotherapy, and in couple psychotherapy, having treated patients in situations of grief before the loss of a loved one, in codependency, and in depression in young people and teenagers.

Annabel gomez She has a degree in Psychology from the Metropolitan Autonomous University, she has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy from She couples by the Instituto Mexicano de la Pareja, and she is certified in traumatology by the International Traumatology Institute.

She is a specialist in psychological trauma, anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and assisting patients with suicidal behavior, in situations of low self-esteem, and patients affected by moments of mourning due to the loss of a being Dear.

Luis Antonio Rodriguez He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Mexico, has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy She is psychoanalytic by the Eleia Center, and has a diploma in psychotherapy for patients affected by addiction to play.

He is a great specialist in clinical psychology, in adolescent and adult psychotherapy, and in the treatment of disorders sexual and relationship disorders, in addition to having treated patients with chronic depression, personality disorders, and adaptation.

Oscar arvizu He has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, has a Master's degree in Psychology and family therapy by the same organization, and has a diploma in systemic therapy and dialogue.

He is a great expert in the area of ​​individual and couple psychotherapy, and in family therapy, having treated patients affected by panic attacks, behavioral disorders, and addiction to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances.

Zaira Analhi She has a degree in Psychology from the Iztacala School of Higher Studies, as well as being an excellent specialist in individual and couples therapy, adolescent psychotherapy, and speech and language therapy learning.

Among the psychological pathologies that he has dealt with the most, stand out disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress, grief situations over the loss of a loved one, and eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, among others.

Patricia Flores She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, and is specialized in psychotherapy cognitive behavioral, in anxiety, depression and stress disorders, and in the treatment of disorders of the behaviour.

She has also treated patients with other types of psychological pathologies, among which the grief situations over the loss of a loved one, adolescent depression, and dependency emotional.

Altagracia Colorado she has a degree in psychology, a master's degree in psychoanalytic psychotherapy in children and adolescents from the Emmanuel Kant University Center, and she also has a diploma as a technician psychoanalytic.

In turn, she is a specialist in cognitive behavioral psychotherapy, in disorders in children and adolescents, and in the treatment of anxiety, stress and depression disorders, in behavioral disorders, and in attacks of panic.

Viridiana Monserrat Jiménez She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she has a diploma in clinical and pediatric neuropsychology, and has also completed a course in neurodevelopment and intervention in the autism by the CENR.

She is a specialist in the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, in child neuropsychology, and in the treatment of addictions such as alcohol and tobacco, among other types of disorders such as learning.

Francisca Flores She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Nuevo León, has a Master's Degree in Neuroscience from the University of Barcelona, ​​and is a specialist in Pediatric Neuropsychology.

She is an expert in child and adult neuropsychology, having treated different types of disorders in children and adolescents such as dyslexia, conduct disorders, and oppositional disorders challenging.

Ixchel Torres She has a degree in Psychology from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, she is a specialist in psychological therapy, in psychological evaluations, and in the field of clinical psychology.

In addition, they have treated patients affected by personality disorders, social phobia, and adjustment disorders, among other types of psychological pathologies.

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