Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Vilassar de Dalt

Miguel Camarasa Godoy He has a degree in both Medicine and Surgery from the National University of Rosario in Argentina and has a Master's degree specialized in the correct use of Psychoanalysis, awarded by the iPsi Training Center Psychoanalytic.

Her remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient, in the treatment of difficulties such as anxiety disorders, addictions, low self-esteem or depression.

Marta Lozano Jacas She graduated in Psychology at the University of Barcelona and later decided to pursue a Master's degree specialized in the study of the social cognitive field also through this same university.

This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as poor emotion management from anger, lack of control over impulses, depression, job stress or low self-esteem.

Laura Migale She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and it is also important to note that she is specialist has almost 30 years of experience practicing psychoanalysis in people of all ages. ages.

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Over the years this psychologist has acquired great skill in treating difficulties such as depression, job stress, phobias or complicated situations of infidelity.

Pol Osés He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and an academic degree awarded by the Open University of Catalonia, which is specialized in both the Management and Administration of Business.

In the consultation of this psychologist some difficulties are usually treated very frequently, such as work stress, low self-esteem, anxiety, conflicts between relatives or crisis of partner.

Psicotools Psychology and Mindfulness is a therapeutic center located in the city of Barcelona, ​​where we can find a large multidisciplinary team of expert psychologists.

In this center, a wide variety of difficulties can be treated very effectively, some examples of which may be depression, work stress or anxiety disorders.

The Mensalus Institute It is a psychological assistance center with more than 35 years of history behind it, which is why it is currently considered one of the reference centers of the city of Barcelona.

We can visit the Mensalus Institute if, for example, we are going through a serious depression, an anxiety disorder, very high stress levels or a stage with very low self-esteem.

Chantal Blanco Grace she completed her basic studies in Psychology at the University of Barcelona and after obtaining her academic degree accrediting, she had the opportunity to specialize via Master in the specific use of Therapy Psychoanalytic.

She stands out for her great ability in treating difficulties such as phobias, recurrent panic attacks, anxiety disorders, relationship crises or jealousy during childhood.

M. Montserrat Naranje She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a specialized Master's Degree in General Health Psychology, issued by the Catholic University of Ávila.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to treat some difficulties such as chronic depression, very high levels of job stress, low self-esteem, or conduct disorders food.

Meritxell Sánchez Costa She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and a specialized Master's degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, which was issued to her by the University of Vic.

Together with this specialist we can treat in a very effective way some difficulties such as anxiety disorders, perinatal grief, postpartum depression or very low self-esteem.

Helena Hidalgo she graduated in Psychology at the University of Barcelona and after spending some time, she made the decision to specialize in the use of Integrative Therapy through a Postgraduate course that was taught by the Girona University.

Recurrent panic attacks, anxiety disorders, and agoraphobia are some of the psychological difficulties that are most frequently treated in the consultation of this specialist.

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