The most important FACTS of the CONTEMPORARY Age

The big ones ages of history They are known for dividing the history of humanity into periods of long duration in which numerous events of great relevance occur that are very different from those that occurred in other times. To talk about the main events that occurred in our historical stage in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the important facts of the Contemporary Age.
- Facts that started the Contemporary Age
- Important events of the 19th century
- Main events of the 20th and 21st century
Facts that started the Contemporary Age.
To begin this lesson on the important facts of theContemporary age, we must talk about the events that took place at the beginning of this era: what happened since 1789 with the French Revolution until the end of the 18th century, and which are often used to talk about the beginning of this new epoch.
French Revolution
The French Revolution is the event that begins the Contemporary Age. This revolution that took place in 1789 made France change from the absolutist government typical of the time to a republican one in which individual freedoms began to be key.
Haitian Revolution
Begun in 1791, it was a key movement in the history of humanity, not only because it was the first of the Latin revolutions, but also for being able to eradicate slavery from his region and show the rest of the world the future of the colonies.
American Revolution
Although it happened before what we consider to be the start date of the Contemporary Age, We must talk about the American Revolution for having many of the key elements of this new stage. Begun in 1775, it is considered the first liberal revolution in history, serving as a base for the French and the Haitian.
Important events of the 19th century.
To continue with this lesson we must talk about the main important events of the 19th century, being a stage in which the influence of the aforementioned revolutions began to permeate more in European and American societies and this caused great changes without which we do not understand the world current.
Napoleonic wars
In its quest to establish throughout Europe a liberal system similar to the French Emperor Napoleon initiated the napoleonic wars throughout the continent to seek a common model and expand the great French Empire. Napoleon's defeat meant that his ideas would take longer to reach certain nations, but the seed of his thought was established throughout Europe.
Independence in Latin America
Between 1808 and 1833 a series of wars were carried out throughout Latin America to achieve the independence and stop being colonies of the Spanish Empire. These revolutions started following the example of France and the United States brought the creation of many of the American nations that we know today.
Revolutions of 1820 and 1830
Another of the important Contemporary Age events were the two great revolutionary cycles that took place in Europe and that they based their thinking on the nationalism and liberalism that Napoleon had expanded. Among the participating nations we can mention Spain, Portugal and Poland.
Opium Wars and Colonial Wars in Asia
In the middle of the 20th century, the United Kingdom set its eyes on the Asian region and on the great regions that it could take in the area to expand its great commercial influence. Of all the colonial wars, the opium war, which faced China vs. UK and whose consequences were seen for decades.
Spring of the Peoples
Also known as revolutions of 1848 They were the revolutions that ended the last remnants of absolutism in Europe, being especially relevant in France and in the so-called German states.
American Civil War
Started in 1861, it was a civil war that faced the states of the Union that defended the abolition of slavery against the Confederate states that sought to maintain slavery so that their wealth based on this could be maintained.
It was Meiji
Japan's entry into the call was Meiji made the Japanese country take a path towards modernization and westernization that made it become one of the great world powers.
Creation of Italy and Germany
During the second half of the 19th century, the different regions that made up what we now know as Italy and Germany were united to form the current states, this being a vital process for the history of the humanity.
Cast of Africa
The cast of africaIt is the way in which the invasion and colonialism carried out by the European powers on the African continent is called to late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries in which the great powers divided the continent as if they were treated.
Main events of the 20th and 21st century.
To finish the lesson on the important facts of the Contemporary Age, we must talk about the main facts that took place in the world during the last two centuries of our existence and that to a greater or lesser extent have created the world current.
First World War
The call happens Big war known for being the first world warl and in which the more traditional powers faced off against the more modern ones in a struggle for change.
Russian Revolution
Socialist revolutionary process that took place by the constant corruption of the tsars, by the defeat in the First World War and a situation of great inequalities in the region. The Russian Revolution It ends with the creation of the mighty USSR, who was the defender of socialism for decades.
Great Depression
One of the great economic crises that took place in the 1930s, being especially relevant in the United States, where stocks fell to illogical levels.
Second World War
Happened in 1939, the Second World War is known as the most important in history, being the war with the highest number of participants in history and the one with the highest number of deaths, with almost 3% of the world population.
Cold War
The cold War It was a long war between the capitalist bloc led by The United States and the communist bloc led by the USSR. Although both nations never had a real confrontation between them, they did participate in civil wars seeking to support the closest ideologically side.
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- Villani, P. (1997). The contemporary age, 1914-1945 (No. 330.91 / V71eE).
- Barraclough, G., & Gil, C. S. (1965). Introduction to contemporary history (No. 909.8 / B26iE). Gredos publishing house.
- Torres, M. TO. (1995). Political representation in the contemporary age. Annals of the Francisco Elías de Tejada Foundation, (1), 85-109.