Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Coaches in Mexicali

The psychologist Oscar Villicaña is an expert in applying Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy, one of the guidelines most used by professionals from all over the world for their scientific evidence and positive results during the process therapeutic.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California, this professional has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy and Child and Adolescent Assessment, a Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and another in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy Advanced

Throughout his career, Oscar Villicaña has specialized in serving children over 2 years of age, adolescents and adults with anxiety and depression problems, eating disorders, impulsivity, deficits in anger management, stress or low self-esteem.

His services are offered both in face-to-face and telematic sessions, in which he also integrates other effective therapies such as Systemic Psychotherapy, Brief Therapy or Family and Couples Therapy.

The psychologist Aribeth San Martin

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she is a specialist in child-youth, adult and family and couple areas. Throughout her career, she has specialized in promoting and facilitating professional growth processes and also tackles any type of emotional, affective or social problem.

Her services are offered in face-to-face sessions and also remotely, in which she addresses trauma, alcoholism, substance abuse, internet and video game addiction, deficits in coping skills, codependency, loneliness and problems emotional

Aribeth San Martín has a degree in Psychology from Villa Rica University, she has a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Intercontinental University and has a Diploma in Child Psychotherapy from the Centro de Estudios Psychological.

The psychologist Karina Isela Ruiz Viramontes she is also a Coach specialized in vocational guidance, family educational counseling, crisis intervention, addictions, work stress and adjustment disorders, among many other areas of intervention.

Her services are offered both online and in person and are aimed at adults individually. and also to couples and families who may present any type of emotional, relational or behavioral.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Education from the Vizcaya University of the Americas, a specialty in Thanatology from the same university and two more specialties in Teaching and Consulting Business

The psychologist Veronica del Valle She has a Bachelor of Psychology with Honorable Mention from the UABC, she has a Diploma in Human Development and Aging from Harvard University and is also an Instructor in Sexuality Courses.

This professional masters Humanistic Psychotherapy, Coaching, Brief Therapy and Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, orientations that she integrates according to the specific needs of the client, in face-to-face sessions or telematics.

Some of her intervention specialties are sexual and relationship disorders, grieving processes, codependency, adjustment disorders, stress and depression.

The psychologist Carolina Robles Portillo He is also a specialist in providing a quality Coaching service aimed at people of all ages, as well as families and couples, in face-to-face or online sessions.

His intervention also integrates various effective orientations and some of the areas that he successfully addresses are the bulimia nervosa, pathological bereavement, aggressive behavior, post-traumatic stress, codependency, depression and anxiety.

This professional has a Technical and Clinical Diploma for Couples, a Master's Degree in Ericksonian Psychotherapy and an International Diploma in Narrative Therapy.

The psychologist and coach Oscar Abel Mascareño Cervantes He has more than 15 years of professional experience and in his practice he cares for adults on an individual basis.

Throughout his long career, Oscar Abel Mascareño has specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, personality disorders, internet addiction, codependency and cases of infidelity.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California, this therapist has a Diploma in Thanatology, Bachelor of Computer Science and specialist in Coaching, Mindfulness and Clinical Hypnosis.

The center Be Life Coaching It is made up of a team of professionals specialized in providing the best Personal Coaching service, specifically adapted to each of the client's needs.

The main specialties of the center are the achievement of specific objectives, the overcoming of barriers the subconscious, personal relationship problems, work problems and disorders of adaptation.

The psychologist Maria Teresa Montaño Bastidas He graduated in Psychology from the UABC, has a Certification in Neurolinguistic Programming and is a Specialist in Family Therapy, Sexuality and Child Sexual Abuse.

His intervention is aimed at people of all ages, as well as couples, parents and also families who may have problems with coexistence, difficulties in raising children, cases of domestic violence, behavior problems or orientation problems vocational.

Center A Mares Psychotherapy and Coaching has a multidisciplinary team specialized in providing a personal or family Psychotherapy and Coaching service, as well as in giving different workshops on family coaching.

Some of the areas that the professionals of the center address are the grieving processes, the family and communication problems, addictions, emotional problems, chronic pain and stress.

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