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Couples Therapy in Guadalajara (Mexico): the 9 best Psychologists

The psychologist Julian Zambrano she is one of the most prominent professionals in the field of psychotherapy aimed at couples who may be going through a bad time in their relationship, in sessions offered both in the telematic mode and in person.

Graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Guadalajara, this professional has a Master's degree in Cognitive-behavioral Psychotherapy and several Diplomas in Couples Therapy, Mental Health and Brief Psychotherapy and Emergencies

Her intervention is based on integrated cognitive-behavioral therapy together with other guidelines of proven efficacy such as Brief Therapy or Acceptance Therapy and Commitment, with which he deals with self-esteem problems, emotional dependence, conflicts of all kinds in the couple, traumas and problems emotional

The psychologist Laura Diaz Zúñiga She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Guadalajara and has a Diploma in Sexual and Couples Therapy.

Their sessions are offered both in person in consultation and online and are based on the Gestalt therapy, with which she addresses all kinds of relationship problems, as well as disorders specific.

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Regarding their intervention specialties, the disorders of sexuality, the aversion to sex, grieving processes, emotional dependence, stress, and abuse sexual.

The psychologist Monica Barron Olarte she is another of the leading expert therapists in couples therapy in Guadalajara and her intervention It is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of the ones that presents the best results in the person attended.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Guadalajara, this Clinical Psychologist has a Master's Degree in Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, a Diploma in Mentalization-Based Therapy and extensive training in thanatology and processes of duel.

Likewise, her sessions are also offered online and her main intervention specialties are disorders of eating behavior, depression and anxiety, suicidal behavior, social phobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

The psychologist Elizabeth Ramirez de la Torre she is a specialist in attending to all kinds of problems and disorders in the sphere of the couple, especially cases of anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress, low self-esteem, emotional dependence, grieving processes and psychological abuse.

Her most notable qualifications are a Bachelor of Psychology from the Jesuit University of Guadalajara, extensive training in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and a Master's in Science of Behaviour.

This professional also offers face-to-face and remote sessions, depending on the preferences and needs of each couple served.

The psychologist Carmen Arechiga Camacho is a specialist in Psychotherapy and Educational Psychology, has a Master's Degree in Psychotherapy Gestalt and specialties in Systemic Psychotherapy, Ericksonian Hypnosis and Programming Neurolinguistics.

Its service is also offered online and some of the areas it successfully addresses are drug addiction cases or alcoholism, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social phobia, sexual difficulties, pathological grief processes and stress.

The psychologist Maria Elizabeth Zermeño He graduated in Psychology from the Jesuit University of Guadalajara in 2001, has a Diploma in Child Psychotherapy and has a Training Course in Therapies Behavioral-contextual.

This professional has specialized in serving people of all ages who need support psychological, as well as couples, both in person and remotely with all the comforts possible.

Her intervention integrates different therapies with proven efficacy and some of her specialties are disorders of the sexual behavior, depression, inhibited sexual desire, eating disorders, obesity and anxiety.

The therapist Tania Itzel Cisneros She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Guadalajara, a specialist in Educational Intervention and a Diploma in Couples Therapy.

Her services are offered both in person and remotely and some of her specialties are intervention are cases of depression and anxiety, emotional dependence, grieving processes and depression postpartum.

The psychologist René Muñoz He has a degree from the University of Guadalajara and in his consultation he attends to adults, couples and also families, in sessions offered in person or online.

His intervention is based on Brief Therapy, extensive scientific evidence and some of the areas that he successfully addresses are anxiety and depression disorders, conduct disorders, emotional dependence, stress and anorexy.

The psychologist Hector Lopez Martinez He is also a leading specialist in couples therapy, as well as in intervention in people of all ages, in person and remotely.

His intervention integrates Ericksonian Hypnosis with Coaching and some of his main specialties are cases emotional dependence, burnout syndrome, depression and anxiety, grief processes and depression postpartum.

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