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What are the wonders of the ancient and modern world

What are the wonders of the ancient and modern world

Image: Slideshare

Art has always raised a great infinity of mixed feelings, in addition to having a great infinity of different ways of expressing it. Since very early, the human being has had a great connection with it, so it is not surprising that, today, the Consuming art is an essential element, as well as being an excuse to travel and get to know other places in the world. world. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you what are the wonders of the ancient and modern world.

Within the lesson on what are the wonders of the ancient and modern world, we must know that, in the fourteenth century, Maerten van Heemskerck, Dutch painter, he created a list with a series of architectural and sculptural works that he defined as the wonders of the world.

It is not known exactly why they were only 7, although we suppose that it is related to the symbolism that this number brings, because in the world Hellenic was a sign of perfection and in the Christian world it was the time it took God to create the world. The problem that from the list that we are going to put for you below, only one still stands:

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Temple of Artemis

Made in the year 550 a. C., during the reign of the king of Croesus and a short time later it would be intentionally burned, destroying a large part of its structure. It was during the government of Alexander the Great, when it was rebuilt, and such was the importance it obtained from that moment, that it was considered the most important architectural work of all.

The Halicarnaso Mausoleum

We continue with the lesson on what are the wonders of the ancient and modern world, talking about a tomb, which was made of white marble and which came to measure approximately 50 meters. Legend has it that it was Artemis herself who had this building built to be the last dwelling place for the remains of her husband, Mausolo, which is where her name comes from.

Pyramids of giza

Without a doubt, it is easy to guess, which of the ancient wonders is still standing, since the Egyptian pyramids are more than known throughout the globe. These belonged to the pharaohs Cheops, Khafre and Menkaure, the first being built around 2570 BC. C. under the reign of Cheops.

The statue of Zeus

Located in Olympia (Greece), it was made of ivory and decorated with gold and precious stones. It was about 12 meters high and was carved by the hands of Phidias (the maker of the Parthenon).

The gardens of Babylon

Within the line between history and legend, it is where said work is inserted, since there is no archaeological testimonies that corroborate that at some point there was such a creation in the city of Babylon. However, there are writings of people who came to visualize it and who even described it as a series of landscaped terraces that was located on the banks of the Euphrates itself.

The colossus of Rhodes

Created between the years 294-282 a. C. It had two functions, the first as an offering to Helios, god of the sun and the second as a door to access the port of Rhodes. According to the writings of the time, this immense work reached about 32 meters in height.

The Lighthouse of Alexandria

As its name suggests, it was built to warn and guide ships to the port of Pharos.

What are the wonders of the ancient and modern world - The 7 wonders of the ancient world

Continuing with the lesson on what are the wonders of the ancient and modern world, this time, we must know that in 2007 A contest was held to designate the wonders of the modern world, a fact that was carried out worldwide, resulting in the following:

Chichen Itza

As we well know, the pyramids of Egypt are not the only ones that exist, because throughout America, we will find a series of pyramidal buildings. This is the case of this one, an archaeological site located in Yucatán, which is of Mayan origin, corresponding to the years 800-1100.

The Colosseum in Rome

Many are the romantic films that have this architectural work as a backdrop, a totally different element for which It was built in the S I, as it was the place where gladiator fights and other bloody games were held. gave.

The statue of redeemer Christ

Located in Rio de Janeiro, it was made in 1931, being located about 710 meters above sea level, from there it offers an incredible view of the city, which it seems to embrace.

The Great Wall of China

Without a doubt, an immense construction made between the 5th century BC. C. and the XVI d. C. to protect China from the attacks of the nomadic peoples of the east. In addition, it is a World Heritage Site since 1987. Thousands of people pass over it every day.

Machu Pichu

"Old Mountain" was a city of the Inca Empire built before the 15th century at about 2490 meters of altitude, it was an Inca residence and was found time after the Inca Empire had been conquered by the Spanish, therefore, we can say that it was the last stronghold of the incas.


The so-called stone city was founded in the 8th century BC. C. and it reached its maximum splendor with the Nabataeans in the VI BC. C. It served as a commercial city, and a resting point in the long commercial routes through the desert. Several have been the films that have had this as the main element, one of them being Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade.

Taj Mahal

Made between 1632-1653, it is located in India on the banks of the Yamuna River. Its fundamental characteristic is that it combines different architectural styles such as Persian, Muslim, Hindu and part Turkish, thus creating a unique building.

What are the wonders of the ancient and modern world - The wonders of the modern world

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