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The 6 elements of a map, and their characteristics

Since the dawn of humanity, human beings have often looked to the horizon and wondered what lies beyond where the eye can see.

We have gone from being nomads and gatherers to gatherers and ranchers and little by little we have become sedentary, but in At all times there has remained an interest of humanity in knowing where it is or what lies beyond the territory that occupies. And traveling has been a constant for the whole of humanity, depending on it the obtaining of resources, the establishment of trade routes and the formation of civilizations.

In order to allow oneself or others to be able to follow our steps and know what there is or how to get to other territories, to Throughout history, instruments such as maps have been developed, an indispensable element of great value for being human. But although there are a great variety of types of maps, as a general rule all of them require a series of basic components in order to be interpreted. That is why throughout this article let's talk about the different elements of a map

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, which allow us to understand and guide ourselves by them.

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What is a map?

Before going into talking about the different parts or main elements of a map and despite the fact that most people have used them on occasion, it is convenient to make a brief description of what a map is and what its function.

A map is a graphical and scale representation of a territory or geographic environment, of which the shape and particularities are detailed in a simplified way in order to serve as navigation system and / or to know the basic characteristics and limits of the terrain represented. It is a fundamental instrument in the discipline known as cartography, and its invention dates back at least to the Old Age (although examples of similar instruments are known from the Iron Age).

The basic function of a map is to represent the territory, in such a way that it allows to serve as a guide to be able to move to specific geological points. However, it is necessary to bear in mind that there are very different types of maps, some of which have a more specific function.

For example, we can talk about meteorological maps, which are intended to represent the territory in order to analyze the climate that exists or will be in a certain place (independently whether you want to travel there or not), while others help us to locate specific points from which to obtain resources or even to represent where certain occurred phenomena. In addition, it should also be mentioned that the maps represent not only natural geographical elements, but also political ones: they can mark the borders between countries, communities or regions differentiated from each other regardless of whether there is a geological element that divide or not.

Main elements of a map

Although there are different types of map, they all have in common a series of basic elements that allow their interpretation. These elements are, mainly, those that follow below.

1. Qualification

One of the most basic and simple elements of a map, but nevertheless one of the ones that makes it easier to understand what you are looking at. The title indicates in words the theme represented, the geographical area or the type of map that we are contemplating. For example "weather map of Spain" or "political map of Europe".

2. Scale

A map can represent a territory, but the distances that in it must be able to be interpreted as long as they can be effective. To do this, another of the elements of a map that are most useful to us is the scale at which it is drawn. In this way, we can know if two centimeters on the map represent two kilometers or twenty-four in reality, for example.

It is usually represented numerically, indicating the relation unit of measure on map / unit of measure in reality (for example 1/10000).

3. Symbols

Often on maps we may want represent concrete elements of reality that are not part of the orography itself but that are of interest to us or that are even the basis of what we want to show. In order to represent them we can use different types of symbols.

For example, a cross can be a hospital or a pharmacy, or a church depending on the type of cross, or a stone can be indicating a quarry. Likewise, they do not need to be added pictorial elements, but elements such as a color can even be used. determined (for example to symbolize that there is a higher or lower temperature or the parts of a territory with more or less resources).

4. Legend

Another of the fundamental elements for the interpretation of a map is the legend, which allows us to specify the meaning of the different symbols that we have used to represent specific elements.

Thanks to the legends, the users of a map can know what the author wanted to represent in a simplified way. It is usually indicated in a square to the side, showing the symbol and then its meaning. They can also come in the form of a graph, depending on what you are trying to represent.

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5. compass Rose

Another facilitator that is usually present in most maps is some type of element that indicates the main cardinal points. This can be done in a corner (usually one of the upper ones) with the compass rose. However, often only the cardinal points are used, or even only the North arrow.

This element of the map helps us to know in which direction the map is being viewed, facilitating the orientation of those who follow it.

compass Rose

6. Cartographic projections

Although it does not appear in all maps, other elements that can be useful and that appear frequently are cartographic projections, specifically the set of meridians and parallels into which the Earth is usually divided.

These projections allow us to establish coordinates, something very useful in various analog and digital navigation systems. This allows anyone to know where an element or a specific person is. with great accuracy, for example when there is an air or sea accident or a person gets lost in a natural park or a mountain range.

Bibliographic references:

  • Cosgrove D. AND. (ed.) (1999). Mappings. London: Reaktion Books.
  • O'Connor, J.J. and E.F. Robertson (2002). The History of Cartography. St. Andrews: St. Andrews University.

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