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The best 12 Psychologists in Aguascalientes

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez He has more than 15 years of professional experience behind his back and currently serves adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples, both in person and online.

His intervention integrates various therapies of proven efficacy and among his main specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, codependency, gender violence, divorce processes, suicidal ideations and stress.

Víctor Fernando Pérez has a degree in Psychology from UNIVA, he is a specialist in applying Brief Systemic Therapy and has a Certification in Transformational Coaching.

The psychologist Juan Francisco Cruz Govea He is another of the most prominent professionals in Mexico and has extensive experience both in the field of Clinical Psychology and in Forensic Psychology.

Graduated in Psychology from UNAM, this therapist has a Master's degree in Thanatology, as well as with a Diploma in Forensic Psychology, another in Family Therapy and a third Diploma in Therapy Brief.

Throughout a career of more than 15 years, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families, both in the modality face-to-face as well as at a distance and through an integrative intervention, in which Brief Therapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy and Family Therapy stand out. of Couple.

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In addition to that, among her intervention specialties, addictions, chronic pain, anxiety and depression, emotional problems, low self-esteem and cases of violence domestic.

The psychologist Irma Malpica She graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Latin American University, she has a Master in NLP, a Postgraduate in Bioneuroemotion and an Upper Level Practitioner Training Course.

This professional integrates in her consultation a series of effective therapies depending on the needs of intervention of each person attended, being Humanistic Therapy, Hypnotherapy and NLP, the most featured.

Her services are also offered online and some of her specialties are addiction to alcohol and drugs. drugs, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, cases of sexual abuse, divorce proceedings and pain chronic.

The Clinical Psychologist María de Jesús Gutiérrez Téllez She has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, another Postgraduate Degree in Psychology She is legal and forensic and has Diplomas in Medical Sexology, Developmental Disorders and Rupture of Partner.

Throughout more than 10 years of experience, this professional has worked in different institutions of mental health, where she has cared for people of all ages, as well as couples and children with autism.

Currently, María de Jesús Gutiérrez offers her services both in person and online, applying the best therapies adapted to the needs of each client, being some of the most outstanding, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, of great evidence empirical.

Some of her main intervention specialties are anxiety and depression disorders, cases of ADHD, drug and substance abuse, bipolar disorder and the processes of divorce.

The psychologist Martha Bazán del Valle Goya he attends in his office to adults individually or in groups, families and couples who need it through a therapy of the type integrative, based on the Humanist and Cognitive approach, among others, adapted to the individual characteristics of each case specific.

Thus, among the many consultations that this professional attends, both in person and online, we can highlight the more common which are the cases of depression, suicidal behavior, obsessive compulsive disorder and addictions of all kind.

The psychologist Maria Dolores Amezcua Gutierrez she is an expert in serving people of all ages and also couples and families through a comprehensive intervention of an integrative nature, with a strong Cognitive-behavioral base, one of the therapies most recommended by professionals, due to its excellent results during process.

In addition to that, some of the main queries that he addresses, also online, are the cases of anxiety, depression, sexual dysfunctions of all kinds and obsessive compulsive disorder, among other

The psychologist Ruth Areli Díaz Rodríguez She has 12 years of experience and in her practice offers a therapy service oriented to adults, couples and families.

Anxiety disorders, depression and relationship problems are his main intervention specialties.

The professional Antonio Isaac Galera Bustamante is a child psychologist specialized mainly in the family and educational spheres, who will approach the best therapies adapted to each particular case through an integrative approach.

Thus, anyone who goes to the consultation of this professional, will find a therapist specialized in addressing cases such as chronic depression, child sexual abuse or disorders of The conduct.

The psychologist Williams Rodriguez Guevara has an experience of more than 20 years and serves people of all ages applying therapies based on conflict resolution and also in the neuropsychological field.

His professional intervention is also offered online and some of his specialties are: attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, addictive disorders and anxiety.

The psychologist Raúl Alberto Madariaga Amaro He has more than 10 years of experience and also cares for adults both individually and in couple, as well as children and adolescents of all ages, for any problem they may to have.

The main queries that this psychology professional addresses in his workplace, also online, are the cases depression in adolescents, bullying, obsessive compulsive disorder, suicidal behavior and chronic fatigue.

At the psychologist's office Sandra Lisbeth Garcia Guerrero we will be able to find a therapy professional in private practice specialized in personal development of each consultant and in finding their well-being together, applying the best therapies to achieve it.

Her intervention is aimed at adults and is offered both in person and online, with all the comforts for the person, some of the main specialties of which are cases of chronic fatigue, codependency, panic attacks and cases of depression.

The psychologist Liani Ledesma Muñoz She is also an expert in attending consultations of all ages through an integrative therapy with an eminently Cognitive-behavioral approach.

This professional also attends online and her main intervention specialties are obsessive compulsive disorders, eating disorders and depression chronicle.

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