Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Ciudad Victoria

Ana Karen Lopez She has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Tamaulipas, Mexico, she is a specialist in Gestalt Psychotherapy She is a child, and she also has a Master's degree from the Center for Research and Entertainment in Gestalt Fritz Psychotherapy Perls.

She is specialized in treating patients with different types of addiction, anxiety, depression disorders, and emotional problems in children and adolescents.

Sandra Enedina Reyes She has a degree in Psychology, in addition to being a great specialist in the field of Child Neuropsychology, a field in which she has extensive experience and in which she has been able to treat a large number of patients.

Among the psychological pathologies that he has treated the most, attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity, also known as ADHD, autism spectrum disorder (ASD), or learning.

Luis Carlos Peña Diaz He has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety and depression, in addition to having treated sexual and relationship disorders in a large number of patients.

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Among the psychological pathologies that he has treated the most throughout his career as a psychologist, the disorders of panic with agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorders, and chronic depression, among other types of problems psychological.

Alex Fonz He has a degree in Psychology and has extensive experience in the field of clinical psychology, specializing in the treatment of disorders related to depression and anxiety.

Throughout her career as a psychologist, she has treated people affected by metabolic syndrome, with dyslipidemia, and with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Cynthia Paola Carranza Saldivar He has a degree in Psychology and has extensive experience in treating disorders of the learning, in autism spectrum disorders, also known as ASD, and in situations of bullying or bullying.

In addition, he has also treated a large number of patients affected by cases of dyslexia, stuttering, depression in children and adolescents, and cases of aggressive behavior in schools.

Jorge Alejandro Hernandez she has a degree in psychology and is a great specialist in the field of individual psychotherapy.

Throughout his professional career as a psychologist, he has treated patients affected by different types of psychological pathologies. Among the disorders that he has treated the most, anxiety and depression disorders, and situations of low self-esteem, among others, stand out.

Laura Elena Gaither She has a degree in Psychology and is a great expert in the treatment of disorders related to anxiety and depression.

Among the treatments that she has carried out the most among her patients throughout her career as a psychologist, the treatments to treat her addictions to different types of addictive substances, in addition to having treated patients with eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Tania Martinez She has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, in people in a situation of grief, and in clinical psychology.

Throughout her career as a psychologist, she has treated patients affected by depression during adolescence, with enuresis, or who have suffered psychological abuse and child neglect.

Maria Isabel Alcocer Tinajero She has a degree in Psychology and an expert in the treatment of people affected by anxiety disorders, depression and in situations of low self-esteem.

In addition, he has also treated people affected by addictive disorders to alcohol and tobacco, in addition to having improved the condition of many people affected by eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexy.

Vlinder Center is a practice specialized in rehabilitation, psychology and medical fitness treatments, designed for those people who want to obtain the maximum potential of themselves.

The center's team has extensive experience, which will ensure that all those who attend the center have the tools to be able to achieve their goals and objectives.

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