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The 71 best phrases of Family and family ties

The family is always there to support you and help you even in your worst moments. Although we did not decide to be born in one or another family, the truth is that the emotional ties that are created with our brothers, fathers, mothers... are practically unbreakable.

Relationships between family members are not always perfect, but if we are able to maintain harmony, our relatives are people we can count on no matter what happens.

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Family Phrases

In today's article we are going to know the best family phrases and the emotional ties that exist in it. If you think there is a famous quote or family reflection that would need to be added to the post, do not hesitate to tell us in the comments section.

Let us begin!

1. We do not inherit the land from our ancestors. We bequeath it to our children. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

From the author of The Little Prince.

2. My family is all. I am what I am thanks to my mother, my father, my brother, my sister… because they have given me everything. The education I have is thanks to them. (Ronaldinho)
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The Brazilian footballer spoke like this about his great family.

3. A home is not a building, not a street, not a city; it has nothing to do with such material things as bricks and cement. A home is where your family is, do you understand? (John Boyne)

Where you can be yourself and are understood no matter what.

4. When a newborn squeezes his father's finger for the first time with his little fist, he has it trapped forever. (Gabriel Garcia Marquez)

A love that never dies.

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5. Family is not something important. It's everything. (Michael J. Fox)

More important than any other area of ​​life.

6. The family is one of nature's masterpieces. (George Santayana)

Protection and comfort.

7. You don't choose your family. They are a gift from God to you, as you are to them. (Desmond Tutu)

A great phrase to sum up the joy of having a family.

8. The most important thing in the world is family and love. (John Wooden)

Without more, one of the main priorities of many people.

9. This is part of what a family is, it is not just love. It is knowing that your family will be there taking care of you. Nothing else will give you that. Not the money. Not fame. Not work. (Mitch Albom)

A very powerful form of psychological protection.

10. The bond that binds you to your true family is not that of blood, but that of respect and joy that you feel for their lives and they for yours. (Richard Bach)

Famous quote from the great composer.

11. Christmas is the perfect time to celebrate God's love and family and to create memories that will last forever. Jesus is the perfect and indescribable gift from God. The amazing thing is that we are not only able to receive this gift, but we can share it with others at Christmas and every other day of the year. (Joel Osteen)

About those special days.

12. God has blessed me with an incredible family, friends, and co-workers who have been my joy, my support, and my sanity. I do not know what I would be without them. (Josie Loren)

A thank you phrase.

13. One's family is the most important thing in life. I look at it this way: One of these days I'll be in a hospital somewhere with four walls around me. And the only people who will be with me will be my family. (Robert Byrd)

A magnificent choice.

14. Feelings of worth can only flourish in an environment where individual differences are appreciated, differences are tolerated. mistakes, where communication is open and rules are flexible, the kind of environment found in a family affectionate. (Virginia Satir)

A compendium of emotions.

15. I sustain myself with the love of my family. (Maya Angelou)

A key to emotional balance.

16. I have a wonderful refuge that is my family. I have a wonderful relationship with my brother and sister, this makes me feel like I always know where I belong. (José Carreras)

An oasis of calm and love.

17. The practice of patience towards the other, overlooking the defects of the other and the support of the burdens of others is the most elementary condition of all human and social activity in the family. (Lawrence G. Lovasik)

One of the qualities to live in community.

18. When families are strong and stable, so are children who show higher levels of well-being and more positive outcomes. (Iain Duncan Smith)

Scientifically proven.

19. The family is the first essential cell of human society. (Pope John XXIII)

A Christian phrase about the family.

20. When everything goes to hell, the people who are by your side without hesitation are your family. (Jim Butcher)

Doubt your friends, but not your relatives.

21. In my career, there are many things that I have won and many things that I have achieved, but for me, my greatest achievement is my children and my family. It's about being a good father, a good husband, just being connected to the family as much as possible. (David Beckham)

Words of the British footballer.

22. I had a really wonderful education. We were a large family. It was wonderful growing up with so many siblings. We were all only a year or two apart and we always supported each other. I learned everything from my older brothers and I taught this to my younger sisters. (Joaquin Phoenix)

About his childhood.

23. A true man loves his wife and places his family as the most important thing in life. Nothing has brought me more peace and satisfaction in life than simply being a good husband and father. (Frank Abagnale)

An affirmation based on the traditional conception of the family.

24. Life changes when you have a child, when you have your own family. You become more careful about what you do. You're not going out late, you're not going to clubbing, or drinking with your friends. You will be at home, taking care of your daughter, playing with her. (Paul Pierce)

A birth can change our way of interpreting reality and interacting with it.

25. There is no such thing as a 'broken family'. Family is family and is not determined by marriage certificates, divorce papers, and adoption papers. Families are made in the heart. (C. JoyBell C.)

The family as a category that does not depend on adjectives.

26. Family can annoy you like no one else, but it's also what makes life worth living. (Hugh Jackman)

The actor sees family as a place where emotions are heightened.

27. I try to live my life like my father lives his. He always takes care of others before him. He doesn't start eating until he makes sure everyone in the family has started eating. Another thing: My father never judges me if he won or lost. (Ben Roethlisberger)

Examples can lead us to our own way of living.

28. One day you will do things for me that you hate. That is what it means to be family. (Jonathan Safran Foer)

There are interests and goals beyond the individual.

29. I believe that family is key, and if you have love for family, then you have love for others and you have unity as a people. (Marlon Wayans)

For some people, the family is the place where the experimentation of life begins.

30. Maintaining a happy family requires a lot from both parents and children. Each member of the family has to become, in a special way, a servant of the others. (Pope Juan Pablo II)

A place free of egos.

31. I also believe that parents, if they love you, will hold you safely, above their waters and eddies; Sometimes that means that you will never know what they have suffered, and you may treat them badly, in a way that you would not otherwise. (Mitch Albom)

The stability that a family gives facilitates the possibility of developing well.

32. I am blessed to have so many great things in my life: family, friends, and God. All will be in daily in my thoughts. (Lil ‘Kim)

A mapping of typically conservative values.

33. You can kiss and say goodbye to your family and friends by putting miles between you, but they are still with you in your heart, your thoughts and your guts. Because you not only live in a world but a world lives in you. (Frederick Buechner)

A reflection on emotional ties.

34. If a country is to be free from corruption and become a nation of wonderful minds, I firmly believe that there are three key social members that can make a difference. They are the father, mother and teacher. (APJ Abdul Kalam)

A division by roles to benefit life together.

35. A family will be strong and indestructible when it is supported by these four columns: brave father, prudent mother, obedient son, complacent brother. (Confucius)

One of the phrases about the family that are based on tradition.

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36. Happiness is having a big, loving, diligent family that cares about you and is united; but live in another city. (George Burns)

A reflection that is not free of humor.

37. The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege. (Charles Kuralt)

Another form of wealth.

38. I come from that society and there is a common thread, specifically family values, the idea that you do anything for your family, and unconditional love for one's children. (Ednita Nazario)

A description of what for many are the fundamental values.

39. That's what people who love you do. They hug you and love you when you are not so nice. (Deb Caletti)

A relationship that can sometimes seem unbalanced.

40. My heroes are and were my parents, I can't imagine having other people as heroes. (Michael Jordan)

Beyond the idols raised by the media, there is the family and its milestones.

41. My family is my strength and my weakness. (Aishwarya Rai Bachchan)

A short and direct aphorism.

42. Family is not blood. It's the people who love you. The people who take care of your back. (Cassandra Clare)

The family understood as something that does not understand link by lineage.

43. The sisters' is probably the most competitive relationship within the family, but once the sisters get older it becomes the strongest relationship. (Margaret Mead)

A reflection of this important anthropologist.

44. Cherish your human connections - your relationships with friends and family. (Barbara Bush)

Social ties are an asset.

45. I love spending time with my friends and family. The simplest things in life give me the greatest pleasure: cooking good food, enjoying my friends. (Cindy Morgan)

A very enriching experience.

46. I don't think quantity of time is as special as quality time with your family. (Reba McEntire)

Quality versus quality, a topic many times discussed.

47. The place where children are born and men die, where freedom and love flourish, is not an office or a shop or a factory. There is where I see the importance of the family. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

An interesting reflection.

48. It's true, Christmas can feel like a lot of work, especially for mothers. But when you look back at all the Christmases in your life, you will find that you have created family traditions and lasting memories. Those memories, good and bad are really what help keep a family together in the long run (Caroline Kennedy)

About the bonds that hold families together.

49. Give a little love to a child and you will get a lot back. (John Ruskin)

Another nice aphorism, this time focused on childhood.

50. One of the things that unites us as a family is a shared sense of humor. (Ralph ### Fiennes)

The humor makes us closer.

51. No, there is no experience comparable to having children, and despite the challenges we had to face, I feel happy for the family we have created. (Bruce Feiler)

A sacrifice that is worth it.

52. A man filled with God's love is not content to just bless his family, but he reaches out throughout the world, eager to bless the entire human race. (Joseph Smith, Jr.)

The perspective on empathic and affective ties can come from the religious point of view.

53. You know, we have a very normal family. We've had our ups and downs and we've had our troubles, but we've had great causes to celebrate. (Julius Erving)

A phrase about the family with which many will identify.

54. My main motivation is to help my family, which is not a bad reason to get up in the morning. It has always been my motivation: to take care of the people who trust me. (Tony Parsons)

About a very frequent and common source of motivation.

55. The best moments of my life have been those that I have enjoyed in my home, in the bosom of my family. (Thomas Jefferson)

The recapitulation of a life.

56. It is beautiful that parents become friends with their children, freeing them from all fear, but inspiring them with great respect. (José Ingenieros)

A dialectic that expresses empathy and parental authority over children.

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57. People talk of coming of age. That does not exist. When you have a child, he is condemned to be a father for life. It is the children who turn away from you. But we parents cannot get away from them. (Graham Greene)

An appreciation of responsibilities with children.

58. All happy families are alike, but unhappy families are each in their own way. (Leo Tolstoy)

A curious reflection on happiness and families.

59. Tennis is just a game, family is forever. (Serena Williams)

Something that remains and that strongly links us to others.

60. We must always take care of our family wherever it is. (Elizabeth Gilbert)

A basic care unit.

61. There is nothing that makes you crazier than family. Or happier. Or more exasperated. Or more... sure. (Jim Butcher)

Family is many things in one.

62. A man should never neglect his family for business. (Walt Disney)

A recommendation about the link between work and family environment.

63. Those who speak out against the family do not know what they are doing, because they do not know what they are undoing. (Gilbert Keith Chesterton)

A play on words on the need to protect the family.

64. Happiness begins at home. The components of your family are people. Encourage them to be happy, in the same way that a good salesperson encourages prospective customers to buy. (Napoleon Hill)

A context in which to make others happy.

65. It is not until much later, when the skin sags and the heart becomes weak, that children understand; that their stories and all their achievements sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, under the waters of their lives. (Mitch Albom)

Nobody makes himself.

66. How is the family, how is the nation, how is the world in which we all live. (Pope Juan Pablo II)

The nation is often used as an extension of the family.

67. Family and marriage are institutions in the life of every man that resemble a living spring: the more water is extracted, the more abundance the water flows from the fountain. (Adolf Kolping)

A nice metaphor.

68. When you have a family that lets you express yourself as you are, it is the best that life can give you. (Rosario Flores)

It is a space in which it is more possible to remain true to who you are.

69. The family provides values ​​that remain for life. A united and loving family is a luxury that is hard to come by. (Daryl Hannah)

The family context transmits values ​​that we will later make ours.

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70. Families are the compass that guides us. They are the inspiration to reach great heights, and our comfort when we occasionally fail. (Brad Henry)

The family seen as a refuge.

71. The only pure and unmixed joys of sadness that have been given to man on earth are family joys. (Giuseppe Mazzini)

An elegant reflection on enjoyment with loved ones.

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