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The best 12 Psychologists in Coyoacán (Mexico City)

The psychologist Juan Francisco Cruz Govea He has more than 15 years of professional experience behind him and currently offers his services both in person and online to adolescents, adults and also couples and families.

This therapist has a degree in Psychology from the UNAM, a Diploma in Forensic Psychology, Family Therapy, Crisis Intervention and Brief Therapy and also has a Master's degree in Thanatology.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in integrating various therapies of proven efficacy with the objective to successfully deal with addictions, domestic violence, family conflict, anxiety, and depression.

The psychologist Veronica Arias Bass She has an experience of more than 25 years in the exercise of psychological therapy oriented to children, adolescents and also adults. Her work is based on helping people feel better and overcome any problems they may have through comprehensive advice and support.

The therapy that she applies in her consultation is psychoanalytic based and some of her main intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, cases of depression, self-esteem problems, cases of sexual abuse and family conflicts.

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The psychologist Sara Julieth Leo Rodríguez She is specialized in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, based on modifying maladaptive thoughts and emotions of the present, so her Treatment is methodical, with objectives set from the beginning between therapist and patient and with the best therapeutic results at the end of the treatment.

Among the main disorders that this professional addresses in her consultation, we can highlight: depression, terminal illnesses, the anxiety, panic attacks and suicidal behavior, among others.

Antonio Josué Rojas He is also an expert in the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and in behavior modification to treat all kinds of psychological and emotional problems. In her consultation she attends to children, adults, adolescents and the elderly.

In addition, this professional is specialized in the neuropsychological field, so he also treats in his Consult all those disorders related to adverse neurological processes, with a malfunction or a accident. Also cognitive, mental or related problems with the natural aging of the brain.

The psychologist Yessica Guadalupe Diego Amayo is an expert in humanistic psychology, that is, the objective of his consultation is to improve the patient's life without focusing only on the disorder but doing everything possible to enhance the qualities of the person and achieve a comprehensive change at all levels of their lifetime.

This professional cares for patients of all ages, and the main disorders that he addresses in his workplace are: depression, anxiety, grief, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Camila Yahli Martinez She is an expert in therapy focused on children, adolescents, adults and couples. His speciation is systemic brief therapy, through which he exercises a professional and efficient treatment, focused on the here and now.

This therapist offers therapy individually, in a couple or in a group, and among the disorders that are treated in her consult, we found: chronic depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bullying and disorders of feeding.

This professional of clinical psychology bases her therapy on working together with the patient to find the tools that can improve your life and overcome problems or disorders that you may introduce.

Among the many disorders that are treated in her practice, the psychologist Nancy Mariela Lopez, she is an expert in treating: depression, specific or simple phobia, cases of sexual abuse and eating disorders.

Gabriela Ornelas Casillas she is another great option in the Coyoacán neighborhood. Throughout 10 years of experience, this therapist has been training in different areas of psychology. In her consultation, she carries out specialized treatment, focused on the patient and her needs.

Among the disorders that she treats in her consultation, we can highlight: adjustment disorders, specific or simple phobias, sexual disorders, and relationship problems in the couple.

Monica Lorraine Gómez Lamont she offers specialized treatment to children and adolescents, although she also treats adults and couples. In her consultation she uses a wide variety of psychological therapies with which to achieve the best results in the patient, treating a wide catalog of problems and disorders.

Some of these disorders are: neurotic depression, adolescent depression, learning disorders, stuttering in children, and adjustment disorders.

The psychologist Laura Carballido Zamora She has extensive experience in the treatment of children, adolescents and adults, offering in each case specialized psychological care for the needs of the patient.

Anxiety, loss of appetite or apathy, sleep disturbances, depression, or obsessions are some of her treatment specialties.

Anna Ramirez Figueroa it can also be an effective option. This clinical psychologist applies Brief Systemic Therapy, Gestalt Therapy and any other technique that can help improve the life of any patient.

The most common treatments for it are those of neurotic depression, conduct disorders, burnout syndrome, work stress and emotional dependence.

Erica Servin She bases her therapy on the Cognitive-behavioral approach and also the Humanist one, to treat a wide variety of disorders and problems.

Her therapy is aimed at adults and children from 6 years of age, the most commonly treated disorders being: codependency, adjustment disorder, narcissistic personality disorder, and behaviors suicidal.

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