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The 61 best animal phrases

In this selection of animal phrases that sensitivity towards other living beings so necessary in our days is reflected. Most of these aphorisms and reflections are a legacy of important people in history, such as Elvis Presley, Arthur Schopenhauer or George Orwell.

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The best phrases about animals

Many times we forget that we share this world with other beings, beings that also have needs and accompany us in our daily lives. We consider them inferior but they have much to teach us, and perhaps through these phrases about animals we can understand them better.

1. The animals of the world exist for their own reason. They weren't made for humans (Alice Walker)

Each one has a particularity.

2. People who really appreciate animals always ask their names (Lilian Jackson Braun)

An observation about the affection towards these beings.

3. Animals are born as they are, they accept it and that's it. They live with greater peace than people (Gregory Maguire)

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There is a certain sense of harmony in the life of animals.

4. Our perfect companions never have less than four legs (Colette)

Alluding to dogs or cats.

5. Animals are not properties or things, but living organisms, subjects of a life, that deserve our compassion, respect, friendship and support (Marc Bekoff)

A philosophical reflection on the relationship that unites us with these living beings.

6. I am in favor of animal rights, as well as human rights. That is the way of a complete human being (Abraham Lincoln)

A way to recognize the needs of animals.

7. The eyes of an animal have the power to speak a great language (Martin Buber)

One of the most intuitive languages.

8. I don't believe in the concept of hell, but if I did, I would think of it as full of people who were cruel to animals (Gary Larson)

Mistreating an animal is typical of a person without humanity.

9. Animals are very good friends; don't ask questions, don't criticize (George Eliot)

... and they always show loyalty.

10. The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated (Mahatma Gandhi)

A good example to meet a sensitized society.

11. Until one has loved an animal, a part of the soul remains unawakened (Anatole France)

Giving love to an animal strengthens us.

12. If having a soul means being able to feel love, loyalty and gratitude, animals are better than many humans (James Herriot)

On the morality of these beings.

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13. If you pick up a hungry dog ​​and make him prosperous, he will not bite you. That is the main difference between a dog and a man (Mark Twain)

What a great lesson in loyalty dogs teach us.

14. Animals are trustworthy, loving, affectionate, predictable in their actions, appreciative, and loyal. Rules that are difficult for people to follow (Alfred A. Montapert)

We should learn from their spontaneity and naturalness.

15. You can judge a man's true character by the way he treats his animal companions (Paul McCartney)

An observation on how to identify sensitivity and nobility.

16. Animals are like people because people are animals (Barbara T. Gates)

Let's not forget that we are the same as them in some respects.

17. Apart from a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog is too black to read (Groucho Marx)

A phrase about animals that shows us the relationship of the dog and the human being.

18. Dogs never bite me, only humans (Marilyn Monroe)

Hostility is a constant in human relationships.

19. Animals are my friends and I do not eat my friends (George Bernard Shaw)

A phrase about veganism.

20. Some people talk to animals. Not many listen to them. That's the problem (A.A. Milne)

Knowing how to interpret their needs is essential.

21. Man is the cruelest animal (Friedrich Nietzsche)

This phrase by Nietzsche goes directly to judge human nature.

22. Animals do not hate and we are supposed to be better than them (Elvis Presley)

There are many noble aspects that we do not often notice in animals.

23. To my mind, the life of a lamb is no less precious than that of a human being (Mahatma Gandhi)

All life is important and special.

24. If a man aspires to lead a correct life, his first act of abstinence is from harming animals (Leo Tolstoy)

We know that they cannot defend themselves, and sometimes that creates situations of cruelty.

25. Four legs; well, two legs; bad (George Orwell)

A nice phrase in which the animal presence is valued.

26. We do not need to eat animals, dress ourselves, or use them for entertainment purposes, and our only defense for those uses is our pleasure, fun, and convenience (Gary L. Francione)

For Francione this is an insane and selfish habit.

27. Horses make a landscape look beautiful (Alice Walker)

An aesthetic appreciation of these equines.

28. Compassion for animals is intimately associated with goodness of character and it can be affirmed that he who is cruel to animals cannot be a good man (Arthur Schopenhauer)

This phrase about animals exposes us a very common reality.

29. Being able to laugh and be merciful are the only things that make man better than beasts (Ruskin Bond)

Capabilities that we must share with them.

30. When man has mercy on all living creatures, only then will he be noble (Buddha)

... since you can put yourself in the place of the other.

31. Only animals were not expelled from paradise (Milan Kundera)

Another one of those animal phrases that extol his kind character.

32. Animals are sensitive, intelligent, funny, and entertaining. We must take care of them as we do with children (Michael Morpurgo)

That is why they are considered our younger brothers.

33. A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food. Therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking the life of the animal simply for the sake of his appetite (Leo Tolstoy)

This phrase from Tolstoy also appeals to veganism to preserve the life of animals.

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34. Everyone's pet is the best. That breeds mutual blindness (Jean Cocteau)

It's like when we fall in love.

35. Finally I know what distinguishes a man from an animal; financial concerns (Romain Roland)

A detail that many times has made us feel a small dose of envy.

36. We don't really know anything about love if we don't love animals (Fred Wander)

Interesting reflection on a type of love that we usually ignore.

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37. Love for living creatures is the noblest attribute of man (Charles Darwin)

Love is also understanding, and it speaks well of ourselves.

38. The best thing about animals is that they don't talk too much (Thornton Wilder)

The silent company of him is relaxing.

39. Man is really the king of animals, because his brutality exceeds theirs (Leonardo Da Vinci)

With all the characteristics that a king can have.

40. Intelligence is denied to animals only by those who lack it (Arthur Schopenhauer)

An interesting reflection on the part of this famous philosopher.

41. Animals are from God. Bestiality is human (Victor Hugo)

A distribution of characteristics according to criteria based on theology.

42. Who loves animals loves human beings (Author unknown)

Giving love to a being that we cannot understand with words is a great show of empathy.

43. May everything that has life be freed from suffering (Buddha)

Even from suffering caused by ourselves.

44. The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them. That is the essence of humanity (George Bernard Shaw)

Not being aware of their difficulties, needs and presence can be fatal.

45. Man can measure the value of his own soul in the grateful look directed by an animal that he has helped (Plato)

In that look he is showing his heart.

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46. Like us, animals have feelings and the same needs for food, water, shelter and friendship.

Anonymous phrase about animals that talks about the emotional side of these living beings.

47. When a man wants to kill a tiger, he calls it sport. When you want to kill the tiger, he calls it ferocity (George Bernard Shaw)

We must analyze how we normalize some inhumane activities.

48. The question is not can they talk? but Can they suffer? (Jeremy Bentham)

A basic question for Bentham's utilitarian philosophy.

49. There will come a day when men will see the murder of an animal as they now see that of a man (Leonardo da Vinci)

And sadly that is happening.

50. Animals don't lie. Animals do not criticize. If animals had bad mood days, they would handle them better than humans (Betty White)

About the ability to manage emotions.

51. It is incredible and shameful that neither preachers nor moralists raise their voices against animal abuse (Voltaire)

A situation that Voltaire exhibits before our usual posture, to protect the aninals.

52. Monkeys are too good for man to descend from them (Friedrich Nietzsche)

Nietzsche ironizes on the character of the human being.

52. Having an animal in your life makes you a better human (Rachel Ray)

It is an experience that frequently connects us with our best emotions.

53. It is much easier to show compassion towards animals. They are never bad (Haile Selassie)

There is no mean intention against us in his behavior.

54 As long as his circle of compassion does not encompass all living beings, man will not find peace by himself (Albert Schweitzer)

We must be in balance with all beings on this planet.

55. The kind man feeds his animals before he sits down to eat (Hebrew proverb)

It is an act of respect for the animal.

56. First it was necessary to civilize man in his relationship with man. Now it is necessary to civilize man in his relationship with nature and animals (Víctor Hugo)

It is very necessary to make it viable.

57. The zoo is the place for animals to study the behavior of human beings

A different way of seeing things.

58. Each species is a masterpiece, a creation made with extreme care and genius (Edward O. Wilson)

Each being surprises us both for its physical qualities and for the behaviors it develops to adapt.

59. All animals are the same, but some are more equal than others (George Orwell)

Some manage to blend in with humans.

60. Man is the only animal that eats without being hungry, drinks without being thirsty and speaks without having anything to say (Mark Twain)

A curious reflection in which animals seem to be the perfect companions.

61. If all animals left, man would die of great spiritual loneliness, since whatever happens to animals, also happens to man. Everything is connected

Beautiful anonymous phrase that shows us the importance of animals in human life.

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