Education, study and knowledge

10 psychological tips for learning languages

Learn languages It can be a daunting task, but for some it seems like an easy thing to do. Surely you all know one of those people who speak several languages ​​because she seems that her life is about it.

Their motivation to speak different languages ​​is so high that they try to surround themselves with foreign people, they travel to different countries to learn the language in its natural environment and its mind is prepared to absorb everything that is not of its native language, just like a child explorer, who looks at everything.

How to learn languages ​​in a much more natural way?

But in addition to being useful to conquer a woman from another country or to get a job in a multinational, knowing languages ​​brings many benefits, for example: favors creativitydelays or alleviates dementia symptoms.

Many already know the case of Matthew Youlden, a young British man who speaks nine languages. Well, then you will discover the 10 tips to learn languages ​​in the fastest way. So take note!

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1. Have a reason

This may seem obvious, but if you don't have a good reason or motive for learning a new language, you may not have enough motivation to be able to make an effort and overcome the obstacles that may arise. For example, an acquaintance named Juan, she learned the language because she had a Russian partner. On the other hand, Maria, a director of human resources, learned English because she considered it necessary to grow professionally.

2. Get a partner

In the case of Maria, She learned English because she signed up for classes, they are her best friend. They used to travel together to different English-speaking countries: the United Kingdom, Australia, the United States, etc., and, in this way, they shared knowledge and learning was made more enjoyable. Having a friend or study partner can also motivate you to keep learning.

3. Talk to yourself

When you don't have that partner with you, there is nothing wrong with talking to yourself. Speaking to yourself in the language you are learning is good because it allows you to be practicing throughout the day. This forces you to test yourself and practice for when you talk to someone else.

4. Make it important to you

If you make learning the language a priority, you will take actions that will help you improve your learning. For example, if you know that the cashier at your local supermarket is German and you are learning German, whenever you can, talk to her in that language.

5. Have fun with it

Learn the language in a fun way. Watch movies in that language or read entertaining books it can be a good way to learn and improve. Other strategies like singing or recording radio shows can also be fun, and you can also do it with friends.

6. Act like a child

This does not mean that you start crying to be picked up or that you paint the walls of your house with a marker. The idea of ​​this is that you adopt a an attitude of curiosity like that of children. Also, children are uninhibited and unashamed, so you can learn something from them to improve your learning of a new language.

When we are young, it is permissible to make mistakes, but as we get older, much more is demanded of us. Don't be hard on yourself when you make mistakes, no one is born a teacher. Only practice will allow you to learn a new language.

7. Leave the comfort zone

Allowing yourself to make mistakes makes you get out of the comfort zone, because it puts you in situations that can be embarrassing. This may make you feel scared, but it is the best way to grow and keep learning. No matter how much you study the language, you will not improve if you do not talk to foreignersIf you don't order food in restaurants, if you don't ask for the address, etc. The more you practice, the more you will learn.

8. Listens

You have to learn to listen before you speak. Any language sounds strange the first time you hear it, but as you study and listen to it, it becomes more familiar. The more you listen to other people speak in that language, the better you can pronounce.

9. Take a small dictionary with you

This is important when you start out, but also when you have conversations with native people of the language you speak. It's always good to have a dictionary on hand in case you get stuck with vocabulary.

10. Make new friends

There is nothing better than meeting new people who share the same interests as you. There are groups of people who make meetings to learn the language, and also there are specialized pages where you can meet new contacts to be able to chat. Who knows, maybe you know someone interesting enough to make a nice friendship.

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