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Who wrote the Apocalypse

Who wrote the Apocalypse


Many religions have in their texts or sacred books information about the end of the world, being prophecies or stories about how the world comes to an end, and even in some cases being referred to with names like the Ragnarok or the Apocalypse. To talk about the latter, whose importance is vital for the Christian religion, in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about who wrote the apocalypse.

Before talking about who wrote the Apocalypse, let's focus on knowing better the history of this very important book in the Christian religion. We use the term Apocalypseto refer to end of the world or a great catastrophe, although the word originally comes from the last text of the holy books that make up the Christian religion. The Apocalypse of Saint John, also called The Book of Revelations, is the last of the books that make up the so-called New Testament and also the end of the bible.

The Bible is the set of sacred texts which serve as the basis for the Christian religion, while the New Testament is the second of the parts of this compilation of texts, being all those that happen after the birth of Jesus Christ. The book of Revelation talks mainly about what will happen when it arrives

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the end of the earthly world, so for most theologians this part of the Bible has a prophetic role, since it narrates events that have not yet happened.

As for the date of its writing, it is thought that it must have taken place at late 1st century or early 2nd century, being a period of great relevance in which some of the greatest persecutions of the Christians of the history by the Romans, who feared the great ideological expansion that religion was beginning to have in the world. At this time it is thought that the chaos generated by the persecutions could create a text as chaotic as the Apocalypse.

Who wrote the Apocalypse - What is the Apocalypse?

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To continue this lesson on who wrote the Apocalypse, we must talk about the different theories that exist about who was really the author of one of the most relevant biblical texts.

  • In the book itself it is said that the author of the book is Juan, being the famous John the evangelist, which at that time was hidden on an island in the Aegean Sea, since the Roman persecutions were very dangerous for a religious figure as close to Jesus as he was. This character is one of the greatest authors of the New Testament, and therefore his influence at that time regarding religion was enormous, making him an essential enemy of the Romans who fought against the new religion.
  • Other sources speak that perhaps it was not that John who wrote the text, but that he was one of the apostles of Jesus Christ, the call San Juan, who wrote these words based on conversations with Jesus. Therefore there are discrepancies between which of the two John was the true author of the Apocalypse, There are sources that defend both positions, and many others who believe that both Juan are the same person.

Regarding authorship, it is interesting to comment on the opinion of the so-called primitive Church fathers or apostolic fathers, so called because they form the religious doctrine of the early church the first, and the second for having had more or less contact with the apostles who accompanied Jesus in his lifetime. The majority opinion of all of them is that the author of the text was the so-called John the Evangelist, being confirmed by God's representatives many years later in the IV Council of Toledo. Even with the confirmation by the Church this cannot be taken as a real fact, since after so many years there is no real knowledge about whether the two John are the same person or not.

Finally, speaking of the authorship of the Apocalypse, we cannot forget the theory that the text was not written by a single person, but rather the authors are a group of people. This theory speaks of this group of people not having written only the Apocalypse, but they were the authors of all the so-called Johannine writings. This is thought because of the remoteness in authorship of the texts, and because although the texts can be It seems that there are numerous changes in the literature that provoke different opinions about its creation of it.

Who wrote the Apocalypse - Authorship of the Apocalypse
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