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Crossfit: 5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of this workout

First of all, I would like to introduce this new sports modality that in our times has become fashionable.

5 advantages and 5 disadvantages of 'Crossfit'

The "Crossfit", although it seems a new and revolutionary practice, has been training in this way for dozens years in highly demanding individual sports such as athletics or also in contact sports such as boxing.

Crossfit is still a high intensity activity with reduced breaks, which allows us to work on the alactic anaerobic systemWhen our ATP, the system for obtaining the most basic energy and the one for obtaining the fastest, has been exhausted, we begin to work with glucose through the lactic anaerobic system and oxidizing glucose from the body, and at the end of training there is a great activation of the aerobic system with the oxidation of fats. Keep in mind that these systems are always active only that at certain times they work in large ranges.

The 5 advantages of Crossfit

1. Work of the cardiorespiratory system

Even being an activity of great force impact, we force the cardiorespiratory system to work to its limit with the consequent modification in our physiological system.

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Higher production of erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells and these transport oxygen, therefore greater transport of oxygen to our muscles and organs.

Growth of the cavities of the heart and a hypertrophy of its walls, with this we achieve that in each beat more blood moves, since the heart can pump more blood with each beat and the blood circulates with more force. With this we can notice that our pulsations at rest have decreased and when we start practicing sports they rise more quickly.

The alveoli that are responsible for capturing the oxygen we breathe work more efficiently, therefore they capture a higher% than sedentary people.

The exchange zone works more effectively, this zone is the one that exchanges the substances in this case oxygen and carbon dioxide between the venules with the pulmonary system.

2. Resistance to muscle fatigue

We not only achieve resistance to physiological fatigue, but also to muscle fatigue. By working on a muscular level repeatedly and with short or no breaks, we get our muscles to get used to high-intensity work. intensity maintained over time, taking into account that the higher the intensity, the shorter the time in which we can maintain the effort.

3. Muscle hypertrophy

For people who may be interested, with Crossfit we achieve a slight sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and a hypertrophy moderate sarcomeric so that we will have quite a rocky hypertrophy as it contains many myofibrils per fiber muscular.

4. Fat burning

By doing this type of training we will achieve that after training the body is burning more calories in the form of fat, up to 72 hours later.

5. Butt motivation

A sport that allows us to measure and improve ourselves in each session, will keep us motivated and fulfilled, with this we will release even more endorphins than doing other types of sports and will allow us to maintain a more psychological state stable.

The 5 drawbacks of Crossfit

1. Injuries

Some of the exercises that are proposed can be highly damaging to our joints and even to the tendons.

2. Special material

Not all gyms are adapted for crossfit work, it depends on the city, it will be difficult for us to find a gym that allows us to train this modality. So, if your goal is to train crossfit, you should go to a center that allows you to develop your routines with full guarantee.

3. Non-specialized assistants

In many centers it is not usually practiced how to perform the basic weight lifting exercises such as the clean & jerk, and when they are done incorrectly, they can be highly damaging to the spine, so you have to try to put yourself in the hands of a good professional.

4. Overtraining

If we do not monitor workloads, or who directs us does not take them into account, it is easy to fall into overtraining: that is, we have exceeded the exercise load limit that our body can assimilate. If we notice headaches, loss of appetite or insomnia, I recommend taking a week of total rest to regain strength and thus avoid injuries or health problems.

5. Wear and tear and danger of breaking

By pushing the body to the limit, in the last minutes of training our intramuscular and intermuscular coordination will be impaired, This leads to poor execution of movements and exercises, therefore a danger to our back, muscles and joints. Try to put the high-load exercises at the beginning of the workout to avoid this inconvenience.

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