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The best 11 Psychologists in Salta

The psychologist Tatiana stacul She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador, she has a Training Course in Feminism and Psychoanalysis by the Association Argentina of Mental Health and also has a Gender Course by the same institution and a Therapy Course Dialectic-behavioral.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, couples and also families that may have any type of problem or query, all through a therapy service on-line.

Some of the areas that this professional successfully cares for are cases of anxiety and depression, gender violence, stress, low self-esteem, divorce processes and conflicts relatives.

The psychologist Lidia E. Morales Moreno In his office he offers a professional psychological intervention specialized in adolescents, adults and also in the elderly, all through the application of Brief Strategic Therapy. This therapy consists of finding the best solution for the person, as soon as possible and taking into account only the central elements in the therapy, avoiding everything accessory.

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So, do not hesitate to go to the consultation of this professional, if you are interested or interested in specialized intervention in life crises, vocational guidance or cases of anxiety.

In the attorney's office Jose R. Roger We can find a professional expert in the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, one of the most used in the therapeutic field and consistent in assessing the thoughts of the person, to modify them later and consequently change the emotions and maladaptive behaviors of the person person.

Go to the consultation of this professional if you are interested in specialized therapy in cases of depression, self-esteem problems, suicidal behavior or emotional dependence.

The clinical psychologist Maria Florence Toledo She is an expert in EMDR Therapy, of proven efficacy and one of her usual areas of intervention is sexuality disorders, as well as sexuality education.

That is why, if you are interested in this type of therapy, you will be able to go to your consultation with complete confidence, being your major specialties post-traumatic stress disorders, phobias, sexual apathy or abuse cases sexual.

The psychologist Noelia Soledad Hessling She is an expert in Neuropsychology and also in the application of Systemic-Relational Therapy, consisting of conceive the person as part of a system of relationships and value the relationships and influences they receive from their environment.

Thus, in your consultation you can address all those problems that arise in your life, especially cases of depression, seasonal affective disorder or panic attacks.

The psychologist Ana Rosa Concaro also offers a specialized psychological care service in a wide variety of cases and of queries, which solves in the best possible way, taking into account the characteristics of each person.

Do not hesitate to consult their psychological services if you are interested in receiving both professional therapy as empathic and based on the establishment of a relationship of trust between the consultant and therapist.

The graduate Maria Celeste Carrizo It is also another excellent therapy option to go to in the city of Salta. In it we will find a quality professional, to whom we can entrust all our problems.

So, if you are interested in starting a therapeutic process and want to obtain the best possible results, requests the services of this professional, based on the commitment and permanent well-being of the person who accesses they.

At the psychologist's office Soledad Marcela Nocioni We will also find an excellent therapeutic service aimed at children, adolescents, adults and the elderly who may need it.

Some of her main intervention specialties are cases of depression, anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems, the grieving processes over the loss of a loved one and also conduct disorders food.

The psychologist Clara Peverelli she has an experience of 15 years of trajectory, in which she has specialized in offering a comprehensive therapy to obtain the best results, based mainly on the Cognitive-behavioral.

Her consultation is offered online and the main specialties of this professional are grieving processes, self-esteem deficits and also obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The General Health Psychologist Maria Laura Caporaletti She is also an expert in Neuropsychology and in her consultation she will offer solutions for any problem in adults and the elderly.

Her intervention specialties are cognitive impairment, self-esteem problems and cases of distress.

The psychologist Vanesa Analía Pulitta she specializes in serving children, adolescents and people with special abilities online.

Her main specialties, then, are autism spectrum disorders, self-esteem problems, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.

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