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The 5 phases of stress (and how to combat them)

The lifestyle of Western societies has caused stress to become a frequent phenomenon today. This condition can occur acutely, in periods when we are, for example, overworked.

However, when stress is prolonged over time, chronic stress appears (burnout or burnout syndrome). the work environment) that is even more harmful and causes negative consequences both physically and psychological.

Stress can be classified as positive stress (eustress) or negative stress (distress). In this article we will talk about the phases of habitual stress, which is considered negative.

  • Related article: "Types of stress and their triggers "

What Causes This Problem?

Stress does not have a single cause, it is a complex multi-causal phenomenon in which both internal factors such as the expectations of the person or the way he has to interpret and face the negative situations that occur around him come into play; and external factors (for example, not having a job, experiencing financial uncertainty, or being bullied at school).

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The phenomena that cause stress are called stressors.

Work stress: a problem that affects many people

In recent decades, much research has been carried out to try to understand a form of stress that affects a large part of the population: job stress.

The data obtained through several studies show that the causes of this type of stress it's not just workplace factors, but there are also several influences that are unrelated to it, such as the economic crisis, cultural expectations, the bad relationship of the worker with his partner, etc.

Additionally, recent research states that stress occurs at various levels, not only individual but also collective. Individuals share emotional experiences, and both these emotional experiences and stressful experiences can be contagious.

  • You can learn more about this interesting topic in this article: "8 essential tips to reduce work stress

Its consequences

The negative consequences of distress are numerous; however, it is important highlight the differences between acute stress and chronic stress.

The first occurs at specific moments and temporarily, in response to the experimentation of one or more highly stressful events. For example, due to an exam that has to be prepared in a week when the person has had the whole year to do it. As a result, the individual may suffer from anxiety, muscle aches, headaches, exhaustion, gastric problems, tachycardia, etc. This type of stress is less severe, and over time the body returns to normal.

But when stress is chronic the consequences are even more damaging, causing physical, emotional or mental exhaustion and causing general damage to the health of the affected person, especially through the weakening of the immune system.

In addition, chronic stress produces changes in self-esteem. Imagine a person who is unemployed for several years and has financial problems; When the stressor occurs over and over again repeatedly, the person can reach a serious situation of demoralization.

Some consequences of long-term negative stress are:

  • Emotional fatigue
  • Diseases of the digestive system, skin diseases and heart problems.
  • Feelings of insecurity and the feeling of learned helplessness.
  • Depersonalization, irritability and loss of motivation.
  • Insomnia.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Alcohol or substance abuse.

Phases of stress: what are they?

One of the pioneers in stress research was Hans Selye, who conducted his studies in the 1950s. At present, his theory continues to be of great importance when analyzing the evolution of this psychological and physiological phenomenon.

According to this author, the stress response consists of three different phases:

1. Reaction alarm

Any physical, emotional or mental alteration consequence of having detected a threat or having come across a stressor causes an instantaneous reaction aimed at combating this situation. This response is called the "fight or flight" reaction, and consists of the liberation of adrenalin towards different parts of the body: blood vessels, heart, stomach, lungs, eyes, muscles ...

In the face of a stressful stimulus, this hormone provides a quick boost for our energy to increase so we can escape danger. We notice the effects because respiration, pulse, and heart rate accelerate so that the muscles respond more quickly. Pupils dilate, blood circulates faster and it moves away from the digestive system to avoid vomiting.

In addition to these physiological functions, adrenaline also affects the brain, which goes into alert mode: attention is narrowed and we are more sensitive to any stimulus. Adrenaline, in addition to being a hormone, is also a neurotransmitter that acts in our brain.

In this phase, the level of cortisol also increases and, as a consequence, increases the amount of sugar in the blood and the immune system is weakened to save energy and help the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The release of these hormones can be beneficial to the body in some cases, but in the long term the consequences are extremely harmful.

  • Related article: "Cortisol: the hormone that causes us stress

2. Endurance

In the resistance stage, the body tries to adapt thanks to a process called homeostasis, which leads to a recovery and repair phase. Cortisol and adrenaline return to their normal levels, but resources are depleted and the defenses and energy necessary for the previous phase of stress decrease. The body has overworked and must now rest.

The problem arises when the stressful situation or stimulus does not stop or continually reappears, because fatigue, sleep problems and a general malaise can manifest. As a consequence, the person becomes very irritable and has great difficulty concentrating or being productive in their daily life.

3. Exhaustion

When stress lasts a long time, the body ends up exhausting resources and gradually loses the adaptive capacity of the previous phases. The body weakens and, after some time in this harmful situation, the body can succumb to diseaseEither a viral or bacterial infection, because their defenses have been exhausted. All the negative effects of chronic stress mentioned above manifest themselves at this stage.

If you want to delve into chronic stress, you may be interested in the following articles:

  • Chronic stress: causes, symptoms and treatment
  • Burnout: How to spot it and take action

The five phases of negative stress

Research has continued over the years, and recently, the Canadian Institute of Stress, after studying thousands of people with negative stress, affirms that there are five phases of distress:

Phase 1: Physical and / or mental fatigue

In this phase the person experiences the first consequences of stress: a loss of vitality and the onset of fatigue, tiredness, drowsiness, lack of motivation... For example, when someone comes home from work at this stage, all they want is to disconnect and lie down on the couch.

Phase 2: Interpersonal problems and emotional disengagement

In this phase the person is irritable and moody, and you experience problems in your personal relationships, whether with family, friends or co-workers. This creates a vicious cycle, as the stressed person makes the situation even worse. The individual prefers to be alone and withdraw into himself.

Phase 3: Emotional turbulence

In this phase the person experience a pronounced emotional imbalance. The previous phase has destabilized close interpersonal relationships, creating a more tense close environment. As a consequence, the individual begins to doubt himself and is emotionally affected.

Phase 4: Chronic physical ailments

Stress becomes chronic and not only the mind (brain) is affected, but the body as a whole. Continued tension can cause muscle aches in the cervical, shoulder and lumbar areas, in addition to headaches. In this phase you can take measures such as playing sports or receiving massages, but if the real stressful problem is not treated, neither the stress nor the ailments will disappear.

Phase 5: Stress-related illnesses

After a state of exhaustion and chronic depersonalization, the person begins to manifest serious physical damage. Colds, flu, ulcers, colitis, are some examples that, although they have not been directly produced by this phenomenon, are the cause of a weakened immune system.

The longer the stressful situation lasts, the worse the consequences will be, since hypertension, cardiovascular problems and even heart attack can appear.

How to fight stress

Combating stress is not an easy task, since, sometimes, we cannot control external stressors. For example, if the stressful situation is the lack of employment and the economic crisis or if our partner leaves us or makes life impossible for us.

Without a doubt, psychological therapy becomes a good alternative to alleviate this situation, because it helps to develop a series of strategies and skills so that we can control the experiences and consequences that stress produces and thus reduce discomfort significantly. In addition, psychotherapy is also useful to help us correct the way we interpret stressful events.

Stress theorists claim that stress occurs when the person does not have enough resources to cope with the situation. In other words, the source of stress is found in the mismatch between the existing demands and the control that the person has to face these demands. When it is not possible to eliminate the stimulus or stressful situation, providing the person with sufficient resources is a good alternative to combat stress.

Scientific studies also claim that the social environment can not only trigger the stressful situation, but it can act as a buffer, reducing negative effects, and even as a way to prevent and reduce stress. At work, for example, different strategies can be used so that the relationship with the colleagues is positive and, in this way, the negative impact of stress is reduced and even disappear.

In less serious cases, a series of measures can be taken to reduce stress: managing time correctly, practicing Mindfulness or exercising are some alternatives. If you want to know some tips to reduce stress, you can read this article: "10 essential tips to reduce stress”.

Bibliographic references:

  • Brugnera, A; Zarbo, C; Adorni, R; Tasca, Giorgio A.; Rabboni, M and Bondi, E et al. (2017): Cortical and cardiovascular responses to acute stressors and their relations with psychological distress. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 114, pp. 38-46.

  • Peiró, J. M. (1993). Triggers of Work Stress. Madrid: Eudema.

  • Persson, P. B. and Zakrisson, A. (2016): Stress. Acta Physiologica, 216 (2), pp. pp. 149-152.

  • Selye, H. (1975). Stress and distress. Comprehensive Therapy, 1, pp. 9 - 13.

  • Soria, B., Caballer, A. & Peiró, J.M. (2011). Consequences of job insecurity. The modulating role of organizational support from a multilevel perspective. Psicothema, 23 (3), pp. 394 - 400.

  • Zach, S., & Raviv, S. (2007). The benefits of a graduate training program for security officers on physical performance in stressful situations. International Journal of Stress Management, 14, pp. 350 - 369.

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