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The 15 most poisonous animals in the world

There are many people who experience fear or phobias towards different animals or insects; for example, arachnophobia or phobia of spiders. Sometimes this fear is caused by the appearance that some of these specimens have, such as their large teeth or their strange appearance.

However, there are animals that we should fear and from which we should flee as soon as possible, because its poison can be lethal. Animals that apparently could be harmless, but that hide toxins capable of producing agonizing death.

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The most poisonous animals in the world

But what are these dreaded species? Below you can find a list with the 15 most poisonous animals in the world.

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15. Beaked sea snake

Generally, when we think of a snake, we imagine the typical terrestrial reptiles such as the cobra or the python. However, there are also sea snakes that they are capable of ending the lives of humans in a matter of minutes; for example, the billed sea snake or “Enhydrina schistosa”, which is found in waters of Southeast Asia.

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It can measure up to 1.5m, and feeds mainly on catfish, although it can also eat puffer fish and occasionally other fish or species of squid. Just 1.5 milligrams of poison can kill a person. This species can frequently kill humans by coming into contact with fishing nets.

14. Black widow

The black widow is one of the most popular spiders and is most famous for its dangerousness. It belongs to the genus Latrodectus, which contains 31 species recognized as poisonous spiders, this being the most deadly. These spiders get this name because after mating they eat the male. In some cases he manages to escape.

Black widows are usually very solitary, cannibalistic and nocturnal spiders. They only show social interest when they mate, although they later kill the male. Its venom paralyzes the central nervous system and produces severe muscle aches. There is an antidote called Arachmyn that neutralizes the poison in 15 minutes.

13. Sidney spider

Sidney's spider is one of the deadliest in the world. It has large fangs and sacs full of venom. Males grow up to 25mm long while females grow up to 35mm. They are considered one of the most poisonous species on the planet, and their bite causes hyperthermia and acute fever, severe muscle aches and cardiorespiratory arrest that causes the death of the victim.

12. Armadeira spider

The armadeira spider or Brazilian wandering spider (or banana) is one of the most poisonous in the world. It is a fairly large arachnid species. It is also very aggressive, and while most spiders flee when faced with a predator, it stands up to its enemies. It is found in South America, specifically in Brazil, and its sting is fatal, causing rapid heartbeat, muscle pain, nausea and vomiting, sweating, blurred vision... It can kill in less than half an hour.

11. Marble shell snail

Few can think that a snail is capable of killing, but the venom of the marble-shell snail is one of the most lethal. It is found primarily in the Indian Ocean, and one drop of venom from this snail can kill up to 20 adult humans. It usually uses its venom to trap its prey and rarely has contact with humans. The poison can cause loss of coordination, shortness of breath, heart failure, double vision, coma, or death. there is no antidote to its sting

10. King Cobra

The cobra is one of the best known snakes, largely due to its characteristic posture when placed in an attack position, and it reaches a great height. It is native to Asia, specifically Thailand. It is one of the largest poisonous snakes, and its bite contains a large amount of neurotoxins, and is very painful. In addition, their size means that these reptiles can bite at a great distance.

9. Blowfish

The puffer fish it may seem harmless, but it is very dangerous. It is found in the waters around Japan, China and the Philippines and Mexico, and contains a toxin known as tetrodotoxin that produces a number of effects for people: nausea, headache, speech and coordination problems, seizures, paralysis, cardiac arrhythmia and even the death. The puffer fish, despite being poisonous, is also edible.

8. Arrowhead frog

Frogs are animals that do not appear to be able to kill a human being. Some of these frogs also have bright colors, so they are truly exotic. But far from this nice image, they also contain toxins. This type of frogs inhabit South and Central America, and the poison that their glands secrete is called batrachotoxin, a toxin blocks nerve signals to muscles, causing paralysis and death.

7. Taipan snake

Snakes are one of the most feared animals, because many of these reptiles are poisonous. One of the most dangerous is the Taipan snake, because its toxins are lethal. Lives in Australia, and its bite can kill a person in less than 45 minutes. Luckily, it has an antidote.

6. Black mamba

Another snake on this list, and the deadliest. The black mamba is found in Africa and is usually around eight feet tall, although some specimens can reach four meters. The inside of its mouth is black, which is why it receives this name. It is the fastest snake on the planet, and can reach speeds of 20 km / h.

5. Stone fish

The stonefish is one of the strangest fish, and a species that people must be careful with. It camouflages itself on the seabed and can be mistaken for rocks. Its toxins cause swelling, paralysis and death. There is an antidote for this substance, but it is necessary to act quickly.

4. Death worm

The worm of death is a caterpillar named lonomia obliqua, which is found in Brazil, although it can be found in other areas of the Amazon. Cases have also been reported in Argentina. When a person comes into contact with the caterpillar, discomfort begins, similar to food poisoning, followed by a severe headache. At 8 hours it is possible to notice the presence of bruises, and within days the person dies due to internal bleeding.

3. Blue ringed octopus

This animal is not very large, as it measures the same as a golf ball. But this tiny octopus is very poisonous, and is practically of the deadliest species that we can find in the sea. They are found in Australia, Japan, Indonesia, the Philippines, and New Guinea. The venom of this animal can cause blindness, nausea, paralysis and respiratory failure, as well as death.

2. Sea wasp

The sea wasp has nothing to do with the land wasp. It is a huge jellyfish which can reach up to 3 m long and weigh 2 kg. It has between 40 and 60 venom-filled tentacles that are capable of ending the lives of individuals that cross its path. It lives in Australian waters.

1. Golden dart frog

The most poisonous animal in the world is the golden dart frog. It has a peculiar and attractive color, but the slightest contact with this frog can cause death. In fact, the amphibian does not even need to be present, as the toxin is still active outside. Cases of dead dogs have been reported after coming into contact with some surface on which the frog had landed. It can produce up to 28 grams of poison through the skin, capable of killing 1,500 people.

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