Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Psychologists in Gregorio de Laferrere

The psychologist Melisa Mirabet She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano and has a University Postgraduate Degree in Psychopathology and Cognitive Psychotherapy and she is also a specialist in attending both in the face-to-face modality as online.

This professional is a specialist in serving adults of all ages, through a cognitive-behavioral approach, thanks to which she attends successful cases of anxiety, behavior problems, low self-esteem, relationship problems and work problems.

Graduated in Psychology from Maimonides University, the therapist Marcelo sitnisky She is a specialist in serving adults individually and also in couples, in face-to-face or remote sessions.

Among her intervention specialties, anxiety disorders, self-esteem problems, sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems and emotional dependence can be highlighted.

The psychologist Gabriela errazu She is a specialist in serving adolescents, adults and the elderly through a psychoanalytic approach and in sessions offered both online and remotely.

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Graduated in Psychology from John F. Kennedy, this professional has a Training Course in Adult Psychoanalytic Clinic and is a specialist in addressing different disorders and problems in the clinical field.

In addition to that, some of his most notable intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, deficits in coping skills, depression, emotional problems, relationship problems and low self-esteem.

The Clinical Psychologist Facundo Estévez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano, has a Diploma in Psychoneuroimmunoendocrinology from the same University and a Training Course in Psychotherapies Contemporary Cognitive.

His intervention is also offered telematically and is based on Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, also integrated with other proven efficacy guidelines such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy or Mindfulness.

His therapeutic services are offered to adolescents and adults, being also some of the main sources of discomfort that this psychologist addresses in his consultation, the problems of impulsivity, low self-esteem, trauma, depression and insomnia.

The psychologist Vanesa Toscano has specialized throughout his career in serving adolescents, adults, couples and families who may present any problem at a personal or professional level that generates a state of discomfort or suffering.

Throughout her career, this professional has worked as a psychotherapist in different mental health centers and in the Currently, his intervention is based on the systemic approach, a tool with which he treats a wide variety of disorders and problematic.

Some of his main intervention specialties are work problems, family and relationship conflicts, stress disorders post-traumatic injury, personnel selection processes, professional profiling, psychodiagnostic evaluations, and reporting psychological experts.

The psychology center Psychia has multidisciplinary professionals specialized in successfully serving in the field of psychotherapy, psychiatry, early and neurocognitive stimulation, psychopedagogy and orientation to fathers.

The sessions of the center are offered both in person and remotely and some of the specialties of the professionals of the center are: deficits in social skills, job orientation, academic and psychological support for university exams and disorders of anxiety.

The psychologist and psychoanalyst Diego Gomez She has a degree from the University of Buenos Aires and currently she offers a quality professional service in her private practice.

His intervention is aimed at children, adolescents, adults, couples, families and also groups that have problems or disorders at an emotional or behavioral level.

Among her intervention specialties, addictions, anguish and anxiety, depression, panic attacks, learning disabilities and neurosis or psychosis can be highlighted.

The psychologist Daniela galarza She is an expert in serving children, adolescents, adults, couples and also parents who have some type of specific consultation, all of this both in person and remotely.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, this professional has a Postgraduate Course in Disorders Graves, a clinical specialization with children and adolescents, and another specialization course in Psychotherapy with children and teenagers.

Likewise, some of the areas that this professional successfully addresses in her practice are disability cases, emotional disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, autism spectrum disorder, and the processes of duel.

The professionals of the therapeutic space The way, are specialized in providing a psychological care service both in the field of psychology, such as psychopedagogy and psychiatry, aimed at people of all ages who request.

Some of the areas that the center's professionals address are cases of anxiety and depression, autism spectrum disorders, school difficulties, relationship problems and disorders of conduct.

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