Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychologists experts in Couples Therapy in Puente Alto

Matías Larenas Trucco He graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Desarrollo and after spending some time, made the decision to specialize via a training course in the implementation of the Motivational Interview.

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most is in the treatment of difficulties such as depression, work stress, low self-esteem, family conflicts or couple crises.

Marcela Bulnes Capaccio She has a degree in Psychology from the Central University of Chile and a specialized Master's degree in NLP Therapy, awarded by the Center for Studies of Change in Chile.

In the consultation of this psychologist some difficulties are often treated very frequently, such as attention deficit disorder (ADHD), eventual couple crises, anxiety disorders or depression.

Jose Fuenzalida She has a degree in Psychology from the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and also, currently She is studying a specialized Master in Clinical Psychology through the University of Chili.

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This psychologist has a great ability to treat some difficulties such as chronic depression, anxiety disorders, work stress, low self-esteem or relationship crises.

Lisette Major She completed her basic specialized studies in Psychology through the Universidad de Las Américas and later, she studied she specialized in the specific treatment of Child and Adolescent Trauma through a course taught by the Instituto Grupo Palermo.

Over time, this psychologist has acquired great skill in treating difficulties such as phobias, job stress, anxiety, depression, relationship crises, and conflicts relatives.

Pamela Maritnez Albernoz She has a degree in Psychology from the University of San Sebastián and also has two Diplomas, one specialized in the field of Clinical Psychology and another focused on the specific treatment of drug addiction.

This psychologist is part of the team of professionals at the Vida en Pareja center located in the city of Santiago de Chile, a place in which if we need it they can help us face an anxiety problem, a possible depression or an unexpected crisis of partner.

Elizabeth orellana She has a degree in Psychology from the SEK International University and has a specialized training course in Ericksonian Hypnosis, issued by the Argentine Institute of Clinical Hypnosis.

We can contact her if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a disorder of the anxiety, very high levels of work stress, a relationship crisis or a stage with a very low self-esteem.

Johana Mora Almonacid She graduated in Psychology at the University of Las Américas back in 2010 and since then, she is important mention that this specialist has been able to acquire great experience practicing psychotherapy in people of all ages. ages.

Mood disorders, complicated stages of grief, family conflicts and crises couple, are some of the difficulties that are most often dealt with in the consultation of this specialist.

Daniela Werner Ipinza She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Chile and has a Postgraduate degree specialized in Couple Therapy, issued by the Chilean Institute of Family Therapy.

Together with this specialist we will be able to treat very effectively some of our possible difficulties such as for example anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, depression, dysthymia or partner.

Katty Paola Mora Henríquez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Santo Tomás in Colombia and also has a Master's degree awarded by this same university, specialized in the correct application of Therapy Psychoanalytic.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to deal with difficulties such as post-traumatic stress, floor disorders or couple crises on more than one occasion.

Adriana Ferrer Malossi She graduated in Clinical Psychology at the University of Las Americas and later, she had the opportunity to She can specialize in Child and Adolescent Psychology through a Master's degree taught by the Universidad Mayor de Chili.

This psychologist is an expert treating difficulties such as phobias, chronic depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or couple crises.

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