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Skype therapy: what are its benefits?

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The advancement of new technologies has allowed psychologists to get closer and closer to their patients without losing the quality of the information and the confidence necessary for benefits to occur therapeutic. Today, thanks to the use of the Internet, it is possible to reach more people, regardless of the distance that separates them and from the comfort of home, with the same efficiency as therapy face-to-face.

One of the preferred options for many psychologists and patients to carry out online therapy is Skype. In this article we will talk about the characteristics and benefits of this form of therapy.

  • Check our list of Best Psychologists Offering Skype Therapy.
  • Related article: "Types of psychological therapies"

How Skype Therapy Works

Many patients, either due to the convenience of conducting therapy sessions from home or due to the inability to go to the therapeutic center, prefer distance psychotherapy. For less than a decade, some psychologists and even large psychology centers offer the therapy service via Skype.

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The idea of ​​this type of therapy is the approach of a person who requires psychological help with a professional of the Psychology, in order for the latter to provide you with tools to regain well-being and improve your quality of lifetime. Thanks to the technological advances of recent times, practically anyone has access to this software, which is easy to install, configure, and therefore easy to use.

The therapy sessions by Skype are carried out through video call, so it is necessary to have a series of requirements:

  • Computer or tablet
  • Webcam or microphone and speakers
  • Skype program installed

Performing therapy by Skype is relatively simple, in general you just have to meet these requirements and heed some simple instructions from online psychologists to start therapy sessions in line.

  • You may be interested: "The 8 benefits of going to psychological therapy"

Scientific studies support the benefits of online therapy

More and more psychological centers are using this modality, as scientific studies have proven its effectiveness on multiple occasions. At some point in our existence, we have all felt at times that we are not at our best, and thanks to Skype therapy it is possible to have access to the online psychologist at any time and from any place.

A famous study, which was published in the Journal of Technology in Human Services in the year in 2008, showed that online therapy helps many people overcome their difficulties or psychological problems, especially those related to anxiety and stress. To carry out the research, they had data from 9,764 subjects with different problems. After receiving the treatment, more than 50% of the patients stated that they had recovered and had increased their quality of life and remarkably well-being, so the researchers assured that the online treatment provides similar results to the treatment face-to-face.

Later, a team of researchers from the University of Virginia, who published their results in the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry, observed in a study that more than half of the people with insomnia Y depression. The people who were tested experienced an improvement within a few weeks of receiving treatment.

Recently, another investigation, this time carried out by the University of Lancaster (United Kingdom), confirmed the improvement of 100 patients with Bipolar disorder who received psychotherapy sessions online with Skype.

Are you looking for psychologists who give therapy by Skype?

Finding a good online psychotherapist is the first step to receiving online therapy. Here you will find several recommended psychologists and cabinets offering Skype therapy or other remote interventions.

What are the benefits of Skype therapy?

Psychotherapy, either online or in person, brings many benefits to patients: it helps them to know themselves better, to recognize and modify their dysfunctional beliefs, to increase their emotional health and to make them feel better; provides them with tools so that they can better manage daily problems, interpersonal relationships and conflicts that may to emerge throughout their lives and, in general, empowers them in the face of life, so that they can live in harmony with themselves and with the environment.

However, Online therapy also provides other benefits that face-to-face therapy does not offer. They are as follows:

1. Access from anywhere

New technologies allow access from anywhere in the world and at any time, either from your computer, tablet or smartphone.

2. Anonymity

Since the patient does not have to go to the therapeutic center, he enjoys greater anonymity.

3. Greater schedule flexibility

Skype therapy facilitates flexible hours and is better adapted to the needs of the patient.

4. Comfort

With this therapeutic modality, the patient does not have to move or waste time in a waiting room.

5. Lower cost

The cost of this form of therapy is less than the cost of traditional therapy. Likewise, the patient saves costs derived from the displacement.

6. Privacy

When performed from the patient's own home, the patient may feel more comfortable perceiving that the situation is less threatening and therefore you can open up more and increase trust in your relationship with the psychologist.

7. Continuous monitoring

Those patients who want continue to have contact with your trusted psychologist despite having to change cities, they can do it thanks to new technologies and the use of Skype software.

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