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Psychology, Criminology and their link in Human Resources

The Human Resources area (HR) it is one of the most important for any private sector corporation. Every organization must have an area like this one, oriented to the correct management of human assets, and more specifically, to the workforce.

Selection, hiring, training, training and talent retention are just some of the most important tasks in this area, which is often led by psychology professionals, as they understand the perfection of mental processes such as motivation, personal and interpersonal skills, needs... factors, among others, that are closely related to the efficiency of human capital.

However, more and more companies are opting for include a criminologist within this area, since his knowledge of the criminal phenomenon is extremely useful. But what exactly are the competencies of a criminologist in the area of ​​human resources?

  • Related article: "Work and organizational psychology: a profession with a future"

Clarifying what a criminologist does

An HR criminologist? They are not supposed to work for the attorney general's offices and prisons?

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First of all, it is necessary to clarify that the criminologist's job is to analyze, study, quantify, and intervene. about antisocial behaviors (that is, those that violate the common good and that generally transgress social norms) using the scientific method, understanding the man as a biopsychosocial entity and that, therefore, criminal behavior unfolds in a conjunction of these three aspects (social, biological and psychological).

Tasks of the criminologist

Thus, some of the criminologist's tasks are:

  • Determine why a person or group transgresses the law, why the idea of ​​being punished does not deter them and what were the factors that prompted them to commit said crime.
  • Mitigate the criminal opportunities of a person or population.
  • Evaluate possible risk behaviors and carry out prophylaxis to prevent them from becoming a subsequent crime.
  • Quantify the antisocial tendencies of a specific subject or group.

Since crime is a universal and complex phenomenonNot only the public sector demands their collaboration but also the private sector, that is, companies.

If you are interested in knowing more about the work of the criminologist, you may be interested in this article: "Criminology: the science that studies crimes and crimes”.

Main areas where the criminologist can intervene

Once the work of the criminologist has been defined, now it is time to define what are your areas of development within the Human Resources department to better understand how you can perform your job:

  • Employment related: includes all the activities that have to do with the workforce, the attraction of talent and their training.
  • Based on the strengthening of labor relations: It basically aims to solve work problems and minimize friction between employees, promoting a pleasant work environment.
  • About personnel administration: It is basically about managing the human assets of the company in a way that is efficient and capable.

Competences of the criminologist in HR

Within Human Resources departments, criminologists can intervene in the following processes:

Staff selection

There will be profiles within the template that will require go through much more delicate selection filters. For example, if we require someone who has access control to sensitive information, in such filters, the criminologist can intervene. In addition, in this process you will be able to determine the possible antisocial tendencies of the future candidate.

  • You may be interested: "Psychopathy: what happens in the psychopath's mind?

Personnel training

Suppose a company is engaged in provide security services through the provision of security features. Who better than a corporate criminologist (who took police organization as a subject in his career) to train these personnel?

Monitoring and processing of dismissals

The dismissal of a person from the workforce can be an extremely complicated situation that even could put the integrity of the company at risk if it is not managed correctly.

The criminologist perfectly understands the definition of critical loss: that situation of abandonment of a member of the company whose Dismissal could cause problems, for example, in the case of people who leave unhappy with the organization or are fired for aggressive behaviors and that depending on the level of access the employee had, they will have more sensitive information and resources privileged.

Psychometric test application

The criminologist has standardized tools that allow you to assess antisocial tendencies, tolerance to frustration, criminogenic threshold, criminal dangerousness, proclivity to dishonesty, abuse, etc. and that are extremely useful in the process of hiring and staff retention.

Labor disputes

The criminologist can act as an intermediary in the resolution of conflicts for his knowledge of conciliation and arbitration.

Prevention of occupational hazards

His knowledge of risk assessment and management makes him a valuable element to mitigate objects and events that could harm employees.

Identification of criminogenic factors within the organization

Timely detection of criminogenic factors to which each employee or each area is subject is an effective way to prevent future crimes against the corporation.

Staff investigation

It can work for determine absenteeism, define responsibilities for crimes committed by employees, to evaluate the social aspect of the candidate for a position, etc.

The criminologist and the psychologist in HR

Because it is important that the criminologist and the psychologist work together in the Human Resources area?

As the well-known saying goes, “unity is strength” and, as we have seen, the criminologist can become a valuable element in this area of ​​the company. This joint relationship should be seen as a worthwhile effort that can increase the performance of the company since it will allow a productive and effective management of the human resources of the organization.

The psychologists who work and run this department must ensure a relationship of interdependence with the criminologist since this will allow a better management of the staff within the corporation.

Given the both are experts in behavioral science, ensure reciprocity between the knowledge that each of them has, will allow a greater, better and more in-depth about the competencies, skills, motivations, defects and needs of workers and futures candidates.

Correct management of human capital It is the first step towards a competitive company, given that it will not only be recognized by the international bodies that regulate and audit them, but also by the employees themselves; in turn, the value of this in the market increases.

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