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The 9 best online Psychologists in Argentina

The psychologist Melisa Mirabet She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Belgrano, she has a University Postgraduate Degree in Psychopathology and Cognitive Psychotherapy and is an expert in providing online therapeutic care.

As director and psychotherapist of the SEPSIAT center, this renowned professional bases her interventions both her in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy as well as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, as well as in Therapy Brief.

This integration of effective therapies helps Melisa Mirabet to successfully attend to all kinds of mental health problems and disorders, among which are: anxiety, depression, relational problems, deficits in emotional management, low self-esteem, problems with sports performance and orientation labor.

The Clinical Psychologist Valeria Salamone She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires and also offers an online psychological care service specialized in attending to adolescents and adults who are going through a bad time or need professional support to achieve success in a development process personal.

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The intervention of this psychologist is based on the joint application of different effective therapies, among which are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness, Brief Therapy or Coaching.

The disorders and problems that Valeria Salamone usually addresses in her sessions are anxiety disorders, self-esteem deficits and also emotional problems and deficits in social and coping skills.

The Clinical Psychologist Pilar Lluveras Throughout her career, she has specialized in treating adults of all ages with any disorder or query, by offering an online therapy service.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, this professional dominates the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Gestalt Therapy or Hypnotherapy

Her intervention is integrative in nature and some of the areas that she successfully addresses are problems of self-esteem, anxiety and depression, stress, trauma, emotional problems and difficulties with relationship.

The psychologist Tatiana stacul She is another of the most prominent online therapy specialists in Buenos Aires and her services are offered to adults of all ages as well as to couples and families who may request them.

Her intervention is based on the integration of various effective therapies, among which Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy stand out. tools with which she deals with self-esteem problems, anxiety and depression, gender violence, stress, and deficits in coping skills. coping.

Tatiana Stacul has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Salvador, she has a Training Course in Feminism and Psychoanalysis by the Argentine Association of Mental Health, a Gender Course by the same center and a Training Course in Therapy Dialectic-behavioral.

The Clinical Psychologist Maria lizza She is another of the professional specialists in providing an online therapy service in Buenos Aires and in her consultation she attends adolescents, adults and also the elderly.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Buenos Aires, this professional has specialized in Neuropsychology and in the application of the integrated psychoanalytic approach together with other therapies of great effectiveness.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in evaluation and care of cognitive disorders, as well as in grieving processes, life crises, anxiety and depression, family conflicts, low self-esteem and disorders of the old age.

The Clinical Psychologist Diana Patricia Kulszon she attends online to people of any age both in the clinical and judicial fields.

In her intervention, she applies different therapies in an integrated way, such as Brief Therapy and psychoanalysis, with which addresses anxiety disorders, job orientation demands, family conflicts and cases of divorce.

In addition to that, among her main degrees, we can highlight a Higher Degree in Psychoanalysis in Family Relations, a Medium Degree in Coordination and a Postgraduate Degree in Family and Couples.

The psychologist Elizabeth hernandez She has a professional experience of more than 20 years and her qualifications include a Postgraduate in Child Abuse from the University of Buenos Aires, another in Psychoanalysis with children and adolescents and a third Postgraduate in Violence Family.

In her consultation, she attends online to people of all ages, as well as couples and families through the application of Psychoanalysis and Family and Couple Therapy.

In addition to that, among her main intervention specialties are anxiety disorders, depression, autism spectrum disorders, domestic violence or ADHD.

The Clinical Psychologist Alejandra Pascual She is a specialist in the application of Third Generation Therapies applied in conjunction with Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, two of which have the most scientific evidence.

Her intervention is also offered online, it is aimed at people of all ages and their main specialties are deficits in coping skills, cases of depression and disorders of anxiety.

Psychologist Ileana Vanesa Frende She has a Diploma as a Psychologist Expert, she has a Course in New Behavioral Sciences and another in Child Sexual Abuse.

Her intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults and couples and is based on the integrated application of different therapies, including Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Applied Behavioral Analysis and Therapy Traspersonal.

Thus, some of her intervention specialties are cases of emotional dependence, anxiety disorders, family conflicts and cases of sexual abuse.

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