Paloma Herrera Cabinet of Psychology
In my Cabinet of Psychology, in Gandía, I intervene in children, adolescents, adults and relationship problems, trying to reestablish their emotional balance with psychological techniques adapted to each person and oriented to the change. If you need to recover the illusion and restore balance in your life, I will accompany you in complicated situations or moments in which You need support and guidance from a professional, providing you with the necessary tools so that you can achieve the objectives that we have marked.
My professional specialty is linked to the Functional Analysis of Behavior, intervening from a depathologizing perspective approached with psychological techniques and procedures oriented to the change. For this reason and with the aim of establishing an appropriate intervention plan for each person, from different psychological approaches within the social and educational context, trying to guide and solve the problems that interfere with well-being and personal health, analyzing the personal and contextual factors that contribute to this problematic.
My passion for personal development has led me to opt for continuous training in the field of psychology, since that I have always felt the need to help others, contributing what my training and experience can offer.