Education, study and knowledge

The best 9 Psychological Experts in Mérida (Spain)

The Clinical and Forensic Psychologist Gemma Echevarría He has more than 18 years of professional experience and in his practice he attends children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may request his services.

Graduated in Psychology from the UNED, this professional has a Master's Degree in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, a Master in Clinical and Health Psychology, another Master in Child and Youth Clinical Psychology and a Training Course for Judicial Expert.

Its Forensic Psychology services are offered online and some of its main specialties are cases gender violence, alcoholism, drug addiction, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety and conflict relatives.

The Forensic Psychologist Ana Isabel González Contreras is a specialist in conducting psychological expert reports aimed at children, adolescents and also adults who may request them.

This professional is a specialist in dealing with relationship problems, addictions, couple crises, anxiety disorders, grieving processes, bullying, and skill deficits social.

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His intervention is offered both in person at his office in Mérida and online with all possible comforts.

The Center for Psychology and Mediation Mediapsi is one of the most recommended in the field of Forensic Psychology and Family Mediation in Mérida.

The professionals at this center serve both children and adolescents of all ages, as well as adults, couples and also families who may present family problems, separation or divorce processes, judicial or work problems, interpersonal conflicts or health problems mental.

In the Mediapsi center you will find a quality forensic psychology service, since its team of therapists prepare expert psychological reports of all kinds.

The psychologist Sonia Ruiz Navas she is a specialist in Forensic Psychology and Criminology, as well as Neuroprocessing Techniques and Emotional Management Therapies.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in serving adults of all ages and also couples who may present any type of query or problem in the field of Forensic Psychology and Expert.

Her intervention is offered both in person and online and some of her main specialties are the problems of relationship, emotional dependence, anxiety disorders, couple crises and the preparation of expert reports in various scopes.

The Health Psychologist Rosalia Izquierdo Benitez She runs “El diván de Rosalía”, her own psychology center in the city of Mérida, where she cares for children of all ages, adolescents and adults.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating any type of disorder, as well as in carry out expert reports in the field of civil law, labor law and also family law and of the minor.

The psychologist Elena Aviles Diaz she has a degree in psychology from the UNED, she has a master's degree in general health psychology from the VIU, another master's degree in prevention Drug Dependence and Other Addictive Behaviors, a Master's Degree in Psycho-Oncology and another Master's Degree in Psychodiagnosis and Testing Projective.

This professional is also a specialist in preparing expert psychological reports aimed at children, adolescents, adults, couples and also families who request it, and their services are offered in a on-line.

Some of her intervention specialties are addictions, eating disorders, grieving processes, psychological abuse, relationship problems, phobias and depression.

The psychologist Monica Pedraza Manso she has a great experience serving children, adults, families and also couples.

Her intervention is based on the application of various therapies of proven efficacy such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, with which she attends family and relationship problems, expert reporting, anxiety disorders, grief, and disturbances food.

The psychologist Javier Alarcón Domingo offers an expert psychology service offered online and aimed at adults of any age in your consultation.

Her intervention specialties include relationship problems, personality disorders, depression, psychosomatic disorders and panic attacks.

The psychologist Cristina de la Luz García Cintas Throughout her career, she has specialized in conducting psychological expert reports of all kinds, especially in the field of incapacitation, guardianship and precautions.

This professional is also a specialist in dealing with relationship problems, anxiety disorders, depression, panic attacks, dementia, stress, and grieving processes.

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