Mª Ángeles Chamorro Jiménez
My vital objective has always been and is to help others, hence Psychology, more than a job, is my vocation. Since I finished my degree I have specialized in the Clinical field, specifically in Psychopathology and Health, and in Neuropsychology Clinic, a field that I am passionate about and of which I have the pleasure of being able to work today, and learn more about my patients. I am also a specialist in Emergency and Disaster Psychology, within which I have extensive training.
My specialties are Clinical Psychology in children and adolescents, adults, seniors, couples and family therapy. Neuropsychological assessment, treatment and reporting.
Apart from Clinical Psychology in general and Neuropsychology in particular, I have worked for many years in Residences for the Elderly and in Drug Dependence and Addictions, conducting workshops and psychotherapy individual. Another field in which I am a specialist is Emergency and Disaster Psychology, a field that passionate and in which I have participated on several occasions together with the Official College of Psychologists (COPAO).