The 27 best education blogs and websites you should know
One of the advantages of the new digital age is that it allows us to access information online very quickly.
Surely many of us, if not all, have used this resource to study or to learn something new. Education is part of our lives, and that is why there are many blogs or web pages dedicated to this matter.
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The best education blogs or websites
If you are a teacher, student or parent, you should know the list of websites that we show you in this article. Why? Well simply because these pages are a great way to share ideas, creativity and innovation in this field.
However, before you start browsing them, you should know that the order of the list does not respond to any particular criteria. There are a total of twenty-six essential education websites for teaching and learning.
Education, psychology, neurosciences, personal development... Our website houses more than 250 professionals in mental health, pedagogy and social sciences trying to bring to the general public an infinite number of scientific topics.
If you are a teacher, this blog will be useful to you. In it you can find educational resources, teaching tools, videos to educate and posts on different subjects of early childhood education, primary education and secondary education.
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For some people, mathematics can be a difficult subject. Luckily, this website aims to entertain and bring this subject to everyone, trying to teach mathematics in a simple way.
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A blog that brings science closer to home in a fun and entertaining way. In it you will find material on astronomy, chemistry, mathematics, biology or physics. Sofá's science blog has been the winner of the Bitácoras Award 2015 in the Education and Science category.
A very complete website where it is possible to find videos and articles related to the subject of training and its relationship with new technologies. Highly recommended.
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A blog that facilitates the learning of the English language. The author of this website has published several books related to this topic.
- In the following post you can find tips for learning languages: "10 psychological tips for learning languages"
A portal about mathematics with high quality content. In it you will find a forum to answer your questions and a video library to view the audiovisual content that the author offers.
For moms and dads in distress, Your Baby is a comprehensive and comprehensive portal on advice on pregnancy, childbirth and parenting. A true reference site in the field of natural motherhood. Very interesting.
A website for teachers interested in improving education with the support of Information and Communication Technologies. Eduteka encourages innovation in this area and provides access to highly useful information.
A great blog where you will find content about childhood, entertainment and education in a digital world.
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A portal on mathematics and creativity that has been recognized as Bitácoras Award 2012 as best educational blog. In it you can find answers to all your questions about this topic, while you enjoy learning
In this space it is possible to resolve doubts and concerns that parents feel when educating their children. Being a father is not easy, that is why the author of this blog puts all her efforts to facilitate this arduous task for parents.
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This is an educational portal based on collaborative teaching and learning, which is aimed at everyone compulsory schooling courses and the entire educational community: teachers, students and parents and mothers.
In this blog it is possible to find educational resources provided by a kindergarten teacher, with the aim of having them available whenever they are needed
Emotional intelligence (EI) brings many benefits to both teachers and students. This portal aims to bring EI closer to the entire educational community.
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A portal to learn physics and chemistry in an entertaining way. In the blog you will find a series of activities and schemes designed for you to have fun while you acquire knowledge.
A website where you will find high school notes on history and different audiovisual resources that will help you learn about this subject.
Universia is a university cooperation network focused on Latin America, which promotes change and innovation in this community. Some of its objectives are: to promote employment and professional development of university students, to inform for learning and to support continuous training, generate spaces for debate and reflection on trends in higher education and create information communities.
A website that also has four annual issues in paper format. Its purpose is to contribute to the methodological change in classrooms through ICT and active methodologies. It is aimed at all those people who are part of the educational community.
All about current affairs and news in the field of education, as well as digital educational resources ready to use in the classroom.
Educaweb gives you all the news about the field of education. In addition, it is one of the reference portals in the search for training actions for you to continue training: online courses, masters and postgraduate degrees, doctorates ...
22. School20
One of the most complete websites on education. On School20 You can find very useful information for teachers, students or parents.
A blog in which the author writes his personal reflections on education in times of crisis.
A blog founded by a Spanish Language teacher. In it, he presents teachers with tips and tricks to fill the day-to-day classroom with motivation and inspiration.
Curistoria is a blog about curiosities and anecdotes of history. In this space entertaining and entertaining historical stories are told.
Despite the fact that the founder of this blog is a social psychologist, Pain Reig is an expert in education 2.0. On his website he reflects on the educational field and ICT.
27. classroom
classroom belongs to the well-known communication group Planeta. Without a doubt, one of the best education websites that exists today. It is intended for teachers, students and families.