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The 10 best Detox Centers in Andalusia

Fromm Wellness is a reference center in Andalusia, in the field of detoxification and addiction treatment in adolescents, adults of all ages, both individually and in groups and also in families.

Located in the province of Seville, this center has a multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in different areas of intervention, among which stand out the psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists and social educators who offer their services both in person and by video conferencing.

The center's intervention is Humanistic in nature and based on the application of therapies of proven scientific efficacy, with which its professionals address cases of alcoholism, cocaine addiction and any type of drug addiction, gambling, internet and video game addiction, sex addiction and dependence emotional.

The Syndéresis Therapeutic Center is located in the city of Seville and has been offering a detoxification service for several years comprehensive service in which both the person who has acquired an addiction and her environment are cared for. near.

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The professionals of this center base their work on their own intervention method that affects the person both personal level, such as family and work, whose main objectives are the management of change of habits addictive; positive management of emotions; self-management of the will and personal self-government and prevention of relapses.

The main specialties of the center are addiction to alcoholism, cannabis, addiction to cocaine, benzodiazepines, gambling and any other addiction to substances.

The detox center Maddict offers its services anywhere in Andalusia, hand in hand with professionals who have a high level of qualification and high specialization in the treatment of all types of addictions.

The first consultation is free and in it an initial assessment of the client's needs and their personal, economic and social context, to develop accordingly, an intervention plan specially adapted to Their case. This center serves both people with addictions and their families and the main areas addressed by their professionals are addiction to cocaine and marijuana, alcoholism, addiction to amphetamines and addictions to new technologies.

The Noa Institute is specialized in the treatment of addictions and in the rehabilitation of people who have any type of addiction, whether chemical, such as alcoholism, addiction to cocaine, cannabis, drugs or heroin; or behavioral, among which are pathological gambling, addiction to the internet, mobile phones or video games.

This center has its own admission clinic, located in a natural setting 15 minutes from Seville, where its team of professionals applies the Minnesota model, one of the intervention methods with the best results offer.

This method consists of 4 phases: detoxification, withdrawal, rehabilitation and reintegration; and in addition to that, the health care for customers is constant 24 hours a day, as well as the accompaniment of their families.

The professionals of the Neros Group They have more than 10 years of experience treating addictions of all kinds, mainly cases of alcoholism, drug and drug addiction and also gambling.

The center's intervention is offered through its own methodology based on the Cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the therapies most used by professionals and with the highest levels of evidence scientific

The Neros Therapeutic Method has an efficacy of more than 70% and is based on the individualization of each case, in an intervention directly in the patient and in their socio-family environment, and also in the importance of their follow-up once the treatment.

In the city of Malaga it is located in the center Cúvel Addictions, a detoxification center that serves people of all ages and their families, using a methodology based on the Minnesota Model.

This detoxification clinic offers a comprehensive intervention as an outpatient center and its treatment is based on three fundamental pillars: Change the attitudes of the person, change their behaviors and change their style of lifetime.

The center's professionals also place special emphasis on the reintegration of the person cared for and on the establishment of a support network that contributes to their reintegration. Besides that, the main specialties of the center are addiction to cocaine, alcohol, benzodiazepines, heroin and cannabis.

The addiction intervention center in Seville, CIAS, has a team of professionals specialized in various areas of intervention, among which stand out Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Educators, Social Workers and Lawyers.

The intervention of the center is comprehensive, based on the application of therapies with greater scientific evidence that adapt to the needs of people with alcoholism, with addiction to cocaine or cannabis, addiction to designer drugs, or who present gambling or addiction to new technologies.

Recovery Center is an Addiction Treatment Center Authorized by the Junta de Andalucía specialized in treating chemical addictions of all kinds and also behavioral addictions such as gambling, sex addiction and addiction to new technologies.

The center's intervention methodology is based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and the Its main objectives are to achieve the psychological well-being of the person, as well as social and family.

Project Man is one of the oldest associations in our country in the field of addiction care and detoxification processes of all kinds and has more than 25 centers throughout Spain.

In each capital of the Andalusian province you can find a headquarters of Proyecto Hombre, where highly specialized professionals work in care for addictive disorders in people of any kind, as well as offering an orientation service to parents and also programs of prevention.

Alboran Addictions is an addiction recovery center located in Granada whose therapeutic team has an experience professional for more than 20 years and consists of therapists specialized in drug addiction and with a monitor sports.

The intervention of the center covers all aspects of the person's life and the main addictions that are addressed in the same are addiction to substances such as alcohol, cocaine or heroin and also pathological gambling, addiction to the internet or to purchases.

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