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The best 11 expert Psychologists in Couples Therapy in Elche

The center Psycho growing de Elche is one of the most recommended in the field of couples therapy and its services are offered both in person and online.

In this center you will find a professional specialized in dealing with cases of alcoholism, abuse of substances, codependency, anxiety, self-esteem problems, substance abuse and cases of self harm.

The psychologist Dove king Throughout her long career, she has specialized in offering a couples therapy service in the online modality and through the integrated application of various therapies of proven efficacy.

Her intervention is individualized at all times and some of the areas that she successfully addresses in her sessions are family conflicts, problems arising from pregnancy or motherhood, anxiety, depression and sick leave self-esteem.

Paloma Rey is Graduated in Psychology from the Catholic University of Valencia, she has a Master's Degree in Comprehensive Care for People with Disabilities She is an intellectual from the same university and she also has a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the International University of Valencia.

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The psychologist Margarita Durá Martínez She is an expert in assisting in a professional way the problems in the field of the couple as well as in the family through the application of different therapies, mainly Systemic Therapy.

Her intervention is essentially based on improving the couple's communication, achieving an implication on the part of each of the members, as well as in addressing cases of anxiety, stress or psychological trauma in one of the parts.

The psychologist Nuria Pérez She also offers a psychological care service for adults, families and couples based on an integrative approach, where they highlight the application of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, based on modifying or eliminating those thoughts or behaviors that are at the origin of the trouble.

In the field of couples therapy, the reasons for consultation that she most commonly addresses are, among others, lack of communication, recurring arguments and the appearance of an external condition that destabilizes the relationship, such as an accident or a situation traumatic.

The General Health Psychologist Davinia soler she works together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals to offer the best possible care, specialized in the field of the couple and through the application of different techniques to achieve the best results.

There are many problems that this professional addresses in her consultation, among the main ones we can highlight the erroneous conceptions about love and relationships, lack of communication and conflicts derived from family-in-law or decisions related to children.

The General Health Psychologist Rachel Fernandez She is part of the team of professionals at the Mindic Salud center, where she deals with the area of ​​adults and couples, an intervention that she carries out comprehensively and with very good results.

The intervention is aimed both at people who want to save their relationship as a couple and those who want to improve some specific or less important aspect. In addition to that, in his office spaces are enabled so that the members of the couple can work privately to solve their problem.

The psychologist Paula Anton She is an expert in the intervention of any disorder that the person may have and also in addressing the problems that may arise in the couple and hinder their relationship.

In her consultation we will find an adequate therapeutic space to resolve conflicts, and where the professional will analyze all those negative dynamics within the couple. Usually, in her consultation the lack of communication, jealousy and lack of confidence are usually addressed.

The psychologist Sara Mirón She is an expert in treating those problems that arise in the couple and that have not been able to be solved by the members of the same, in an empathic, efficient and professional way.

In her consultation, constructive communication between the members of the couple is promoted and the causes for the crisis situation are analyzed.

The psychologist Marga Mateu He has more than 10 years of experience in private practice, and in his center we will find a therapeutic space to solve any problem that the couple may have.

His main specialties are tackling couple crises in general, specifically improving the person's self-esteem or depression problems, and treating possible sexual dysfunctions.

The General Health Psychologist Mercedes Alberola Gomez She is a specialist in addressing couple problems from a systemic perspective, although also taking into account other therapies in a comprehensive manner.

In her consultation, disorders such as depression, drug abuse, dependencies and also self-esteem problems are addressed.

The psychologist Francisco Salvador Beltrán Llicer she cares for adult patients individually and also for couples who have any problem, whatever their nature.

Her consulting specialties are problems within the relationship, aggressive behaviors, sexual apathy and conflictive relationships with adolescent children.

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