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Summary of German reunification 1989-1990

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "Summary of the German reunification 1989/1990".

Summary of German reunification 1989/1990. We start at the beginning; what is german reunification? As we remember, after the Second World War, with the defeat of Germany, it was divided into 4 parts. Each ruled by one of the winning powers. The east of Germany is in the hands of the Soviet Union and the west is in the hands of France, England and the United States. That is, these two blocks remain. With the passage of time and the cold war, they are increasingly distancing themselves and the eastern part (which gives Russia) is the so-called GDR (German Democratic Republic) under the yoke of the socialist bloc of the Soviet Union. The westernmost part is known as the RFA (German Federal Republic). As we have said, as the cold war progresses, these two parts of Germany become polarized.

So much so, that from 1948 to 1961, there is a great boom of the German federal republic (that is, the western one) where there is a great development economic, demographic... and the leaders of the Soviet Union, seeing that many people emigrated there, decided to raise the wall of Berlin. The famous Berlin wall that divides Berlin and Germany into two parts. The socialist - Soviet part and the democratic - capitalist part. You also have to understand that during the 70s / 80s, there were many attempts in many countries of the republics Soviets of wanting independence from socialism to self-govern themselves and march a little towards the capitalism. All these currents are influencing, little by little, the German Democratic Republic, that is, the eastern bloc. It is not until 1990, after the

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the fall of the Berlin Wall (which is the same people that rose up against that wall and against the German puppet government that the Soviet Union had put in place) and, as you I mean, in 1990 through the unification treaty, the border that divided the two Germanies was erased, unifying it, again, in one of alone.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on "Summary of the German reunification 1989/1990" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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