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The 10 best Sports Psychologists in Palma de Mallorca

The Psychologist and Coach Esther Julià She is one of the most prestigious specialists in Sports Psychology in Palma de Mallorca and her services are they offer both in person and online to adolescents, adults, the elderly and also couples who request.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the University of Les Illes Balears, this professional has a Master's Degree in Coaching Mentoring from UNIR and a Master's Degree in Sports Psychology from UNED.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in integrating Coaching together with other effective orientations such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, with which it attends to sports performance deficits, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem, stress and deficits in the management of go to.

The Psychologist and Sports Coach Francesc Porta He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​he has a Master's degree in Sports-Management Coaching from Unisport Management School and is a specialist in serving athletes and professionals of all kinds who wish to improve in some aspect of their lives.

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His intervention is based on the integration of sports and business methodologies with highly effective psychological therapies, with which he attends the emotional management deficits, lack of leadership, anxiety, stress, deficits in coping skills and mental readjustment in injuries.

Francesc Porta has competed in basketball, tennis and athletics, is a senior basketball coach and in the Currently he also offers his services to various federations, clubs and sports entities, all in a way on-line.

The Coach Miguel A. Rodriguez Ramirez She has an experience of more than 25 years behind her and currently she offers her services to adolescents and adults online and with all the comforts and guarantees.

Graduated in Economics from the Carlos III University, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Emotional Intelligence, another Master's Degree in She Professional coaching, a Training Course of Specialist in Mindfulness and NLP, and also has a Medium Degree of National Professor of Tennis.

His intervention is based on MindfulSport, a proprietary intervention methodology that has proven its effectiveness in problems emotional performance, anxiety, stress, low self-esteem, deficits in sports performance and skills training.

The Sports Psychologist and Health Coach Laura Servos She has a degree in Psychology from the URL, she has an Official Master's Degree in Applied Research to Health Sciences, a Master in Sport and Physical Exercise Psychology and a Master in Communication, Problem Solving and Coaching Strategic.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending to athletes, teams or coaches who may have problems with athletic performance, deficits in emotional management, deficits in training skills or social skills, and deficits in management of injuries.

The General Health Psychologist Tòfol Villalonga Melis He has an International Master in Clinical Psychology from AEPC, has an accreditation as a Clinical Neuropsychologist and is a specialist in Sports Psychology and Educational Psychology.

Its services are offered electronically to children, adolescents, adults and also families who request its services and are based on the integrated application of various highly effective therapies, among which Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

His intervention specialties include depression, phobias, grieving processes, pain disorder, relationship problems, sports problems, and stress disorder post-traumatic.

The Sports Psychologist Javier Sanchez Caro He has a degree in Psychology from the UNED, has more than 13 years of professional experience and his services are offered to people of all ages, as well as couples and families.

In his consultation you will find a professional specialized in attending to performance deficits online and also in person sports, as well as cases of anxiety, addictions, codependency, depression, emotional problems and disorders food.

The psychologist Miquel Salom Martorell directs the Center for Clinical and Psychoactive Sports Psychology, where he attends athletes both individually and in groups, as well as clubs and institutions.

This professional has a degree in Psychology, a Master in Neurosciences, is a specialist in Sports Psychology, and also in Clinical and Forensic Psychology.

The main specialties of it are the enhancement of the athlete's performance, providing behavioral guidelines and useful tools to improve said performance and also the intervention in problems of anxiety, depression or stress.

The Sports Psychologist Oliver Martinez He is one of the most outstanding professionals in our country and throughout more than 20 years of experience he has successfully served more than 1000 athletes and coaches.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​this professional has a Master's Degree in Sports and Sports Psychology Physical Activity, a Master in Human Resources Management and a third Master in Strategic Management of Entities Sports.

Oliver Martínez has chaired for more than 15 years the Selection of Sports Psychology of the Official College of Psychologists de Catalunya and in addition to that he is the director and founder of the first Master's Degree in Psychology Applied to Sport organized by the COPC.

The Sports Psychologist Sergi Hernandez It attends online to athletes, coaches and sports entities of all kinds who request its sports psychology, counseling or Team Building services.

The interventions of this professional are adapted at all times to the particular needs of each client and his specialties include personal and sports development processes, skills training, emotional management, team cohesion and improved communication in equipment.

Sergi Hernández has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, ​​has a Master's degree in Neuropsychology from ISEP and has a Postgraduate Degree in Psychology and Sports Coaching from the Abat University Oliba.

The Sports Psychologist Lorraine Cos He is a specialist in high performance and in his consultation he leads a team of professionals specialized in dealing with management problems emotional, leadership, group cohesion, communication skills, motivation, stress management or injury management in athletes, coaches and entities.

Lorena Cos has more than 10 years of professional experience and combines her work as a Sports Psychologist with giving conferences and professional training.

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