Education, study and knowledge

The 14 best Coaches in Bilbao

The Personal and Business Coach Manel Fernandez He has an experience of more than 25 years of experience and currently offers his services both in person and remotely.

Graduated in Humanities from the UDL, this professional has a Master in Psychopedagogy, another in Security, Occupational Health and Welfare, and also has a Postgraduate Degree in Emotional Intelligence for Organizations.

By integrating various therapies with proven efficacy, this professional manages to address the problems of leadership, social relationship problems, team cohesion, stress management and deficits in the management of the wrath.

Nieves Rodriguez She is an expert in Personal and Executive Coaching, and attends in person and online. In addition, he develops online training programs for individuals, professionals and companies, through his FasTracktoRefocus platform.

This professional has a Master in Personal-Executive and Business Coach, a Master in Mindfulness, another in NLP Therapist and two Training Courses in Holistic Coaching and Mindfulness Coaching.

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Some of the areas he addresses most frequently, anxiety and stress, self-esteem deficits, time management and conflicts in the company, team management, leadership, change in professional direction, curricular adaptation and interviews of job.

The Coach Miguel Ramirez He is one of the most prominent professionals in his field of intervention and has been for more than 25 years serving adolescents of all ages, as well as athletes who may have any type of trouble.

Throughout his career, this Coaching expert has perfected his own intervention methodology, MindfulSport, with which he attends with success emotional problems of all kinds, deficits in sports or training performance, low self-esteem, anxiety or stress.

Miguel Ramírez has a Diploma in Economics from the Carlos III University, he has a Master in Professional Coaching from the International Coaching Federation, a Master in Emotional Intelligence from the Paul Ekmann School, a Specialist Training Course in Mindfulness and NLP and a Medium Degree of National Tennis teacher.

The Coach Juan Fran Hernandez She has an Expert Diploma in Applied Emotional Intelligence from the La Salle University of Madrid and her services are offered online with all the guarantees.

Throughout her career, this Coaching professional has specialized in serving adults of all ages and their intervention she is oriented to successfully deal with cases of anxiety, low self-esteem, emotional problems and conflicts in life daily.

In addition to that, her intervention is adapted at all times to the client's needs and some of the therapies that she integrates in her sessions, in addition to Coaching are Mindfulness and Interview Motivational.

The Coach Ana Isabel Marin she is a specialist in treating anxiety and stress problems, emotional distress, low self-esteem, infidelity, relationship problems, grief, family conflicts, stress and the processes of divorce.

Throughout her career, this professional has specialized in helping people who are in a difficult time in their lives and in providing tools to overcome each of their obstacles.

From her private practice, the Anxiety Therapy Center, this professional offers an online Coaching service for people of all ages who wish to request it.

The Coach Sergi Mora She is Certified as a Professional Co-Active Coach, has a Certificate in Clean Coaching & Emergent Knowledge and also has Certifications in Playful Coaching and Integrative Breathing.

Her sessions are offered online to adults of all ages and also to older people, and are based on the integrated application of Coaching together with other effective guidelines.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with low self-esteem, relational problems, anxiety, codependency, stress and trauma.

The psychologist Irene Tobias de ella has specialized throughout her career in serving people of all ages, as well as families and couples seeking professional support to achieve their goals or improve their well-being in any area of ​​their lives.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Deusto, this therapist has a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology from the UNED, a Master in Child-adolescent Clinical Psychology, another Master in Clinical and School Speech Therapy and a Training Course in Psychology Clinic.

As Director of the Centro Integral de Psicología Ongizate, Irene Tobías offers a quality coaching service in which she integrates different highly effective guidelines, the main one being cognitive-behavioral therapy.

In addition to that some of his specialties are eating disorders, addictions and substance abuse, self-esteem problems, stress, personality disorders, anxiety, depression, and mood disorders cheer up.

The General Health Psychologist Lucas Fernandez He has a Degree in Clinical Mention from the UNED in Clinical Mention, a Bachelor of Economic Sciences and has an Expert Training Course in Behavioral Therapy for Young People.

The coaching services offered by this professional are aimed at adolescents, young people, adults in a way individual and also as a couple, both in face-to-face sessions in your office and online, via Skype, Zoom or WhatsApp.

His intervention is also integrative in nature, in which therapies such as Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Positive Psychology are applied, and with which it addresses emotional and self-esteem problems, deficits in social and communication skills, trauma, anxiety and depression.

The Health Psychologist Maria Lusarreya Ayestarán He has an experience of more than 10 years and is a specialist in Clinical Psychology, Couples Therapy, Sexology, Coaching and Family Mediation.

Her intervention in the field of Coaching is directed both in person and telematically to adolescents, adults and couples, and in these sessions she mainly addresses self-esteem issues, cases of depression and anxiety, emotional dependence, sex addiction and empowerment personal.

Regarding the main therapies that she applies in her consultation in an integrated way, the Mindfulness, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Family and Couples Therapy and Acceptance Therapy and Commitment.

The professional Eva Pinacho She offers a Personal Coaching, Executive Coaching and also Team Coaching service, as well as an educational orientation service, both in face-to-face and remote sessions.

The main areas that this professional addresses in her consultation in Bilbao are cases of work stress, improvement of relationships interpersonal skills, improvement of self-esteem, training in decision-making, improvement of teamwork and empowerment of talent.

The psychologist and coach Cristina Zabaleta placeholder image She graduated in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country, she specialized in Human Resources from she has a Master's degree at the same University and has extensive training in Personal, Business and Labor.

Likewise, her Coaching services are offered to young people and adults who want to improve in some aspect of her lives, as well as to entrepreneurs, companies or groups that require professional support from Some kind.

Some of the main areas that she attends are the improvement of motivation, personal and professional changes, the improvement self-esteem, goal setting, improved communication in the company, personnel management and weather.

The psychologist and coach Eva Ortiz She is a specialist in serving adults individually, as well as couples who want to change some aspect of their lives and become better people.

Her Coaching services are therefore offered in the personal, professional and social spheres, the latter being indicated for people who want to improve their communication skills, their ability to make friends or meet people and also improve their confidence or self-esteem.

Some other specialties of Coach Eva Ortiz are increasing energy and motivation, learning to choose and define goals, developing an attitude positive mental health, preparing job interviews, developing your own professional project, facing a job change and establishing professional relationships satisfactory.

Patricia Rodamilans Areilza she is a Clinical Psychologist and Professional Coach specialized in the application of method-based therapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy and Therapy Systemic-Relational.

Her intervention is also offered online and some of her specialties are anxiety disorders, low self-esteem, life and work dissatisfaction, stress, generalized lack of motivation, adjustment disorders and problems with relationship.

Julia Segura She has a Law Degree from the University of Deusto, a Professional Coach from the International Coaching Institute since 2008 and a member of the Spanish Coaching Association.

Her Coaching services are offered to adolescents, young people, adults and also in the workplace, being some of the areas that she successfully addresses, the problems of self-esteem, lack of confidence or willpower, overcoming romantic breakups, job changes, career goal setting, and entrepreneurship.

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