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What were the Capitulations of Santa Fe

What were the Capitulations of Santa Fe

The Capitulations of Santa Fe are the document signed on April 17, 1492 between the Catholic Monarchs and the navigator Christopher Columbus, where the agreements reached by both parties before the expedition to the Indies that led to the discovery of America are reflected. Next, in this lesson from, we will see what were the capitulations of Santa Fe so that you better understand how the discovery of America was managed in Spain.

The signing of the Capitulations of Santa Fe in this Granada town was one of the events most important historical events in the history of Spain and also of America, since it marked the future of what would happen behind the discovery of the New Continent.

It is, therefore, the first document that arises related to the discovery of America, dealing with issues such as conditions and deals that would be done after the trip, in addition to agree on financing that the Catholic Monarchs would give to such a company.

What were the Capitulations of Santa Fe - The signing of the Capitulations

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The agreement came at a vital historical moment, after the

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taking of Granada on January 2, 1492, which ended the presence of Muslim kingdoms in the Iberian Peninsula.

The project of Colonwas taken into account once the contest was over and, after arduous negotiations in which fundamentals were not taken into account scientists who pointed out the erroneousness of the expedition, weighed more on all political, economic and religious arguments to arrive at an agreement.

The king ferdinand had a direct role in the negotiations, registering the capitulations in the Aragonese Chancellery. In these, Juan de Coloma represented the monarchs and Fray Juan Pérez, Columbus. The document contains a series of agreements:

  • The privileges that Columbus would access, as the appointment of admiral, viceroy and governor general of all the territories discovered and won for the crown, as well as one tenth of the benefits obtained in the trip and the appointment as heirs of their successors in a manner lifetime. What's more, he was awarded a tithe of the merchandise that was obtained in the conquered places.
  • The Catholic Kings contributed with an eighth of the expenses and in turn they would obtain a similar part of the benefits that were achieved.

When studying which were the Capitulations of Santa Fe, it should be noted that the document presents a fairly simple structure, being an exposition of the demands made by Columbus and to which the monarchs acceded. It is necessary to underline the concession of high dignities and economic benefits that Columbus was able to establish.

The document consists of a preamble and five clauses, which end with the expression “Plaze a la Altezas de him. Johan de Coloma ”. In the preamble, Columbus is given the title of 'don' at all times.

Among the clauses it is necessary to highlight:

  • In the first two clauses appear the high dignities that were granted to Columbus, with life and hereditary character, as Admiral of the Ocean Sea, Viceroy and Governor of the islands and lands to which he arrived. He would also have the leadership of the armed forces, as well as civil and military authority.
  • The third clause states that Columbus would get a tenth of the profits that were obtained. A list of genera is even made, such as gold, species, etc. Due to the type of merchandise, it is very possible that they thought to reach the eastern markets in a new way.
  • In the case of the fourth clause, it deals with the question of goods and their trade, Columbus assuming jurisdiction for the lawsuits that arise over these.
  • The fifth clause refers to that Columbus would receive an eighth of the benefits provided by the armed forces but if he participated in the expenses with the same amount.

It should therefore be noted that the agreement had a double legal nature since, on the one hand, it was royal concession of the monarchs to Columbus, although, on the other hand, it was also constituted as a contract that bound both parties. It is true that, being a royal concession, the sovereigns could unilaterally break the agreement, but it embodied a series of rights and obligations.

For example, Columbus's heirs acted as if the agreement were a contract, and when the crown did not comply with the provisions, they sued it in the so-called Columbian lawsuits. Everything was caused by the general licenses that, from 1499, the monarchs gave to any sailor to make expeditions to the new lands.

What were the Capitulations of Santa Fe - Contents of the Capitulations of Santa Fe

Image: Slideshare

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