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The 4 differences between Biofeedback and Neurofeedback

Although they may not be one of the best known procedures, biofeedback and neurofeedback are treatments that little by little are enjoying increasing applicability in different disorders, both medical and psychiatric. These are two techniques that are usually closely associated, neurofeedback being one of the existing types of biofeedback. But despite this, there are some differences between the two concepts. In this way, we are going to dedicate this article to talk about the differences between biofeedback and neurofeedback.

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Definition of both concepts

There are slight differences between neurofeedback and the other types of biofeedback, but before we can determine which they are in the first place it is necessary to make a brief description of each of these concepts.

Biofeedback: basic description

Biofeedback is known as that set of techniques used at a therapeutic level that base their operation on awareness of biological and physiological processes

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that our body carries out in different problem situations. This awareness is carried out with the help of different procedures or technologies, and it is intended that after that the subject can not only recognize but also come to voluntarily control biological processes generally not conscious.

The main objectives of this technique are to acquire control over the physiological system, learn to maintain self-control of said system in the absence of biofeedback and generalize said self-control.

The type of responses or biological elements that can be tried to regulate through this technique is very varied, and can belong to practically any body system. Temperature, electrodermal activity, muscle control, heart rate or blood volume in a certain area are examples of this. The instruments used for its measurement are also highly variable.. Based on the elements measured, we can find different types of biofeedback, being the electromyographic one of the best known (based on the activity of the muscles).

It has been used having proven efficacy in different disorders and diseases, such as neurological problems, cardiac, muscular, intestinal, respiratory, chronic pain, allergies or psychological problems such as stress or anxiety.

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With regard to neurofeedback, we are facing a prior art specialization which is based on the control of the electrophysiological activity of the brain itself. In other words, in this type of biofeedback the recording of brain electrical activity is used to train the subject to control it through visualization.

The recorded brain waves will be converted into a signal which will be used to teach control of brain activity patterns. It is possible that the patient is shown his encephalogram directly or that this signal is previously analyzed and processed in such a way that it is transform into different visual stimuli (e.g. numbers) or topographic maps of the brain that allow 3D visualization of brain areas and their activity.

This type of biofeedback is very useful for training in various skills and for patients to observe their brain activity in disorders or problems such as insomnia, epilepsy, ADHD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, memory problems, lack of impulse control, learning problems, aphasias and other problems with language or levels of anxiety or stress. Also in paralysis and paresthesia, eating disorders or urinary incontinence.

Main differences between biofeedback and neurofeedback

As we have seen through its definition, biofeedback and neurofeedback are two techniques that present a large number of similarities, neurofeedback being in fact a type of biofeedback. However, have a series of differential characteristics that could lead to separate both types of technique. Among them, the following stand out.

1. Specificity level

One of the clearest differences that is visible from the beginning of the article is the level of specificity of both techniques. Neurofeedback, also known as electroencephalographic biofeedback, is a specific type of biofeedback aimed at learning to control brain activity patterns. The term biofeedback would encompass this and other types of biofeedback, being necessary to specify the type of biological information that is going to work.

2. Processes that are worked on

Although the objective of both biofeedback and neurofeedback is to help patients learn to control initially unconscious processes In such a way that these processes do not escape their control and cause them harm, the truth is that the fields of application are somewhat different between Yes.

In general, at the biofeedback level, work is usually done at the level of control of the chosen activity, that is, in learn to control respiratory or cardiac activity for example, or the flow of blood to certain parts of the body Body. It It can also be used on a psychological level to reduce anxiety or stress levels, but it mainly applies to bodily aspects.

However, neurofeedback tries to give some control over the level of brain activation. Although this includes a certain corporeality, the aspects that will be particularly focused on are mainly mental, having to control mental activation to be able to introduce changes in the pattern cerebral.

3. Level of complexity

Another possible difference between neurofeedback and other types of biofeedback occurs in the level of complexity involved in the measurement and use of the technique. And it is that although muscular or even respiratory control is a concept that is not strange and it is easy to visualize how To be carried out (although it may be more complex than it seems), the same does not happen when we talk about patterns of brain activity. We are not used to trying to exert some control over this organ, and it can be a both abstract to understand that certain ways of acting correspond to the stimulus that is presents.

4. Technical difficulties

The aforementioned complexity can not only be practical, but also methodological. And it is that correctly registering the encephalographic activity and also indicating the areas responsible for it presents more difficulties than the registration of other types of activities, despite the fact that nowadays there is more and more knowledge of cartography and knowledge of the operation cerebral.

It should also be taken into account that the activity necessary to activate certain brain reactions in each brain can vary greatly depending on nerve configuration or even the personality of the patient.

Bibliographic references:

  • Carrobles, J.A. (2016). Bio / neurofeedback. Clinic and Health, 27 (3): 125-131.

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