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The Industrial Revolution: year of beginning and end

The Industrial Revolution: year of beginning and end

The year of start of the Industrial Revolution We place it in 1780 in which a long process began where new social classes would appear, an improvement in agriculture and an increase in cities (given this in part to the emergence of the aforementioned new society before). By the time the industrial revolution ended in 1850, the entire social and economic landscape had changed.

In this lesson from a TEACHER we are going to talk about Industrial Revolution: year of beginning and end, a process of continuous economic growth based on the application of new techniques and the concentration of production units, which increased goods and services. For this reason, we must know the dates of the industrial revolution: 1780-1850.

The beginning of the Industrial Revolution is in England Because a series of necessary conditions were met for this to be possible:

  • In the first place, there was a Agricultural revolution that came as a result of the integration of new techniques, such as the four-year rotation and the abandonment of the fallow.
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  • Second and not least, we will find a population growth, which was closely related to the agricultural revolution discussed above, as there was more food, the mortality rate was lower.
  • On the other hand, we must also mention that the hygienic conditions improved remarkably. This made for a large amount of labor This had a negative impact on wages because, as there were more people looking for work, employers began to offer quite low wages.
  • A third important element for the industrial revolution to take place was the foreign trade, which provided raw materials from the five continents. And the last factor was the defense of the capitalist system by the English state, which directly benefited businessmen.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover the causes of the Industrial Revolution.

As we have already commented, the start year of the industrial revolution is 1780 due to the factors mentioned above. On that date we will find a great advance in the cotton textile industry thanks to the introduction of the steam engines. Around 1830 there was another strong push, this time reaching the steel industry, due to the great railway construction that began to take place.

Therefore we have to bear in mind that the industrial revolution was made thanks to the invention or rather the launch of the steam engine, which facilitated the work in the factories, in addition to making the means of transport much more efficient, due to the reduction in the time in the transport of goods.

By the end of the industrial revolution in 1850, industry had experienced a great boost, thanks in large part to capitalist investment.

The revolution in transportation

The beginning of the XIX century was the moment of the appearance of the railway and the steamboat navigation, offered a solution to the growing need of commerce and industry to transport goods in a more fast.

In this video of a PROFESSOR we discover the development of the Industrial Revolution so you know everything that took place during this historic moment.

The Industrial Revolution: year of beginning and end - The revolution in industry

The most important consequence and that we must highlight among all those that occurred during and after the industrial revolution, is consecration of capitalism as an economic system.

In the social aspect, the consolidation of the class society, which made the bourgeoisie differentiate itself from the proletariat (people who only counted on their strength at work) and from the small artisans or peasants. Within the bourgeoisie we will find great differences, because there were very wealthy people, such as the great merchants, industrialists or bankers, who wanted to join the nobility and the middle or lower bourgeoisie who had businesses very inferior.

The bourgeoisie was the great beneficiary of the industrial revolution, since it was their industries that gained capital, while those affected were the working class, because although the rate of Mortality had dropped considerably and hygiene was better, working conditions were quite strong, and wages very low. This would eventually lead to a series of union revolutions that would end in the improvement of the living conditions of the proletariat.

In this other video we delve into the consequences of the Industrial Revolution.

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