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The 20 countries with the most gender violence in the world

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Gender-based violence is a major global problem that takes the lives of thousands of people every year. And even in cases where death is not caused, it can destroy the person on a physical and mental level simply by being born with specific genitalia.

As we have said, this worrying phenomenon occurs globally, although there are certain geographic areas and countries in which it is more widespread for various cultural reasons.

This has generated multiple investigations and analyzes, to the point of having carried out different classifications based on various types of aggression and violence exerted against one sex (specifically the woman). Throughout this article let's briefly see the 20 countries with the most gender violence.

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What is gender violence?

Before going on to talk about the countries where there is a higher prevalence of gender-based violence, it is advisable to make a brief definition of the concept in question.

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Any act (or absence / denial of it) carried out voluntarily and purposefully by a person with the name of gender violence receives the name objective of causing harm or suffering to another, and whose origin or motivation lies in the fact that the attacked party is part of a gender or sex concrete. That is, there is an attack on a person for the simple fact that he has certain genitalia. In most cases, this type of violence is exerted by the man against the woman, being derived from gender roles that have traditionally placed women in inferiority and submission to men.

Gender violence encompasses very different types of violence, including physical, psychological and sexual violence as the most common but there are other types of violence such as social (limitation of the person's contact with their environment) or patrimonial (destruction of their heritage). Specific acts may include but are not limited to direct assaults, sexual abuse and assault (including rape), public humiliation and humiliation (either directly or indirectly), threats and constraints.

The effects on the victim of these mistreatments can vary enormously. On a physical level, a large number of injuries, hemorrhages, induce coma and even death can occur. Psychologically, any of these types of abuse are usually experienced in a traumatic way, in addition to being able to generate a decrease in the level of self-esteem (something that on the other hand is the objective of many abusers), situations of dependency towards the aggressor, anxiety and anguish. In some cases, autolytic or suicidal ideas occur, sometimes consummated. Also it is common for abuse to generate distortions at the cognitive level, underestimating the seriousness of the situation or even in extreme cases to the level of blaming herself and considering herself worthy of abuse.

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The 20 countries with the highest level of gender violence

Here is a brief list of the 20 countries with the most gender violence, based on the data provided by different studies carried out by different agencies. Most of these are countries located in the Southeastern part of the Mediterranean and in Africa, although we will also introduce examples from America and Europe. It is not a ranking, but we will simply see the names of some of the countries where the highest level of gender-based violence occurs.

Of course, it must be taken into account that the information used to find out this is not available in all countries of the world, and in some cases they are estimates based on related data.

1. India

One of the countries that consistently ranks among those with the highest level of gender-based violence is India, being the violence, exploitation and sexual slavery the most common type of violence (there are about a hundred sexual assaults daily). Genital mutilation, forced domestic labor and arranged marriage from infancy are also common. Although little by little the country begins to react and develop stricter laws to prevent it, a traditional mentality remains in force that relegates women to a position of inferiority That has caused many to suffer physical and sexual abuse and in many cases are murdered.

2. Syria

Another of the countries that usually coincide in the first positions of countries with the highest level of gender violence and the greatest danger for women is Syria. Domestic violence and sexual violence occur in a very high proportion. What's more the situation after the arrival of the war has worsened considerably, greatly increasing the sexual exploitation and slavery of women.

3. Afghanistan

Afghanistan is also one of the countries with the highest level of gender violence, both physically and mentally, and even sexually. It is estimated that around 9/10 women have suffered or will suffer from it in their lives at some time. It is also considered one of the most restrictive countries for women.

4. Somalia

Somalia is another of the countries with the most gender violence, in which practices such as clitoral ablation and honor killings stand out. Many women die or have their life or freedom severely limited because of these practices. Rapes are also common, even as a weapon of war to frighten the citizens of the region. Women's legal rights are minimal, although in the part of Somaliland there are regulations that reduce sexual discrimination.

5. Democratic Republic of Congo

The Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the countries with the highest level of violence sexual violence against women, specifically at the level of rape (sometimes also as a weapon of war). Domestic violence, both physical and mental, are also common on a day-to-day basis.

6. Saudi Arabia

Although little by little it seems that the situation is beginning to improve for women in this country, the truth is that Saudi Arabia is still considered as one of the most repressive countries, with no laws against gender violence and depending for almost everything on the permission of the male. Violence is exercised and, as in other countries, hidden by those who suffer it. In one of the studies carried out by the National Human Rights Association, it was concluded that around 93% of women in this country had suffered some type of aggression by their partner.

7. Yemen

The poor consideration of the figure of women in this country makes Yemen one of those that most facilitate the appearance of gender-based violence, being among the first positions in countries with the highest level of this type of violence. violence. Nor does the law offer protection from the practice of a wide variety of abuses.

8. Nigeria

Another African country that is among those that endure higher levels of gender-based violence, especially at the sexual level, is Nigeria. In addition to this type of violence, they also face discrimination and difficulties in obtaining basic services.

9. Pakistan

In Pakistan, the situation of women is also one of the most complicated in the world, with a high level of abuse of women and there are a large number of deaths and mutilations (for example, those caused by acid). Around 95% of women suffer abuse.

10. Uganda

In this country, some studies have observed the presence of gender and sexual violence not only against adult women but also also against children with disabilities: 24% of these girls indicate having suffered abuse. Physical and mental violence is also common.

11. Honduras

Honduras is the country in South America that counts the most deaths due to gender violence, and in fact the UN is considered as one of the countries without a present war conflict with the most femicides (14.6 / 100,000) of the world.

12. Central African Republic

In this country, the insecurity caused by recent wars has generated an increase in the possibility of suffering some type of violence, including sexual violence. What's more most medical centers do not have the capacity to treat victims this.

13. Argentina

One of the South American countries with the highest level of gender violence, the records show a large number of murders of women resulting from this cause. Although there are laws that seek your protection, there is still a very conservative view of gender roles.

14. Iraq

Another country where women's rights are lower and where gender-based violence is more likely to appear is Iraq. Levels of physical and sexual violence are high, especially after the relatively recent war conflicts.

15. Mexico

Also in Mexico we find one of the countries most marked by gender violence, with sexual abuse by the partner being common. So is physical abuse. In fact in some areas this type of violence is socially accepted. More than 23,000 women have been murdered in the last 10 years.

16. Venezuela

One of the Latin countries with the highest level of gender violence is Venezuela, with almost 40% of women suffering this type of abuse.

17. Guatemala

Another of the South American countries that holds the title of being one of those that suffer the highest level of gender violence, as well as one of the countries with the highest level of feminicide, is Guatemala.

18. Denmark

Denmark is the European country with the highest level of abuse and gender violence, with almost 48% of the female population suffering some type of violence. Is It occurs fundamentally in the family and partner context, but also in the workplace.

19. Finland

Despite the fact that it is a country that stands out in a large number of facets including educational practices, the truth is that Finland is one of the European countries that suffer the highest level of gender-based violence, with around 47% of women who have suffered some type of violence due to their sex. Interestingly, it is also one of the countries that spends the most on developing protection policies and one of the least sexist.

20. USA

Probably the inclusion of the United States within the countries with the highest gender violence may seem strange, but the truth is that some studies put this country in one of the first positions regarding the risk of suffering sexual harassment and violenceas well as in regards to psychological abuse.

Bibliographic references:

  • Forsythe, D. P. (2008). Encyclopedia of Human Rights, Volume 1. Oxford University Press.
  • Terry, G.; Hoare, J. (2007). Gender-Based Violence. Oxfam.

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