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The Fourth Crusade: Summary

In this HISTORY video we will explain "The Fourth Crusade: Summary".

The Fourth Crusade: Summary. The Crusades were a series of military campaigns that ran from the 11th to the 13th centuries. Promulgated as a holy war by the Christian kingdoms of the West to reconquer the sacred land of the Middle East.

The fourth crusade, as I tell you, goes from 1202 to 1204 and it is proclaimed, as the 3rd crusade had failed in the conquest of Jerusalem, this 4th is summoned to see if the crusaders can definitely reconquer the kingdom of Jerusalem from Muslim hands, particularly from Saladin (although Saladin had died, we refer to his his dynasty). As we will see, this fourth crusade is the most disastrous of all because they do not even reach the holy land but are dedicated to plundering Christian kingdoms. To situate ourselves, we have to understand that at that time there had been quite hard confrontations and conflicts between the empire, the holy Roman-Germanic empire and Venice against the Byzantine Empire (for commercial and economic issues).

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With this, the armies that had been constituted as crusaders to go to the holy land, could not cross Europe in the Anatolian peninsula, but had to do it by sea. They thought of hiring the great Venetian fleet so that crossing the Mediterranean, they would take them to Cairo and from there they could attack the kingdom of Jerusalem in the hands of the Muslims. What happened was that the Venetians asked for a large amount of money that the crusaders at that time could not afford.

If you want to know more about the subject "The Fourth Crusade: Summary", don't miss this video and practice with the exercises that we have on our website.

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